Home News Applications for Chickasaw Arts Academy now available

Applications for Chickasaw Arts Academy now available

Applications for Chickasaw Arts Academy now available

The Chickasaw Arts Academy is taking applications for the 2022 summer session. This unique academy emphasizes Chickasaw and other Southeastern First American cultures and tribal aesthetics through the fine and performing arts. Applications can be found at Chickasaw.net/ArtsAcademy. 

Applications must be  submitted by May 25. Eligibility requires participants to be between the ages of 8-18 by July 9, Chickasaw or dependent of a Chickasaw citizen or previous attendee. 

The Chickasaw Arts Academy is an intensive exploration of  various artistic fields, career preparatory programming and student-oriented skill development. Participants gain experience in 2D and 3D visual art, culinary art, musical theater, dance, vocal music, instrumental music and composition, photography, theater technology, video production, fashion and accessory design, costume design, special effects and makeup, and much more.


Students are divided into the following programs to accommodate specific ages and skill levels:

Starting Arts Rotation (STAR) (ages 8-10)

Orientation for students, parents and faculty is July 9. The academy begins July 11 and lasts through July 15. The one-week experience will culminate with an arts gala highlighting student work and a performing arts showcase Friday, July 15, at East Central University (ECU), located at 1100 E. 14th St., Ada, Oklahoma.

Academy activities for this age group take place during the day. Housing and transportation are not provided.

Intermediate (ages 11-13) and Majors (ages 14-18)

Orientation for students, parents and faculty is July 16. The academy begins July 18 and lasts through July 22. The summer session will conclude Friday, July 22, with an arts gala to share student work with visual art pieces, culinary creations and a showcase incorporating all of the performing arts disciplines into a final production at ECU.

Transportation is not provided. Intermediate academy sessions take place during the day.

Ages 14-18 may stay overnight on campus. Housing is provided for students ages 14-18. To attend the majors academy, students must be age 14 by July 16.

Attending the summer session of the academy is a prerequisite for the fall session, spring session and any additional session of the Chickasaw Arts Academy.

If accepted, students must be willing to commit to the entire length of the session. Students should have appropriate communications skills respective to their age, based on standard educational training.

To best serve the needs of students, please disclose any pertinent developmental and/or behavioral conditions so that accommodations or arrangements can be made prior to the academy.

For more information, contact the Chickasaw Nation Arts & Humanities office at (580) 272-5520 or email ArtsAcademy@Chickasaw.net.