Home Livestock Report A Sad Goodbye

A Sad Goodbye

A Sad Goodbye

 I am not good at Goodbyes, but time marches on and circumstances bring change. It is with mixed emotions that I say “So long” to the people of Jefferson County. As of July 1, my job title and description will officially change, and I will no longer be serving Jefferson County on a regular basis. The new fiscal year brings changes in OSU Extension budgetary guidelines and, consequently, changes in staffing to adjust to budgetary restrictions, both at the local and state levels.

      Beginning July 1, my job title will be 50% Agriculture Educator for Carter County and 50% Regional Forage Specialist for nine counties in south-central Oklahoma, including Love, Carter, Murry, Garvin, McClain, Cleveland, Grady, Stephens and Jefferson Counties. So, as you can see, I will still have a presence in Jefferson County, but it will be in a much more limited and focused capacity.

      While I look forward to the new challenges, in the twilight of my professional career, I will sorely miss the personal and professional relationships that I established and developed with the Jefferson County citizenship over the last 3.5 years. I will always cherish the friendships that I carry with me and Jefferson County will always occupy a special place in my heart and memory. I am anxious and excited to continue serving the Jefferson County agricultural community in my new capacity.

Thanks for allowing me to serve you these past few years and here’s to seeing you down the road. (obligatory handshake and wave!)

Follow me on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/leland.mcdaniel

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