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Westbrook Nursing Home News

Westbrook Nursing Home News

 We are truly blessed here at Westbrook. This past Sunday we enjoyed our Annual Christmas Party with our families. We enjoyed music and singing by Cary Gore and J.P. Johnson from Down South Band. We had a visit from Santa, he presented each resident with a gift and our CDM, Cora Bailey presented a beautiful table with lots of delicious snacks. Cathy Maness’ sister Debra Palmer brought us some homemade fudge and pumpkin bread. It was delicious. Also the A Team, Christy Aguilera, Gracie Walling, Jasmine Millan, and Ta’ah Villarreal  made each resident a beautiful Christmas ornament. 

On Monday each resident received a beautiful Christmas card from Mrs. Forsyth’s and Mrs. Martin’s Kindergarten class. We loved them. Also, Mrs. Cummings’ second grade class brought cards to our residents. We loved them too. 

We really appreciate everyone thinking of us. A special thanks again to everyone who helped make our Christmas Party so special. 

Cary Gore and J.P Johnson

Thanks again to Cary Gore and J.P. Johnson for providing entertainment. We really enjoyed it.