Home Pages From the Past Life in Jefferson County in 1945

Life in Jefferson County in 1945

Life in Jefferson County in 1945

The following items were taken from the January 12, 1945 edition of the Waurika News-Democrat.

A Jefferson County soldier Surprises “Krauts”

The son of Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Avon of Ringling showed his courage. The following was written by Cpl. H.T. Hollis.

With the Seventh Army, France Division a 50 caliber machine gun with plenty of ammunition and he’ll take on any number of Germans.

Private first class, Bruce A. Avon of Ringling, Oklahoma, jeep driver and number one gunner for a Third Division Battle Patrol was on a reconnaissance mission when intense enemy fire was directed at the patrol.

The intensity of the fire made it obvious to the members of the patrol that they were greatly outnumbered and that they had no choice other than to pull back into their own lines.

PFC. Avon, however, had his machine gun and ammunition and he didn’t like the idea of not using the ammo, so as his buddies withdrew he turned his gun on the course of the enemy fire and emptied two belts before he too withdrew with his jeep.

The next morning it was discovered that Avon had been firing at an entire battalion of Germans, complete with three flak wagons, 20mm. fire, numerous machine guns and riflemen. The brazen act of settling up a lone machine gun and firing it at top speed as Avon did unnerved the enemy in the immediate sector and they had withdrawn-all but those who were left behind, the marks of Avon’s bullets.

LT. HOWARD ANDREWS writes from the battle front in France on Decembere 21, saying “I sure would like to get some good old Oklahoma sunshine.”

J.D. HUFFMAN, F 1/C is at Shoemaker, California, which is a receiving station. His wife and their three children, Pat, Mike, and Danny, live at Dublin, Texas.

CPL., CHAS. KENNEDY writes friends here advising to not get excited about the recent German drive as “we had to get the routs out in the open so we could get to them.

GLEN E. (BUDDY) PRICE, A.S. , writes Miss Dorothy Richardson from boot camp, San Diego California, that he was liking the new job very well.

F.W. FREEMAN, M.M. 1/C, stationed at Chelsea, Massachusetts, writes in to job the editors up about sending the News-Democrat as he enjoys it very much. He likes to get the news from home and to keep up with the boys he knows who are in the service.

DOYAL, TALMAGE RAGAN.,GM. 2/C of Hastings, son of Mr and Mrs. L.B. Ragan and Victor R. Foster, S 1/c met on Christmas day somewhere in the Southwest Pacific. They sure were happy to see each other. Victor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Foster of Temple. This is the first time they had seen each other in three years.

PVT. GENE CONNERS will read the News-Democrat while he is taking basic training at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, as Mrs. conners subscribed for him Monday. She reports Gene doing fine. he was inducted December 26 and she and the children, Lu See and Jimmie, will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ash for the duration.

HORACE BROOKS, PH. M. 1/C wrote seven letters which his wife received Monday. he says New Years as something to remember on his ship as everybody celebrated until about 3 am. With all the fun that went on though he said that each man or board expressed a New year’s wish that January, 1945, would not find him sitting out in the Pacific ocean but safe at home.

PFC KENNETH C. RAGAN writes that he is sending the Purple Heart recently awarded him to his wife and “Kenney” his baby son. Kenneth wrote Christmas eve under the head of “Germany” and the letter written December 28, had no country mentioned. Mrs. Ragan is expecting some “back” letters which will fill in a space when none came and which will perhaps tell her more about the award.