Season Ends For Eagles Basketball Squad In Regional Tourney  

GERONIMO - What was a tough season for the Waurika boys hoopsters ended here last Thursday night in the Class A Regional...

Oil Field & Southern 8 Conferences 

 Basketball awards for Ryan and Waurika have been announced by the Southern Eight and Oil Field conferences. Waurika’s Liberti...

Waurika Boy Scouts Participate in Mountain Day 2022

 Boys from Waurika Cub Scout pack 4460, recently participated in Mountain Man Day hosted by Cub Scout leader Alan Harper. 17 kids...

Dave Says

Choosing an executor is a vital part of the estate planning process Dear Dave, What exactly...

Swimming in the Piranha Fishbowl

Historically, certain professions accepted the reality of living in a “fish bowl.”  Politicians, pastors/ministers, school leaders, and city leaders all signed up...

Applications deadline March 30 for graduation honor cords

All Chickasaw citizens who are seniors in high school are eligible to apply for honor cords to display while graduating.