Has been scheduled for Thursday, August 23 – noon Saturday, August 25. Indoor entries are due by 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 22. Baked items needing refrigeration may be brought in by 8 a.m. Thursday, August 23 morning – judging will take place Thursday, August 23. Bring your creativity in crafts, arts, baked items, canned items, dehydrated foods, refurbished clothing or furniture, photography, Vintage items, Quilts, home grown fruits and vegetables, etc. A fair book will be available prior to August. There will be a Pet Show, Tractor Driving Contest (contact your local Ag Teacher); Best Pie Maker and Best Cookie Jar contests AND a Homemade Ice Cream Contest are also scheduled! A Silent Auction will be held until 11:30 a.m. Saturday, August 25. Come see and bid on items. Proceeds will go towards assisting with Fairground buildings’ repairs. Jefferson County OHCE Annual Quilt Turning will be 10 a.m. Saturday, August 25 – come see beautiful quilts and quilted items.
Come to the Fair and join the fun!
Co-Parenting for Resilience: Divorce or separation is not an easy or favorable decision, especially when minor children are in the home. A class for divorcing or separating parents with minor children living in the home. My next class is scheduled for 1 p.m. Monday, September 17, 2018 (there will be no class in July). Pre-registration is required. Call Jefferson County OSU Extension Office at 580-228-2332 for registration information. This class is mandatory by law in Oklahoma and is also valuable for Grandparents and other relatives of minor children going through a divorce or separation.
Jefferson County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service through Oklahoma State University offers researched-based programs and information. We assist with mailing and interpreting Soil Samples, Forage Samples, and some Water Samples. If you have questions about plant diseases or why are your trees’ foliage falling off, or any other Agriculture, 4-H or Family and Consumer Sciences questions, call 580-228-2332 or come to 802 East D’ Street (Jefferson County Fairgrounds) and visit with Leland McDaniel, Extension Educator, Agriculture/ 4/H Youth Development and Tara Brown, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development.
Jefferson County 4-H
4-H Slogan
“Learn by Doing”
Online Enrollment for 2018-2019 begins September 1, 2019 call our office if you need assistance completing online enrollment.
Jefferson County 4-H Talent Show is scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday, September 29, 2019 at the Ryan High School. This is open to all enrolled and active Jefferson County 4-H members. Let our office know by 3:30 p.m. Monday, September 10, 2018.
Come support our talented 4-H members and have fun with us!
The SW District counties have been divided among the NE, NW/W and SE Districts.
Jefferson County will now be a county in West District.
A great opportunity for leadership for our 4-H members who are in the 7th grade or older as of September 1 2018, is the West District Action Conference.
The goal of the Conference is to share ideas and information that youth can take home and share in their county or community, as well as to improve themselves.
This year the conference will be held October 17-19, 2018 at the Reed Conference Center, Midwest City, OK.
Registration is due to our office by 3:30 p.m., September 10, 2018. Call Tara Brown for additional information.
Jefferson County OHCE (Oklahoma Home and Community Education) Group will meet at noon Tuesday, August 21 in the Waurika Sr. Citizens Center with a paint craft following the Business meeting. Our September meeting will be Tuesday, September 18. Come eat lunch with us at 11:30 a.m. prior to our meeting.
Helping Oklahomans live their best lives through education and service. That’s what Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. is all about.
OHCE has been around for the better part of a century – it was established in 1935.
Though residents may not be well acquainted with the organization, it’s highly likely they’ve benefitted in some way from OHCE’s local, national and even international outreach.
“OHCE is an extremely giving organization that collectively does many outstanding things both here in the state of Oklahoma and around the world,” said Kathy Fentress, OHCE state vice president.
In fact, seven years ago when Fentress was looking for volunteer opportunities and a way to meet other women in her local community in McCurtain County, OHCE’s giving nature was a huge attraction.
“Such a generous and hard-working organization makes a huge difference in everything it touches!” she said.
Even with data from only a third of OHCE groups reporting their outreach activities in 2017, the eye-popping numbers spotlight just how busy the organization’s 3,600-plus members have been: more than 72,000 pounds of materials recycled; over $47,000 worth of clothing donated; more than $48,000 in plants, trees and shrubs planted; and over 73,000 volunteer hours logged in nursing home visits, reading and tutoring, equaling an economic value of more than $1,734,862.
According to its website, OHCE’s ultimate mission is to “educate its members to be well-informed and able to handle changes in their homes and communities.”
Through its close relationship with the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, which is headquartered at Oklahoma State University, OHCE members translate that vision into reality by learning then sharing research-based information on a wide variety of topics.
More specifically, county based OHCE groups work with family and consumer sciences Extension educators in each of Oklahoma’s 77 counties, as well as district and state Extension specialists, to identify local issues, develop educational programming and launch service projects to help families and communities address their concerns.
There also are 83 OHCE members serving as Master FCS volunteers and another 15 operating as Master Wellness Volunteers in Oklahoma and Tulsa counties. In these roles, OHCE members receive extensive training and help expand Extension’s efforts across the state to help enhance people’s quality of life.
Additionally, OHCE contributes to charitable organizations in local communities, statewide and worldwide.
Shelia Burnett, OHCE state secretary and an active member of an OHCE group based in Rogers County, said the organization is vitally interested in educating Oklahomans so everyone can live better, safer and happier lives.
“We are interested in helping to provide this education through any way possible,” said Burnett, who joined OHCE a few years after retirement then spent time searching for ways to keep busy, including “snowbirding” in South Texas and working at various U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lakes and parks as well as substitute teaching in the summer.
“None of the items I tried seemed to be what I needed. I wanted to be with a group of people my age that was doing something for the community and, most of all, that I enjoyed doing,” she said. “I continue to be a member because I found most of the things that I felt were requirements for my joining in the first place.”
With the group’s heavy emphasis on education, it’s not surprising there’s an especially strong push to support young people.
“We help with the young people of our community through 4-H and other projects,” Burnett said. “Scholarships are a way for us to help with the youth of our community.”
In fact, OHCE awards tens of thousands of dollars annually to Oklahoma students and for various individual and community projects. In the past six years, the total amount the group has poured into the state far eclipses $200,000.
OHCE programming and outreach isn’t only limited to youth, though.
The organization offers a robust slate of educational offerings including, but certainly not limited to, health and well-being, nutrition, voting rights, financial issues and budgeting, disaster planning, generational differences, recycling, reading improvement and women’s issues.
“These programs are open all across the state to everyone, not just members. OHCE members often take many programs directly to their communities in various ways,” Fentress said. “The more we learn, the better people we become. OHCE, with groups all across the state, is a vehicle for adding knowledge and improving the well-being for all Oklahomans.”
Although OHCE primarily focuses its good works on Oklahoma, it’s affiliated nationally with the Country Women’s Council of USA and internationally with The Associated Country Women of the World.
OHCE groups have sewn uniforms for young girls in Fiji, who otherwise would be unable to attend school without the required attire.
As part of an international initiative launched by the state board, OHCE funded transportation costs for nine students from an impoverished village in Mexico with an aim of helping them finish high school and continue on to university. Eight of the students have graduated from high school and are attending university and one is completing the final year of high school.
Along with all OHCE accomplishes Burnett pointed to an additional perk of working with the organization.
“This group – OHCE – is fun. You make friendships that are life lasting,” she said. “I am truly blessed with this group.”
Looking ahead, she expects OHCE to keep learning and sharing.
“I see continuation of what we do best – learning ourselves and teaching others – as our main and best focus to be helpful to the people of Oklahoma,” she said. “We must remember that our future is our young people. Recruiting younger members to our groups is vital to this.”
For more information about the organization, visit ohce.okstate.edu.