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Friday, May 17, 2024

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Opposes Cuts to Hunger Relief in House Farm Bill Calls on Rep. Lucas to put Oklahomans facing hunger first


(OKLAHOMA CITY) – April 17, 2018 – The following statement is from Katie Fitzgerald, Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma:

 “The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma expressed dismay at language included in the 2018 Farm Bill by the House Agriculture Committee that would significantly reduce food assistance to Oklahomans living with hunger. Particularly, the deep cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will be devastating to the clients we serve, and there is no way charities like ours can make up the difference.

“Our food bank is part of the fabric of central and western Oklahoma and feeding neighbors in need is a shared responsibility. Each day we see the partnership reflected among our community-based partner agencies, volunteers and donors in the 53 counties we serve. But the nonprofit sector cannot do this alone — for every one meal provided by Feeding America’s network, of which the Regional Food Bank is a member, the SNAP program provides 12. SNAP is a cornerstone federal nutrition program and vital to addressing hunger in Oklahoma and across the country.  It is also critical to our state’s economy, generating business for retailers and related jobs.

“While we understand that a piece of legislation like the Farm Bill involves compromises and competing priorities, ensuring that Oklahomans and all Americans have the ability to put food on the table should be considered fundamental. Any reductions to the SNAP program whatsoever should be deemed unacceptable by Congress.”

About the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is the state’s largest hunger-relief organization and a member of Feeding America’s network of Food Banks. The 501(c)(3) nonprofit provides enough food to feed more than 136,000 hungry Oklahomans each week through a network of more than 1,300 schools and charitable feeding programs in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties. Since its inception in 1980, the Regional Food Bank has distributed more than 613 million pounds of food to feed Oklahomans living with hunger. For more information, visit http://www.regionalfoodbank.org; find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/regionalfoodbank or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/rfbo.

Senator Lankford, Intel Committee Unveil Recommendations To Secure Election Infrastructure


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today participated in a Senate Intelligence Committee press conference to unveil Committee recommendations to secure America’s election infrastructure.

“It is vitally important that we secure our elections systems in America,” said Lankford. “This isn’t just about Russia – they were the ones to pursue these efforts in 2016, but it is just as likely that another state actor like North Korea or Iran or a hacktivist group will attempt these same things in 2018, 2020, and beyond. We must secure our infrastructure so that no nation-state or other actor has the ability to sow distrust or uncertainty to the very foundations of our democracy.”

In December, Lankford introduced the Secure Elections Act, a bipartisan bill that mirrors many of the Committee recommendations to strengthen election cybersecurity in America and protect against foreign interference in future elections. The original co-sponsors of the Secure Elections Act are Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Kamala Harris (D-CA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

During the 2016 election, intelligence reports have established that Russia hacked presidential campaign accounts, launched cyber-attacks against at least 21 state election systems, and attacked a US voting systems software company. While there is no evidence that a single vote outcome was tampered with, this dangerous precedent should be a wake-up call going into the 2018 election cycle. To protect against these threats, the bipartisan Secure Elections Act seeks to fix the existing problems and aims to bolster election systems against future threats while protecting states’ primacy in running elections.

Cole Mourns Loss of General Colin Powell


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after learning of the loss of former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell.

“It was with great sadness that I learned of the unexpected passing of Colin Powell,” said Cole. “America has lost not only a great warrior and respected statesman but a genuinely wise and decent man. Secretary Powell was a role model and a patriot revered and respected by millions of Americans of every race, ethnicity and political persuasion.

“During my time in politics and in Congress, I had the privilege of interacting with Colin Powell. While we didn’t agree on every issue, I respected his perspective, his thoughtful approach to every issue, his deep patriotism and his long and selfless service to our country. 

“I extend my sympathy to the Powell family, including his wife of 59 years, Alma Powell, and his loving children and grandchildren. All America grieves with them in their loss. 

“In the words of our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, Colin Powell spoke to ‘the better angels of our nature.’ His calm voice in these turbulent times will be greatly missed.” 

The Blessing of Being American


As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables, I hope you will join me in reflecting on the incredible blessings we have – simply because we are Americans. Indeed, this annual tradition of joining together in collective gratitude transcends differences in political parties and points of view.

No matter one’s feelings on the state of affairs in our country, Thanksgiving is a reminder that we are still the most fortunate people on earth. We live in the greatest country in the world. We live in the freest country that mankind has ever seen. And we live in a country that provides more opportunity and more security for its citizens than any other nation ever has in the history of humanity.

I hope that as you give thanks with your family, friends and loved ones this year, you take a moment to remember how extraordinary the blessing we all have been given to live in the remarkable United States of America. I hope you give thanks for the people who protect us, including our men and women in uniform at home and abroad, who never truly stand down. I hope you give thanks for our law enforcement and those first on the scene during emergencies who, even on the most sacred holidays, are ready to respond. I hope you give thanks for people who work in stores, for farmers who provide our food and for energy producers who make sure we can heat and power our homes. 

Americans look after Americans. We depend on one another as a people. We lend a hand and come to one another’s aid in times of crisis, and we always end up stronger and even more resilient. And that generosity, desire to improve lives and willingness to help is extended to people around the world in incredible ways.

So as you count your blessings and say your prayers of gratitude, I hope you remember how lucky we all are to be Americans. May God bless you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving.

Cole Announces Congressional App Challenge for OK-04


Moore, OK – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) today encouraged middle school and high school students in the Fourth District of Oklahoma to participate in this year’s Congressional App Challenge. This annual competition is designed to promote innovation, engagement and excellence in computer science through student development of an application (“app”).

“The Congressional App Challenge is a fantastic way for students to explore and sharpen their coding and computer-based skills, which could prepare them for potential careers in STEM fields. As this unique challenge gets underway, I look forward to seeing the ideas and creativity of Fourth District students.”

While participating students are encouraged to register online by September 10, the final deadline for entries is 12:00 p.m. on October 19, 2020. Fourth District entries will be judged and selected by a local panel of relevant experts.

The submissions portal is now open and students can register to participate at www.congressionalappchallenge.us. Questions can be directed toStudentSupport@CongressionalAppChallenge.us or by calling Cole’s office at 405-329-6500.

Background on the Congressional App Challenge

Launched by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2015, this national contest invites students to create an application (“app”) for desktop/PC, web, tablet, mobile, raspberry Pi or other devices using any programming language – such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby or “block code.” The competition is open to all students who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of their coding experience. Winning apps from congressional districts across the country are eligible for display in the U.S. Capitol and featured on the House of Representatives’ website at House.gov

More information is available at www.congressionalappchallenge.us.

Cole Statement on President Biden’s Sanctions on Russia


Moore, OK – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after President Joe Biden addressed the nation regarding Russia’s invasion of two regions in Ukraine and U.S. plans to impose sanctions.

“In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden was right to announce planned U.S. sanctions for this aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, I fear this action may be too little too late,” said Cole. “Indeed, Russia has been amassing troops and blood on the Ukrainian border for months now and flouting the limits of international law. While swift and severe sanctions on Russia are important for defending our NATO allies and preserving the order on the world’s stage, I am concerned that Russia is not intimidated or deterred.”

Senators Lankford and Klobuchar Submit Election Security Legislation As NDAA Amendment


WASHINGTON, DC – Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) today submitted provisions from their Secure Elections Act as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The purpose of the amendment is to strengthen America’s election cybersecurity and protect against the possibility of future foreign interference by streamlining cybersecurity information-sharing between federal intelligence entities and state election agencies and providing security clearances to state election officials.

“The security of our election systems is a major national security issue, and it is appropriate for this legislation to be included in the National Defense Authorization Act,” said Lankford. “This legislation will help states prepare our election infrastructure for the possibility of interference from Russia, Iran, North Korea, or a domestic hacktivist group. I’m grateful that our national security agencies have worked with states to make improvements, but this legislation is needed to help us better prepare for all election-related threats.”

 “Election security is national security and our intelligence officials have made clear that our election systems continue to be a target for foreign adversaries,” said Klobuchar. “We must do everything in our power to protect our democracy from future attacks. That is why Congress should pass our Secure Elections Act amendment that will improve information about cyber attacks so states can respond in real time. With only 151 days until the next election, we must act now.”

Along with Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Lankford and Klobuchar originally introduced the bill in December. With the support of Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA), they worked with stakeholders to revise the bill and reintroduce it in March. The funding portion of the original legislation, $380 million, was included the Omnibus Appropriations bill that passed in March, however, the other provisions of the bill have not been passed into law yet.

Lankford Commemorates Black History Month


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today praised the important work in the US Senate to honor Black History Month and to continue to address improving race relations in the US. This week, Lankford cosponsored a Senate resolution to formally commemorate Black History Month. Lankford also joined Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Tim Scott (R-SC) to finally address the crime of lynching through theJustice for Victims of Lynching Act.

“In February, our nation pauses to reflect on the achievements of so many black Americans who have courageously, inspiringly, and often in the face of great adversity paved the future for our nation and helped heal the wounds of racism we still sadly face,” said Lankford. “As Americans, I believe we can and should highlight members of our communities who lead and serve others. In Oklahoma, leaders in the black community from businessmen and women to government leaders to teachers help improve our communities and work to inspire young Americans.

“Our work is ongoing even today to address the stain of racism on our nation’s history. Most of the issues associated with racism in our nation cannot be solved by legislation; they are heart issues. However, there are some areas in which government can and should step forward and provide a solution. I cosponsored the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act because I believe we should once and for all condemn and criminalize lynching as ‘a pernicious and pervasive tool’ that ‘succeeded slavery as the ultimate expression of racism in the United States.’ This bill seeks to right a wrong and provide a tool that DOJ needs to fully prosecute this type of crime. I am grateful for the work of Senators Scott, Harris, and Booker to bring this bill to the floor.”

Tom Cole Wins Oklahoma’s Fourth District Republican Primary


Moore, OK – Tom Cole released the following statement upon winning the June 30th primary election:

“I thank the Republican voters of the Fourth District for once again nominating me to represent them as their candidate for Congress in the November general election. It is an honor and a privilege to represent the Fourth District of Oklahoma and fight for our shared values and interests in the House of Representatives. I look forward to making my case for re-election to the entire electorate in the fall campaign.

“I am proud of my record of significant accomplishments in Congress. Working in a bipartisan and bicameral fashion, I have helped to deliver the largest pay raise to our men and women in uniform in a decade, expand missions at Fort Sill and Tinker Air Force Base, deliver much needed assistance to families and businesses during the Coronavirus crisis and save an estimated 50 million jobs through the Paycheck Protection Program. I have also been a leader in securing funds for biomedical research to find cures and treatments for deadly diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s and pandemic flu. And I have established a reputation for being a strong advocate for the interests of veterans, federal workers, agriculture, energy and Native American nations and tribal governments. 

“I look forward to keeping in touch with the constituents I am privileged to represent in the coming months, discussing my record of results and my plans for tackling the important work that lies ahead.”

Resilience Amid Crisis​


This year, Independence Day comes at a time of great crisis and unrest for our country. But while the events of our day are troubling, remember that our nation was first born out of and found its footing in crisis. Throughout our great history spanning nearly 245 years, Americans have continually overcome even the most difficult challenges. That’s because Americans always rise to the occasion, proving our nation’s great strength. Certainly, that enduring strength and unbeatable resilience is alive as we navigate this season of crisis as well.

While the battle against coronavirus is far from over, it is encouraging to see the economy beginning to bounce back and Americans safely getting back to work. Moreover, rapid progress continues in development of effective therapeutics and discovery of a vaccine. And though any life lost to COVID-19 is too many, the declining death rate should lend hope that we’re getting better at treating the disease – as scientists and researchers race to find a life-saving vaccine.

In addition to the coronavirus crisis, the nation is also facing a difficult reckoning related to racial injustice following the tragic death of George Floyd. This has rightly spurred on an important dialogue and caused an outcry for change echoing far and wide. While there are differences in opinion on the needed solutions, it’s worth recognizing the goal is the same – and that is to make our communities safer for all, regardless of color or creed. While I am disappointed that we haven’t made much bipartisan progress on this issue yet, I am encouraged that serious legislative proposals have been put forward in both chambers of Congress. Moreover, President Trump issued an executive order to encourage meaningful policing reforms.

As we confront the difficulties and seek to reconcile divisions before us, remember that there is far more that unites us than divides us. On the Fourth of July, as we celebrate our precious freedoms secured at a great price, may we also remember the lasting legacy of our inherited American strength. For even amid the direst circumstances, we still live in the greatest and most resilient nation on earth.


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