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Jeffco COOP News

Jeffco COOP News

Jefferson County Free Fair – Thursday, August 27-Saturday, August 29, 2020

Many counties have cancelled their county fair this fall; Oklahoma City State Fair has been cancelled. However! Jefferson County Free Fair has been scheduled for Thursday, August 27 – Saturday, August 29, 2020 with modifications to try to follow CDC Guidelines due to COVID-19 pandemic. Pre-tagged items for Indoor Exhibits will be accepted until 2 p.m. Thursday, August 27 to allow Judging of items; the Exhibits Room will be open Friday, August 28; Livestock show will be Saturday, August 29.   Pet Show and the Tractor Driving Contest will be 6 p.m. Thursday, August 27.   Fair books with modifications are available at Jefferson County OSU Extension Office. 

Co-Parenting for Resilience Class for Separating or Divorcing couples with Minor children living in the home is offered monthly.  The next class offered in Jefferson County OSU Extension office will be Tuesday, August 11, 2020.  Registration is required; contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.

Oklahoma Home and Community Education – OHCE is in a unique position to help individual members and their families and communities develop a higher level of living through education. No other organization is better poised to develop community leaders and informed citizens through research based educational programs.  Our next meeting will be August 18 with a lesson “Emergency Preparedness”.

There will be modifications for our annual Quilt Turning scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, August 29; there will be no brunch served this year.

** Membership is open to any person interested in joining us as we learn research-based information and how to apply it to our daily lives.  Membership for 2021 is now being accepted.  Contact Tara Brown, Jefferson County OSU Extension Educator at 580-228-2332 for additional information.  Officers are: Melicia McFadden, president; Carolyn Watkins, vice president; Deborah Farrar, Treasurer.

Jefferson County 4-H:  Members – get your fair projects completed!  Online Enrollment for 2020-2021 will be available after August 1.  You will update your current 4-H Online Enrollment information- do not create a new profile!  If you are a new member and need assistance, call our office at 580-228-2332 and we will gladly assist you with your online enrollment!  

UNSOLICITED SEEDS FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES have been received in the United States.  If you receive packets of unsolicited seeds, do not plant them.  Call our office (580-228-2332) and we will open the lobby and assist you getting them mailed to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture for their investigation.  Thank you, Tara Brown, Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development, Int. CED

Heat Stroke vs Heat Exhaustion

Heat Stroke is A condition that occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature and can cause death or permanent disability.


• High body temperature


•Loss of coordination

•Hot, dry skin or profuse sweating

•Throbbing headache

•Seizures, coma

First Aid

•Request immediate medical assistance.

•Move the worker to a cool, shaded area.

•Remove excess clothing and apply cool water to their body.

Heat Exhaustion

The body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through sweating.


•Rapid heartbeat

•Heavy sweating

•Extreme weakness or fatigue


•Nausea, vomiting


•Fast, shallow breathing

•Slightly elevated body temperature

First Aid

•Rest in a cool area.

•Drink plenty of water or other cool beverages.

•Take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath.


Banana Cocoa Yogurt Pops


•1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt

•1 medium banana

•2 teaspoons cocoa powder

•1 ice cube tray (or paper cups)


1.Mash banana with a fork. 

2.Mix banana and yogurt well. 

3.Stir in cocoa powder. 

4.Divide into 4 small paper cups (or 8 mini muffin cups) and place in popsicle sticks (or cut paper straws).


6.Enjoy as a frozen treat!