BASCO Leaving City, Heading to Duncan
The Waurika paper reported that BASCO Leathergoods was leaving Waurika to relocate in Duncan.
The business that created leather goods for companies like Neiman Marcus was located on Main Street Downtown Waurika. Their proposed location in Duncan would be the building previously used by Haggar Slack Company.
According to Terrence Cooksey, chairman of the Duncan economic development group, the conversation about moving BASCO had been going on for 18 months.
The company employed around 90 people.
Evidently BASCO had outgrown their building and was looking for more space.
Proposed 94-95 Waurika Budget
City Actual Proposed
Department 93-94 94-95
Total $344,799.79 $472,201.00
WHS Class of 1955 to meet November 25-26
The Waurika High School Class of 1955 will have an open house at the Senior Citizens Center Friday, November 25 and Saturday, November 26.
The Center is located at 108 S. Main.
New senator to hold county meeting
State Sen. Carol Martin: R-Comanche, will hold a county meeting tonight at the old Presbyterian Church in Waurika. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm.
Worley / Richardson relative to perform
Karis Worley, the daughter of Chris Worley and granddaughter of Fred and Barbara Richardson and Debra and Willis Worley Jr, all of Waurika, was recently selected for the gifted program in music at Calera Elementary School.
Zimmerman hosts Sorosis
Sorosis Club met in the home of Evaline Zimmerman Nov 4. She was assisted by Ruth Hammons, Juanita Lokey and kinda Griffin.
DonElla Howard led the club collected and the members enjoyed the informative program presented by Biff Eck on prescription drugs.
Members present were Gail Black, Margaret Bradley, Margaret Cramton, B Robbie Fitzgerald, Jun e Griffin, R. Griffin, Hammons; Evelyn Hicks, Oleta Holquist, Howard, Beth Liggett, Lokey, Mary Lowe, Martha McHale, Iva Mock; Johna Pryor, Carolyn Staton, Wanda Wood and Zimmerman.
Iva Mock will host the next meeting scheduled for Friday.