92.6 F
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Waurika GFWC-OK Sorosis Club Planting Wildflowers


 Spring is a few months away, but several groups gathered on Monday to watch the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) plant wildflower seeds that will color the entrances to Waurika with beautiful flowers in late April and continue through July. The Waurika wildflower project is in its fifth year. It is a project of the GFWC-OK Waurika Sorosis Club, Color

Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation with cooperation from the City of Waurika and Jefferson County.

One hundred forty five pounds of wildflower seeds were donated to the Waurika Sorosis Club with just over half coming from a grant from Color Oklahoma. The grant was matched by donations from the Waurika Sorosis Club, Bartling Ranch, Bentley Bartling Enterprises and Marketing Solutions Groups. Additional Seeds were generously donated by Color Oklahoma Board Members Craig Williams owner of Williams Landscape in Lawton and Monica Bartling. Most of the seeds are perennials or seeds that re-seed themselves each year. “We add additional seeds each year to continually extend the area planted and also to keep the established areas blooming,” Craig Williams stated. “My vision is to have wildflowers blooming each spring along U.S Highway 81 from the Red River to the Stephens County Line and beyond.”

From Left, GFWC-OK Waurika Sorosis Club President, Lisa Adkins; Waurika City Manager, Kyote Dunn; Waurika Development Trust Chairman, Roy Bartling; Sorosis Club Co-Vice President, Jennifer Aldridge; Martin Villarreal, ODOT; City of Waurika Street Dept. Supervisor, Chad Dodson; ODOT Jefferson County Superintendent, Billy Martin, and ODOT employee, Blake Latta, met with ODOT on Monday morning about this year’s wildflower plantings.

“ODOT has a long standing Roadside Wildflower Program that has planted approximately 2,500 acres of wildflowers since the program’s inception in 1990,” according to Billy Martin, ODOT County Superintendent for Jefferson County. “This year we are planting 15.8 acres of seeds along the entrances to Waurika on U.S. Highway 70 and U.S. Highway 81 as well as State Highway 5. The US-70 planting includes both east and west entrances from the entrance to the Hospital to the east and where Highway 79 and US-70 merge to the West. 

We are also adding a planting on Highway 79 on the Oklahoma side of the Red River bridge. This program is just one of many programs that ODOT participates in or facilitates to keep our roadways beautiful across the state. This year we will also plant a Monarch habitat along US Highway 81 in Waurika.”

“We are pleased to assist with this project and support the plantings along the entrances to our city,” stated Kyote Dunn, Waurika City Manager. “We work hard to keep our city beautiful and support all the volunteers and programs that help with that goal. Part of our commitment is that we don’t mow the outer edges of the entrance at U.S. Highway 81 and “D” Avenue from April to July. This allows the wildflowers to grow and for them to re-seed at the end of the growing season. We do mow the areas closest to “D” Avenue for safety purposes, but there is a zone that we preserve for the growth of the flowers. We thank the individuals and organizations who donate to this project. There are no city funds used on the wildflower project and it actually saves us a little on mowing expenses.”

From Left, Color Oklahoma Board members, Monica Bartling and Craig Williams speak with
Martin Villarreal from ODOT about the wildflower planting on U.S 81 north of Waurika.

Elizabeth Scott, GFWC-OK Waurika Sorosis Club Environmental Chairperson for 2022-2024, stated, “The Wildflower Project is one of our club’s signature programs. Since 2018, with our first planting of seven acres north and south of the U.S. 70 and U.S 81 intersections, we continue to grow the area planted. We are grateful for Color Oklahoma working with us each year and that our club members are so supportive of this project. This year’s planting includes seeds for Indian Blanket, Lance Tickseed, Showy Primrose, Plains Coreopsis, Red Corn and California Poppies, and Bishop’s Flower.”

Color Oklahoma with Wildflowers is part of the Native Plant Society of Oklahoma.

Color Oklahoma provides grants to communities to purchase wildflower seeds. Color Oklahoma Grant Applications are available on the Color Oklahoma website and are due each year by July 31. Grants are funded through the sale of Oklahoma vanity Wildflower license plates. You can find out more about Color Oklahoma and how to purchase a license plate on the Color Oklahoma website at https://coloroklahoma.com/you-can-help/.

Waurika Academy Graduates


 The Waurika Police Department and City of Waurika would like to congratulate Officer Dyer and Officer Floyd for graduating the reserve Academy. Chief Gallaher would like to thank Officer Dyer and Floyd for all the hard work and dedication they put in over the last few months to become certified officers and help better protect our community. We are proud of you!

Turkey Recipes from Students

Turkey Recipes from Waurika Students

Mrs. Herron- Pre-K

Addilyn Fletcher: First, Co gets the turkey out of the icebox and puts it in the oven for 6 minutes. Next, she turns on a movie for me about Hocus Pocus. Then, we eat the turkey with a fork and chicken on top. Last, I go to play and Mo goes to the couch.

Andrew Klein: First, Mom cooks noodles for 3 minutes. Next, we eat them with pizza rolls. Then, we go to Chuck-e-cheese. Last, I read a book at my house.

Aryalyn Johnson: Fist, mom puts it in the microwave for a little bit. Next, we eat it and drink chocolate milk. Then, for dessert we eat a chocolate bar and ice cream. Last, we go to bed.

Ava Fannon: first, mom puts the turkey in the big microwave for 6 minutes. Next, she cuts the turkey, but she doesn’t let me eat the bones. Then, we eat it with cherry pie. Last, we go to bed.

Draven Billy: First, mom put some salt and pepper on the turkey and adds burger patties to it. Next, she takes out the bones. Mom cooks it on the stove for a while. Then, she waits and then we eat it and for dessert I have Tiger Bites. Last, My sister and I play tag at the park.

Jayden Vasquez: First, Mom puts the turkey in the Ice box for a long time. Next, she puts it on the table. Then, we wait 1 second to eat the turkey with macaroni. Last, we put the turkey in the trash.

Jordan Alvarez: First, Mom goes to find a turkey at the farm. Next, she cooks it in the microwave for 2 seconds. Then, we eat it with skittles. Last, we go play at the park.

Kyree Rodriguez: First, mom puts the turkey in the pan on the stove for 4 minutes. Next, she puts gloves on and takes the turkey out. Then, I play and wait for my food. Last, we eat turkey with ketchup on it.

Lillian Ruiz: First, momma takes the turkey’s body out and puts salt on it. Next, she mixes cookies with it and cooks it in the oven for 40 minutes. Then, we eat the turkey with unicorn cookies. Last, we eat green with chocolate chip ice cream.

Thomas Hatter- First, momma puts seasoning on the turkey. Next, we eat it. Last, I go play outside with my dogs.

Waylon Harris: First, Nana puts the turkey in the oven for 5 minutes. Next, we all go to her house to eat it with salt. Then, we drink ice tea. No dessert, but I ate cupcakes when I. got home. Last, I played outside with nana’s dog.

Taylen Hawkins: First, mom puts the turkey in the oven for 30 minutes. Next, she puts the turkey in a pan and sets it on the kitchen table. Then, we eat it with popsicles. Last, we clean up our mess.

Mrs. Isabell Pre-K

Artem Zorin: First, catch a turkey. Next, put it in the oven. Then, put sugar on it. Last, eat it.

Charlee Ralls: First, put it in the fryer. Next, cook it. Then, put syrup on it. Last, put it in the oven.

Grayson McGrew: First, cook a turkey. Next, Barbecue. Then, cook it. Last, put ketchup on it.

Hadlee Stallcup: First, pour milk in the turkey. Next, put corn and cucumbers in it. Then, put it in the oven. Last, make sure it’s tasty. 

Kayven Juperatum: First, fry. Next, toast it. Then, cook it. Last, eat it.

Lillian Schrader: First, put it in water if it is frozen. Next, cook it. Then, take it out. Last, Eat it.

Mckinsley Robertson: First, put sugar in the middle. Next, pour milk on it. Then, put a little rice. Last, put a little chicken.

Morgandee Lindsey: First, put butter on it. Next, banana in the turkey. Then, cook it. Last, eat it.

Scarlett Cornelison: First, put it in the oven. Next, let it cool off. Then, cut a piece. Last, eat it.

Mrs. Martin Kindergarten 

Julianna: First, Go buy turkey at the store. Take off plastic. Next, wait, take it out. Last, then eat. My favorite dish is mac n cheese.

Alice: First, kill it. Go to the house. Take off the feathers. Next, put it in the oven. Oven set at 7 degrees and cook for 2 minutes. Then, get out of the oven. Put it on the plate. Then get utensils. Last, eat it! Turkey and cookies are my favorite!

Zepplin: First, Go to the store, get turkey and take it out of the wrapper. Next, get a pan, put the turkey in the oven. Then, turn the oven to 5 degrees for 10 hours. Last, we eat it. Turkey and rolls with butter are my favorite.

Violet: First, go to the grocery store, cut the feathers, and head off so you don’t eat that part. Next, put salt and pepper on it, get it out. Last, eat it! Jello is my favorite to eat.

Kristoff: First, go to the store and buy a turkey. Next, take it home, 5 degree oven for 6 minutes. Then, eat it! My favorite is eating turkey.

Kasen: First, get turkey from Wal-Mart and take package off. Next, cook it at 12 degrees for 5 minutes. Then, eat it! Last, turkey is my fav.

Montana: First, go to Walm-Mart and buy one. Next, I will go and cook it at 99 degrees for 18 minutes. Then, Take it out and eat it with a knife, fork, and spoon.

Hooper: First, go kill a turkey then go home. Next, put it in the oven at 90 degrees for 9 minutes. Then, take out of the oven and eat it. Last, My favorite is the turkey!

Emerson: First, go find one behind the bushes. Then take the feathers off. Next, put the timer on 4 o’clock. Then, take it out and eat. Last, my favorite thing is the turkey.

Shaelie: First go to Wal-Mart get turkey. Next, Take to my house and put oven on 25 degrees and cook it for 26 hours. Then, wait until done then eat it. Last, my favorite thing is turkey and watermelon. 

Mateo: First, buy it at the store. Get a pan and out it in. Next, Put in oven at 10 million degrees for just 5 minutes. Then, open oven give it to my family and eat it. My favorite is marshmallows.

Daniel: First, go hunting for it. Bring it home. Next, cut it up and cook it. Put in oven at 60 degrees for 30 minutes. Then, you take it out of oven and cool it down. Last, you eat!! Turkey is my favorite.

Janie: First, go buy turkey at store. Next, take it to the house. Put the oven on 6 percent for 6 minutes. Them, put it on a plate. Then you get some utensils. Last, start eating! Ham and turkey are my favorite.

Presley: First, go to the store. Next, cook it. 4 degrees for 6 minutes. Then, eat it!

Faridah: First, catch one, put it on top of a pan. Next, turn oven to 5 degrees and cook for 10 minutes. Get it out. Than, eat it. My favorite is the turkey!

Zekiel: First, I could make the turkey with sparkles. I would buy it from the grocery store. Next, eat it with my family.

Kendall: First, go to the store, come home. Next, make a fire in the fire pit and put pot on fire for 6 hours. Then, take it off and get gloves and make it in to something. Last, eat! My favorite is thanksgiving food.

Mrs. Forsyth- Kindergarten

Macklynn Henderson: First, I will hunt for a turkey. Next, I will put some salad on the turkey. Then, I will cook the turkey for 10 minutes. Last, I will eat the turkey with family.

Bodee Harris: First, I would buy a turkey. Next, I will wash the turkey and season it with salt and pepper. Last, I will cook it and give it to my family.

Shaila Luna: First I will make a turkey. Next, I will cook it for a long time. Then, I will cut it up. Last, I will eat it. 

Emerson Copes: First, I will hunt a turkey. Next, I will cook it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then, I will cool it off in the freezer. Last, I will eat it.

Bladen Daily: First, I will hunt a turkey. Next, I will cook it for 5 minutes. Then, take it out of the oven. Last, I will eat it with my family.

Braelynn Tedford: First, I will put in microwave for 1 minute. Next, I will cut it. then, I will put pepper on it. Last, I will eat it.

Julius Castro: First, I will go to the store and buy a turkey. Next, I will invite my papa to his house. Last, I will eat the turkey with Brisa, Mom and Dad.

Elijah Houston: First, I will hunt for a turkey. Next, I will cook it. Then, I will put on seasoning. Last, I will eat with my family.

Rogers Forst: First, I will hunt for a turkey. Next, I will put the turkey on a pan and add some shrimp. Then, I will cook the turkey for 2 hours. Last, I will take it out and eat it with a knife and fork.

Avery Jones: First, I will buy a turkey. Next, I will cook the turkey for 5 hours. Then, I will season with salt and pepper. Last, I will eat it with family and grandparents.

Chase Allen: First, I will go to the store and bring a turkey home. Next,I will leave it till it is unfreezed. Then, I will put whipped cream on it and cook it for 10 hours. Last, I will wait till its done and watch TV and eat it.

Creek Denney: First, I will go to the grocery store. Next, I will fry the turkey for 5 minutes. Then, I will bake it for 6 minutes. Last, I will eat the turkey.

Coral Fox: First, I will get a turkey from the grocery store. Next, I will season the turkey and put a little sauce on it. Then, I will fry the turkey for 8 minutes. Last, I will eat turkey with my Grandma and Grandpa.

McKenna Benson: First, I will get a turkey from Walmart. Next, I will put something on it. Then, I will cook it in the oven for 1 minute. Last, I will make it and eat it with my family.

Bryson Bryant: First, I will go hunt for a turkey. Next, I will cook it with salt for 8 minutes. Then, I will cool it off. Last, I will eat with my mom and dad.

Harper Escalera: First, I will have a turkey in the fridge. Next, I will cook it in the oven. Then, I will bake it for 40 minutes. Last, I will share it with my family.

Jayt Simmons: First I will go to my NeNes house and buy a turkey at the store. Next, I will cook the turkey in the oven for 20 minutes. Then, I will get more food. Last, I will eat with my family and out plates in the sink.

Zoey Poage: First, I will get one from the store. Next, I will bake it in the oven for 8 minutes. Then, I will eat the turkey. Last, I will clean up.

Turkey Recipes from First Baptist Pre-School

Birdie B: In the oven for 45 hours with sprinkles. We don’t eat turkey. Feed it to the dogs and they can eat it with dog food.

Brooks B: In the oven first then on the stove for 65 hours. On top put pepperoni, cheese, pizza turkey, sprinkles,donuts, candy shirts, Ms. Sharon’s head and books, candy pumpkins, pencils, an eye, a picture of my brother I love, wrapped rocks and road lights. (Thank you Brooks, you can go play. But Ms. Sharon, I want to fill your whole page of paper, I am not done. I know Brooks, but I need to interview the other kids before they go home, lol!!!) 

Connor H: We don’t eat it. We eat chicken eggs. Travis, my dad, cooks them in a pan on the stove for 8 hours. We put sprinkles on cupcakes. I live with my dog Ace. I like to play with fire trucks with the hose and lights. We eat macaroni and cheese, bacon and cheese.

Marleen B: We only eat chicken. We cook it on the stove for 1 hour and then eat it up.

Max E: First we get a flying bird and cook it for 1 hour with sauce. Then it flies again and we eat it. Then we play on the playground.

Myla G: On the stove for 8 hours, eat it for dinner sprinkled with chocolate. Eat pizza with drinks.

Rebel H: Buy it. Flip it. And cook on the stove for 40 minutes. Spray it and then we play.

Stella B: Actually on top of the stove with sprinkles for 2 minutes. Then we eat it. and also the dogs.

Sutton D: Cut it in half, cook it in the oven for 5 minutes. Eat it for thanksgiving. I help my dad cook hamburgers. 

Tucker S: In the oven for 2 or 30 minutes with sprinkles. Eat it and cheese, then play.

Turkey Recipes from Ryan Students

How to cook a turkey?


Bowyn Clark: Get the turkey at home. Put juice on it. Don’t cook it or it will burn!

Bella Luttrull: Get the turkey from outside. Put ice on it. Put I the oven and let it cook for 3 hours.  It will be hot!

Cleo Hobbs:  Get a turkey from outside.

Dawson Johnson: Hunt the turkey by the tree.  Then kill it with your fingernails and hit it.  Put it in the oven for 5 hours.  Take it out and rub it with icing.

Emma Sinclair:  Turkey!!

Jayden Villarreal: Get the turkey from the forest.  Bake it in the oven for 20 minutes.  Then eat it.

Kyndal Klein:  Get the turkey from the tree.  Put it in the oven, then eat it.

Mila Hill:  Get the turkey from home. Fry it. Eat it.

Rhyan Hobbs:  Get turkey from forest store.  Cook it free with apple juice. Eat it.

Ronald Sain: Get the turkey at Cowboy school.  Take it to leave at my house.  Put hot sauce, meat and cheese on it.  Put in oven for 5 hours.  Then I go play cars. Then eat the turkey!

How to Cook and Thanksgiving Turkey

Mrs. Tomberlin’s 

Kindergarten Class

Aidan Baker: First, catch a turkey and have an ax ready. Cut the orange part of the legs off and the head. Next, take off all the feathers. Now, cook the turkey for 100 minutes and when the oven beeps it is done. Cool it off, cut it up and eat it.

Sawyer Dewbre: First, you cut up the turkey. Next, cook it for 8 minutes in a hot oven. Then eat it!

Jade Harrison: First, you buy a turkey from the supermarket, then you cook it for 6 minutes. Put it in a pan and then you eat it.

Denny Johnson: First, kill a turkey in the country. Next, cook it in the oven for 1 hour. Last, I will eat it.

Bentley Kimbro: First, I will get a turkey from Walmart. Next, put it in the oven for 15 minutes. It will beep when it’s done. Then eat it.

Laiklee Klein: First, get the turkey out of the fridge. Cook it in the oven for about 2 hours, until it beeps. Then take it out and put it on your table. Ask the kids to come to the table and eat it. Then tell your mom when you’re done and clean your mess up!

Tayleigh Klein: First, put a turkey on a pan and cook it for 10 minutes. Get it out of the oven and eat it. Have fun with your family!

Dorothy Rodriguez: Get a turkey from the country. Kill it and take off the feathers, then cook it. Then eat it.

Kaylyn Shockley: First, I put seasoning on it, then put some butter on it. Next, put on some sugar and cinnamon. Put it in the oven for 5 minutes, it will be done when it beeps. Take it out, then cut it up to eat!

Ryker Skinner: Ummm, sauce and pineapple. Mix it up. Bake it in the oven for 20 minutes. Put some gravy on it and cut it into pieces. That’s it!

Shooter Taylor: First, get a turkey from the farm. Put it in a sack and put it in the trunk. When you get home, cook it in the oven for 20 minutes. Then eat it. After that we clean up the mess and the table.

Ryleigh Todd: First, you get a turkey from the farm. Then you take it home and put it in the oven for a long time (10 hours). Get it back out and then you can eat it up!

How to cook a turkey?

More Students

Aron Villarreal:  He would stuff it with a chicken, and then put some cheese with some bread crumbs on top.  Next I would cook it on the barbecue pit for one hour.

Bentley Martin:  I would put some hot sauce on the turkey and cook it in a very hot oven a very long time. Then I’d take it out cut and add some more hot sauce and eat it.

Ellie Clark:  Throw it in a super-hot oven in a pan for 69 hours.

Garry Partain:  Put it in a pan and put it in the oven on hot, hot for 10 minutes.

Jacie Christian:  I will put it in a pan and put some hot sauce on it and put it in the oven on fifty-hundred degrees for  58 minutes then take it out and eat it.

Julie Ortiz:  Put it in a pan in hot real hot oven for 1 minute then put it on a plate to eat it.

Kensli Rodriguez:  Put it in a pan and put it in the microwave 5 minutes and then put it in the warm oven for 3 minutes then put it on a plate then put it the freezer then pull it out so we can eat it.

Leona Lozano:   Put it in a pan then sprinkle it with sugar then put it in the oven on *41 for 20 minutes.  Then after it cools off cut it up and eat it.

Margot Roberts:  put it in a pan and put in a *10 oven for 12 minutes and then it’s done.

Olivia Gibson:  Stuff my turkey with a chicken then wash it off and wash my hand the put it in a pot and cook it on the stove at high heat for 22 minutes. Then invite all the family over to eat it.  

Preston Rodriguez:  First I’m going to stuff my turkey with more turkey then I’m going to hang it on the wall.  Going to get off the wall pot it in a *1000 oven for 1 minute then take it out to eat it.  

Remi Brown:  I would put it on a red plate and put it in the oven at 98/ 55 degrees for 80 minutes.  Then move it to a different plate and add some smoke to it then put it on the table and eat it.

JEFFCO News and Information

News relating to Family and Consumer Sciences:

Co-Parenting Classes: Oklahoma law mandates divorcing parents of minor children to take a Co-Parenting Class. To register for one of these classes, contact Jefferson County OSU Extension office at 580-228-2332.  Pre-registration is required and there is a cost for this class.  This class is also informative for Grandparents and other relatives and is offered monthly. The next class is scheduled for 1 pm Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at the Jefferson County OSU Extension Conference Room. Other dates may be scheduled as time allows.  Contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.  

Jefferson County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) hosts monthly programs the 3rd Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.; these programs include research-based educational topics.  These programs are open to the public.  

November 15: “Gnome-body Knows You Like I Gnome You!” will be presented by Carol Hart, Comanche County Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences, CED

If there are programs you would like to see, please let us know!  Upcoming programs will include “Back to the Basics” and cover cooking, sewing, and Financial Budgeting, etc. Also upcoming is a class for Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance.  If interested, or know someone who will be interested, call and let Tara Brown know so adequate supplies can be made available.

Our October 18 program was “Hydroponic Gardening – Growing a Living Pantry” presented by Tara Brown, Jefferson County OSU Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development/CED.  Information is available as handouts.

OHCE CREED, We believe the family should come first in the life of the individual, the community, and the nation. We will build our homes on love and mutual respect. We shall endeavor to discover the potential in our children and our neighbor’s children and to help them develop their personalities in such a manner that they make a worthwhile contribution to life. We shall maintain high standards in our homes through research and education to promote better use of our environment and better living conditions for all. We shall encourage a faith in a God of love who is forever revealed through natural laws and human personalities. We shall have faith that strong leaders shall go forth from our homes and communities, carrying with them throughout the universe the ideals which we have proclaimed.

Jefferson County 4-H and Youth Development News:

Enrollment for 2022-2023 began August 1st through 4h.zsuite.org.  To enroll, students must be 8 years of age and in the 3rd grade (or older).  To participate in 4-H Events and Contest,  members must be actively enrolled.  If you need assistance, contact Linda Whitsett or Tara Brown at Jefferson County OSU Extension 580-228-2332.

Emails and information about upcoming 4-H events will be emailed to your email address you used when signing up on 4h.zsuite.org

Many students may be planning to show an animal at the Jr. Livestock Show and/or at Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE).  OYE Nominations are due by November 10 for many animal breeds – please get with your school’s Ag teacher for assistance – You must be actively enrolled in 4-H or FFA to participate.

West District South Region Public Speaking (Speeches, Illustrated Presentations, and Demonstrations) contest will be Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the Pleasant View Mennonite Church in Hydro, Oklahoma.  The contest will begin at 9 am and end by noon.  There will also be a Volunteer Conference in the afternoon for those enrolled as a 4-H Volunteer.  Contact Tara Brown for the link to register for the contest.

Shooting Sports – a training for those interested in becoming a Shooting Sports coach will be held Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4 at Chisholm Trail Technology Center between Kingfisher and Watonga.  Due Date to Registered is November 18.  There is a registration fee, contact Tara Brown for information.  To be a Shooting Sports coach (which includes Archery, Air Rifle/Pistol, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Hunting Skills, Western Heritage, County Coordinator), you must be enrolled as a volunteer in 4h.zsuite.org

Waurika Girls Cross Country Squad Qualifies for State Meet

STATE BOUND: Waurika’s girls cross country squad finished seventh in the team competition at last Saturday’s Class 2A Regional meet held in Waurika and that qualified them for the state cross country meet. Pictured from left to right are: Jasmine Henry, Niecsa Camarillo, Jaden Adams, Coach Joe Masoner, Liberti Simmons and Jaci Gholson. Not pictured is Harleigh Loftis and Aubree Showalter, who did not compete in the regional because of an illness. (Photo provided)

The Waurika girls cross country team has overcome a number of obstacles during the 2022 season.

For most of the season, the Lady Eagles did not have enough participants to qualify for the team race in the majority of meets they participated in.

But, in the last few weeks, the Lady Eagles have had additional participants that have enabled them to be part of the team standings.

While still battling some illness, the Lady Eagles managed to finish seventh in last Saturday’s Class 2A Regional Cross Country Meet and that put the Lady Eagles into Saturday’s state championship meet.

The Class 2A State Cross Country Meet will be Saturday at Edmond Santa Fe High School. All classes will be held at the same location.

The Class 2A races will begin with the girls at 11:45 a.m., while the Class 2A boys will race at 12:15 p.m. An awards ceremony for Class 2A will follow at 1 p.m.

The top three teams will be awarded medals and 15 medals will be awarded to the top individual finishers.

Lucas Boyd, who has had an outstanding freshman season for the Eagles, qualified for the state meet as an individual and will be competing Saturday as well as the Lady Eagle team.

The Lady Eagles finished with 181 points – which trailed sixth-place Hobart that finished with 172 points. Riverside won the team title with 55 points.

Aubree Showalter, who has competed for the Lady Eagles in recent weeks, missed the meet due to illness and that meant other runners had to step up to enable Waurika to qualify for the state meet.

Waurika’s Jaci Gholson led the way for the Lady Eagles as she finished sixth in the meet with a time of 13:42.04 – which is her top time of the 2022 season.

The Waurika junior has had an outstanding season and she received a silver medal for her performance in the regional meet on the Lady Eagles’ home course – Harmon Park.

Also playing a key role in the Lady Eagles qualifying for the state meet were Harleigh Loftis, Liberti Simmons, Jaden Adams, Niecsa Camarillo and Jasmine Henry.

Loftis finished 67th in the race with a time of 16;24.74, while Simmons was 71st with a clocking of 16:34.71. Adams was 87th with a time of 17:32.15 and Camarillo finished 109th with a time of 20:16.18. Henry was 118th recorded a time of 23:05.23.

The top five finishers from each school figure into the team standings.

A total of 126 runners competed in the Class 2A girls’ race.

Boyd finished 11th in the boys’ competition and he was the fourth best individual that was not part of the team competition and the top seven individuals not on a team qualify for the state meet.

Boyd earned a bronze medal with his time of 19:28.45.

Alex Gomez and Trent Arellano also ran in the regional for the Eagles.

Gomez finished 17th with a time of 19:39.67 – just two seconds behind the last individual qualifier for the state meet.

Arellano turned in a time of 23:25.29 and that was good for 80th place among the 112 runners in the Class 2A race.

Class 2A had considerably more participants than the Class 3A and Class 4A races.

Class 2A Girls Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Riverside 55, Goodwell-Texhoma 58, Velma-Alma 59, Hollis 92, Walters 146, Hobart 172, Waurika 181, Konawa 197, Mountain View-Gotebo 245, Santa Fe South 273.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: 1. Karliey Parker (Riverside), 12:03.89; 2. Reese Coleman (Watonga, 13:07.14; 3. Jessie Foster-Anderson (Velma-Alma), 13:09.21; 4. Kayla Meason (Walters), 13:24.24; 5. Isabel Bush (Carnegie), 13:30.99.

Class 2A Boys Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Riverside 71, Sweetwater 95, Earlsboro 118, Christian Heritage 125, Santa Fe South 134, Merritt 134, Goodwell-Texhoma 162, Apache 170, Hollis 192, Wynnewood 237, Hobart 243, Konawa 261, Stonewall 345.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: 1. Brayden Cowan (Watonga), 17:32.62; 2. Asa Worthington (Carnegie), 17:59.28; 3. Andrew Moore (Earlsboro), 18:09.90; 4. Tice Seewalker (Riverside), 18:29.73; 5. Riley Herndon (Merritt), 18:37.03.

Class 3A Girls Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Bethel 30, Heritage Hall 96, Valliant 110, Lindsay 113, Prague 117, Lexington 143, Comanche 149, Marietta 159, Kingston 172.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: 1. Katie Bosley (Okla. City Christian Aca.), 13:00.84; 2. Baylee Tapley (Bethel), 13:14.43; 3. Kylie Nunneley (Bethel), 13:19.90; 4. Canon Russell (Lindsay), 13:48.92; 5. Brilee Combs (Comanche), 13:53.89.

Class 3A Boys Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Heritage Hall 60, Bethel 76, Lindsay 106, Silo 132, Lexington 145, Marietta 148, OC Christian Academy 159, Lone Grove 178, Comanche 180, Kingston 215, Frederick 236.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: 1. Jackson Fowler (Heritage Hall), 17:19.64; 2. Brycen Ward (Kingston), 17:43.68; 3. Daniel Ponce (Lindsay), 18:19.28; 4. Brycen Lassley (Comanche), 18:26.29; 5. Luis Garcia (Marietta), 18:40.84.

Class 4A Girls Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Cache 40, Pauls Valley 45, Madill 115, Sulphur 131, Marlow 139, Plainview 141, McLoud 144, North Rock Creek 241, Tuttle 243, Tecumseh 265, Harding Charter Prep 289.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: Kenzie Readnour (Pauls Valley), 12:54.47; 2. Cora Lane (Cache), 13:14.07; 3. Amidat Olokunola (Cache), 13:15.43; 4 Kara Daniels (Cache), 13:21.12; 5. Isabella Gutierrez (Pauls Valley), 13:32.65.

Class 4A Boys Regional Results

TEAM STANDINGS: Cache 42, Plainview 64, Tecumseh 78, Sulphur 117, Marlow 121, Madill 168, Harrah 206, McLoud 228, Tuttle 230, Harding Charter prep 236, North Rock Creek 269, Pauls Valley 288.

TOP FIVE INDIVIDUALS: 1. Jordan Coody (North Rock Creek), 17:26.18; 2. Anthony Radke (Cache), 17:54.48; 3. Logan Haworth (Tecumseh), 18:00.17; 4. Cooper Phillips (Plainview), 18:02.01; 5. Cade Parks (Plainview), 18:16.64.

Ryan Sending Two Harriers To State Cross Country Competition


 Two Ryan cross country participants will be headed to the state meet after qualifying during the Class 2A Regional Cross Country Meet held at Harmon Park in Waurika last Saturday.

Andrew Scott and Kamrie Hernandez each earned spots in Saturday’s state meet at Edmond Santa Fe High School by finishing among the top seven competitors not on a team in the regional at Waurika.

Waurika hosted one of three regionals in Class 2A.

Hernandez finished 16th overall in the Class 2A girls race and she recorded a time of 14:14.56, but she was the sixth best individual runner and the top seven individual runners qualify for an opportunity to run in the state meet.

The Cowgirl freshman ran her second best time of the season at the regional and was one of only six freshmen to finish in the top 20 of the race. Hernandez was one of only two freshmen individuals that qualified for state from the Waurika regional.

A total of 126 runners competed in the Class 2A division race.

Two other Cowgirls competed at the regional for coach Shelley Villarreal.

Lilah Regehr finished 76th in the competition with a time of 16:43.01 – her second best time of the cross country season.

Also competing for the Cowgirls at the regional was Kayleigh Hodges. She finished 117th with a time of 22:12.53.

All three Cowgirl competitors are freshmen.

Scott will be making his second straight appearance in the Class 2A state competition.

In last Saturday’s race, Scott finished 12th overall with a time of 19:30.04. He was the fifth best individual qualifier in the Waurika regional.

Scott was awarded a bronze medal for his performance at the regional meet.

The Class 2A state meet will begin with the girls’ race at 11:45 a.m. and the boys’ race will follow at 12:15 p.m. An awards ceremony will follow.

STATE BOUND – Ryan’s Kamrie Hernandez (left) and Andrew Scott (right) will represent Ryan at Saturday’s Class 2A State Cross Country Meet at Edmond Santa Fe. The two Ryan cross country participants qualified for state by finishing in the top seven individuals not on a team at last Saturday’s Class 2A regional competition held at Harmon Park in Waurika. 
(Photo by Shelley Villarreal)

Cowboys Pick Up Big Double Overtime Victory Over Wilson


…Another Strong Second Half Propels Ryan to Win

Sparked by another excellent second half performance, the Ryan Cowboys came away with a dramatic 32-26 double overtime victory over Wilson at Bob Givens Sports Complex last Friday night.

The Cowboys move to 2-0 on the season, while Wilson drops to 1-2.

 Ryan will hit the road for the first time in 2022 on Friday when they travel to Central High. Kickoff for the non-district matchup with the Broncos is 7 p.m.

Central High is 2-1 on the year with wins over Grandfield and Bray-Doyle. The Bronchos fell to Tipton, 52-14 last Friday night.

It was a gritty performance by the Cowboys throughout last Friday’s game and unlike the first game of the season, the Cowboys played well in the first half despite going into the locker room with a 6-0 deficit.

The first half touchdown by the Eagles came on the first drive of the game.

Wilson returned the opening kickoff to midfield and it took the Eagles just four plays to cover the distance for the score. The run for the extra point was stopped short by Ryan’s Kyson Tomberlin, but Wilson had the early 6-0 lead with 10:49 remaining in the first quarter.

The two teams exchanged punts and then Ryan put together its first threat of the game on their next possession. The Cowboys drove from their own 30 to the Wilson 25, but a fourth down pass was broken up and Wilson took over on downs.

The Eagles promptly moved down to the Cowboy 16 where on a fourth and one Ryan’s Daylen Vandoozer stuffed the Wilson runner for no gain giving Ryan the ball near the end of the first quarter.

Defense reigned supreme for both squads in the second quarter, but late in the quarter Ryan drove to the Wilson 13.

Two Ryan penalties and an incomplete pass gave Ryan a fourth down at the Wilson 27 and Xavier Guzman’s pass was intercepted in the end zone and the Eagles returned the ball to the Ryan 19 with just 31 seconds left before intermission.

But, on the first play, Wilson fumbled and Foreman Casebolt recovered for Ryan giving the Cowboys the ball at the Wilson 16.

The Cowboys, however, could not take advantage and a fourth down pass fell incomplete as the half ended.

Just like a week ago, the Cowboys came out for the second half and drove the football for a score after the opening kickoff.

Casebolt returned the second half kickoff seven yards to give Ryan the ball at its own 35.

A nine-yard gain by Racen Williams and a four-yard pick up by Carsen Rodriguez gave Ryan a first down at the Cowboy 48.

On the next play, Williams raced around right end, hovering around the sideline and then cutting back to the middle and outran the Wilson defense for a 52-yard touchdown run. The try for two points failed, but Ryan had tied the score at 6-6 with 11:34 left in the third quarter.

A punt by Wilson and a turnover by Ryan gave Wilson possession at the Eagle 36.

It took the Eagles 11 plays to travel 64 yards for the go-ahead score. 

Landon Richardson covered the final 13 yards for the score and the two-point conversion pass was broken up by Ryan’s Ethan Burden. The Eagles now had the lead, 12-6, with 2:26 remaining in the third quarter.

The Cowboys answered with an impressive drive of 60 yards in six plays. C. Rodiguez got the tying score on an 13-yard run. The pass for two points was incomplete, but the score was tied at 12-12 with just 11 seconds to play in the third quarter.

The two teams once again exchanged punts and at the 8:01 mark of the fourth quarter, Wilson took possession at its own 40.

After a three-yard loss, Wilson quarterback Collin Wharton found running back Jake Schiralli in the flat and he raced 63 yards to pay dirt. The pass for two points was incomplete, but the Eagles had moved in front, 18-12, with 6:54 left in the game.

On the next possession, the Cowboys turned the ball over on downs and Wilson got the ball with 4:17 left in the game. A 40-yard gain gave Wilson a first down at the Ryan 30 and the Eagles seemed poised to put the game away with another score.

But, after an incomplete pass, a pass for a loss of three yards and a four-yard gain, Wilson faced fourth and nine at the Ryan 29.

The Eagles went for the kill by throwing the ball, but it was picked off by Williams at the Ryan six and he returned it to the Wilson 38, but a Ryan penalty on the return brought the ball to the Ryan 39 after a penalty was assessed to Wilson for a late hit.

The play of the game might have come on first down for the Cowboys when Williams found C. Rodriguez downfield and the sophomore running back made a juggling catch as he fell to the ground, but it was good for a 24-yard pass completion at the Wilson 37.

Guzman picked up 14 yards for another first down moving the ball to the Wilson 23.

After a one-yard gain, Williams found Julian Rodriguez over the middle for a 21-yard pass completion down to the one with just 46 seconds remaining in the game.

The next three plays netted no yardage, but on fourth down C. Rodriguez bulled his way into the end zone for the tying score with just five seconds remaining in regulation.

The Cowboys had the opportunity to win the game with a successful two-point conversion, but the pass failed.

Wilson returned the ensuing kickoff to the Eagle 49, but time expired on the return to send the game into overtime.

Wilson won the toss and elected to play defense first on the west end of the field.

On Ryan’s first play, Williams found Will Townsend open in the end zone for the go-ahead score.

On the critical two-point conversion, Williams scrambled around threw into traffic to Guzman who made a clutch catch just inside the end zone to put Ryan in front, 26-18.

Wilson wasted no time in answering the Cowboy score as Wharton found tight end Cason Fulton wide open in the end zone for the touchdown. The Eagles tied the game with the two-point conversion pass from Wharton to Fulton again that sent the game into the second overtime.

The Eagles got the ball first in the second overtime and a first down pass was incomplete. On second down the Eagles were flagged for holding putting the ball back at the Ryan 20.

An incomplete pass, a four-yard loss and another incomplete pass gave Ryan its possession.

It took Ryan just three plays to get the winning score as C. Rodriguez broke outside and scored from one yard out to give the Cowboys the victory.

The Cowboy defense was impressive after the game-opening score by the Eagles as they came up with several key stops and three turnovers.

The offense rolled up 388 yards of total offense. Williams led all rushers in the game with 100 yards on 14 carries – his second straight game of 100+ yards. He was also 12 of 21 passing for 138 yards.

COWBOY CORRAL: This was the 10th overtime game played by Ryan in school history….The overtime game last Friday was the first extra period game played by Ryan since a double overtime victory over Waurika, 44-36, in 2017….Ryan is now 6-4 in overtime games since the rule was instituted in the 1975 season….The Cowboys are 4-0 in games that have gone two overtimes….Ryan is 2-0 in overtime games with Wilson….Ryan actually played in one of the first overtime games in Oklahoma during the 1975 season when Ryan defeated Temple, 6-0, in a pair of extra frames in the season opener….Ryan moves to 9-13 against Wilson in school history and 2-3 in games since Wilson began eight-man play a few years ago…The first meeting between these two schools came in 1920 – a 46-14 victory by the Cowboys…..The 32 points scored by the Cowboys against the Eagles is the most since Ryan scored 42 in a 42-8 victory in the 1970 season….The point total by the Cowboys is the third highest total in 22 meetings with Wilson….The 26 points by Wilson is the most in the series in an Eagle loss to Ryan….Ryan and Wilson went 39 years without playing each other from 1977 to 2016 – when Wilson moved to the eight-man ranks….Wilson is the largest eight-man school in the state according to the latest figures released by the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association…The last time the Cowboys were 2-0 to open a season was 2017, but it has happened only 21 times since Ryan began eight-man play in 1978….The Cowboys moved to sixth in the Class C rankings by the Tulsa World and that is the first time a Ryan team has been ranked since early in the 2014 season….The win over Wilson represents the first win over a Class B non-district foe when Ryan is playing in Class C since the 2013 season opener when Ryan downed Waurika, 44-26….A pair of former Waurika head football coaches were on opposite sides of the field last Friday night as Tony Roberts serves as an assistant at Ryan, while Glenn Howard is an assistant at Wilson.

Game in Figures

                            WHS          RHS

First Downs           12              16

Yards Rushing       30-168     47-250

Yards Passing         161           138

Passes                   10-22        12-22

Passes Int. by          2                2

Fumbles, Lost         3-1            0-0

Punts                   4-35.3       4-30.8

Penalties                6-72          9-75

               SCORE BY QUARTERS

Wilson      6     0      6       6      8      0—26

Ryan         0     0     12      6      8      6—32



                  FIRST QUARTER

WILSON – Jake Schiralli 14 run (run failed), 10:49

                  THIRD QUARTER

RYAN – Racen Williams 52 run (run failed), 11:34

WILSON – Landon Richardson 2 run (pass failed), 2:26

RYAN – Carsen Rodriguez 13 run (pass failed), :11

                  FOURTH QUARTER

WILSON – Schiralli 63 pass from Collin Wharton (pass failed), 6:54

RYAN – Rodriguez 1 run (pass failed), :05

                  FIRST OVERTIME

RYAN – Will Townsend 10 pass form Williams (Xavier Guzman pass from Williams)

WILSON – Cason Fulton 10 pass from Wharton (Fulton pass from Wharton)

                 SECOND OVERTIME

RYAN – Rodriguez 1 run (no try)


WILSON: Rushing – Jake Schiralli 11-113, Collin Wharton 5-18, Landon Richardson 5-13, Isiah Gibson 4-11, Braxton Miles 4-10, Braxton Lee 1-3; Passing – Wharton 10-22-2-161; Receiving – Schiralli 4-74, Cason Fulton 3-57, Dakota Chatham 1-12, John Gunter 1-9, Landon Richardson 1-9.

RYAN: Rushing – Racen Williams 14-100, Carsen Rodriguez 19-96, Xavier Guzman 12-61, Team 1-(-7); Passes – Williams 12-2-1-138, Guzman 0-1-1-0; Receiving – Will Townsend 3-20, C. Rodriguez 2-65, Julian Rodriguez 2-24, Guzman 2-13, Maddox Dabbs 2-11; Foreman Casebolt 1-3; Tackles: Kyson Tomberlin 6.5, C. Rodriguez 6, J. Rodriguez 6, Williams 5.5, Guzman 5.5, Dabbs 4, Casebolt 3.5, Daylen Vandoozer 2.5, Will Regher 1.5, Mason Adsit 1, Alex Uribe, Ethan Burden .5, Andrew Scott .5.

Ryan Alumni Gather Over Labor Day Weekend


he Ryan High School Alumni Association held its bi-annual alumni banquet over the recent Labor Day weekend.

The highlight of the weekend was the banquet held in the high school cafeteria/auditorium where the majority of the people in attendance walked across the stage to graduate from Ryan High School.

Nearly 100 alumni, family and friends gathered for the banquet that was highlighted by a catered meal from Branding Iron of Wichita Falls, TX.

Rob Givens, a 1975 graduate of RHS, was the featured speaker for the afternoon.

GUEST SPEAKER – Bob Givens spoke to the Ryan High School Alumni banquet held last Saturday. (Photo by Trey Smart)

Givens recounted the story of how Brown Brothers Dry Goods in Ryan got its name and a little history behind it.

The last operator of the store was Givens’ dad, Bob Givens, who was known to most everyone in Ryan as a businessman and supporter of all Ryan High School activities.

 Bob Givens, for whom the athletic complex is named at Ryan, was the public address announcer at the high school football games for 50 years.

After the elder Givens graduated from high school at Ryan, he joined the army and his son told the story of his dad being missing in action at one time, but returned home and never left Ryan again.

The presentation and introduction of classes was done by Tommy Johnson.

Following the introduction of the classes, the oldest graduate, youngest graduate and the graduate who traveled the furtherest were recognized and awarded a copy of the book, “The Pride of RHS: A Sports History of Ryan High School.”

Earning the oldest graduate present was Nell Largent. The youngest graduate was Alana Miranda. The person traveling the furtherest was Gary Reynolds, who came from Jackson, Tennessee.

The reading of RHS graduates who have died since the last banquet was done by Angela Sullivan, T. Johnson, Furman Clark and Don Johnson.

Since the banquet was interrupted by the pandemic, it had been three years since the association had gathered for the banquet held every two years. A list of 98 names was read to the crowd.

D. Johnson, president of the alumni association, read the names of the scholarship recipients for the past three years. The alumni association awards two scholarships to the top two seniors of the Ryan graduating classes each year.

MASTER OF CEREMONIES – Don Johnson, Ryan High School Alumni  Association President, presided over the last Saturday’s gathering held at the Ryan School.  (Photo by Trey Smart)

In the program, it was noted that 35 scholarships have been given through the years in the amount of $46,350.

All of the current officers were re-elected to serve again and they will be tasked along with other volunteers to put together the next banquet which will be Labor Day weekend of 2024.

Plans are being made to try and encourage increased attendance at the banquet – especially among the local people. Many RHS graduates traveled across the state and beyond and this event would be enhanced by the participation of local people.

The class of 1972 sponsored an event on Saturday night at the American Legion as they were celebrating their 50th year since graduating at Ryan.

The class of 1962, celebrating their 60th year since graduating, also had a good representation present at the banquet.

Continuing One Cent Sales Tax Will Benefit Many Departments


On August 23, Jefferson County voters have an opportunity to vote on continuing a one cent sales tax that is currently providing funding for the Jefferson County Hospital.  Hospital officials project their obligation will be paid off this year.  Jefferson County Commissioners want to keep the one cent tax and use it to place the county in a better financial position.  According to Jeffco officials continuing the tax will provide vital funding to meet mandated obligations and position the county to spend money on other important areas like rural fire, better roads and courthouse repairs as well as repairs at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. 

County officials are presenting a series of Town Meetings to answer questions and talk about how the county works and how funding and budgeting works for counties across Oklahoma.  “Our initial One Cent Tax was passed by voters in 1992.  It was slated for general county operations, and for the support of county civil defense, OSU extension, county law enforcement, county-wide rural fire protection and fair board maintenance and operations,” according to Bryce Bohot, District One Commissioner. “If you consider it’s now 30 years later and how the cost of everything has risen, that the limited dollars we have to work with can only be increased by sales tax, then it’s vital that this proposition passes. Having these dollars available means that we can actually accomplish all the items mentioned in the original proposal,” Bohot continued.  “We still have the same needs, and these dollars will allow us to budget for each of the areas and to have dollars available for matching grants that will make the dollars go even farther.”

The first two town meetings were held Monday evening in Addington and Hastings.  The full meetings are posted to Facebook under the Friends of Jefferson County Group.  “We encourage everyone to attend one of the meetings,” Bohot stated.  “However, having the full meetings with all the questions and answers available provides a great way for people to watch from home.  I’m also available to answer any questions you may have.”

At both meetings the same questions were asked.  Attendees wanted an assurance that this was not an additional tax or a new tax; that it would not raise their property taxes and that the county would not come back in a couple of years and ask for an additional increase. Attendees also wanted to make sure there would be dollars available to support our rural fire departments and that those monies would be distributed fairly. 

 “Oklahoma law allows rural counties to have up to a 2 cent sales tax for county operations,” Bryce Bohot said at both the Hastings and Addington Town Meetings.  “We are not allowed to go back to the voters for more sales tax.”

“Having the two cents of sales tax will actually allow us to go back to the original list of items on the 1992 Proposition and begin working with the various groups to get their items budgeted,” Bohot stated. “For the past several years, we have never gotten past the basic mandated items and have not been able to fully fund those items. This additional tax projected to be approximately $35,000 to $40,000 per month will allow us to not only fund the items mentioned, but also to begin saving dollars to use as matching funds to make the county funds go farther.”  “Currently we spend all our time trying to cover whatever urgent need we have at the moment. These dollars will allow us to actually plan for a stronger future for all of us.”

“Rural Fire Department funding was part of the original sales tax proposition and is vitally important to our county,” Bohot stated.  “I’m part of the Hastings Volunteer Fire Department and I fully understand how important all the volunteer departments are to the county. I’m pleased that all the departments are coming together once a month to meet and share information.  I’ve talked with several of the volunteers and talked about the budgeting process and how it would be great for them to come to the budget planning session and bring their projected needs for the coming year. We would visit with them about providing funding for their priorities and would make that part of the budget.”

Denise Bacon, Addington resident, made an excellent point when she asked the group if this helped them understand the importance of shopping local because your sales tax stays right her at home and supports the towns and Jefferson County. 

“I hope voters understand that this not asking for a tax increase, but to keep the one cent that is already in place,” County Commissioner, Ty Phillips explained. “Voters have supported the one cent tax for the hospital for the past 23 years and the hospital is retiring their debt and no longer needs the funds.  Keeping the one cent that is already in place for the county will go a long way toward allowing us to get Jefferson County up to mandated standards and also so we can have funds to use for matching grants that can help all our organizations including emergency services and rural fire.”

There are three more town meetings that all residents are invited to attend.  Monday, August 15 at 6 p.m. at the Community Center; Monday, August 15, at 7:30 at the Claypool Community Center and on Tuesday, August 16, at the Waurika Presbyterian Church.

Citizens Urged to Vote Yes on August 23


Jefferson County residents will go to the polls on Tuesday, August 23 for a special run-off election that includes voting on maintaining a one cent sales tax that was originally earmarked for the Jefferson County Hospital.  The Jefferson County Hospital Authority no longer needs those funds, but our county officials want to put those dollars to work for some much needed projects.

“Keeping the one cent sales tax active will allow us to keep our county government local,” stated Bryce Bohot, Jefferson County Commissioner for District One. “It’s essentially the same idea as keeping our hospital local and keeping those important services available here, we need to ensure that we keep our county services here, too.”

“It’s important to note that voting yes on the sales tax, does not increase your property taxes.  It only impacts sales tax and it is not an increase from what you are currently paying,” Bohot continued. 

In order to keep services local, the one cent sales tax would be used for many improvements, including, but not limited to the following areas: 

• To ensure that necessary repairs can be made to our County Courthouse and Jefferson County Fairgrounds buildings. 

• To comply with Oklahoma state statutes on paying all elected officials & first deputies out of the county general fund.

• Bring our County Jail up to state mandated codes.  

• Increasing the dollars available for improving our county roads.

• Operating at a level where there is matching funding available for grants to support future projects without additional indebtedness.

County officials have scheduled a series of Town Meetings for area residents to get their questions answered about the importance of keeping the one cent tax for Jefferson County.  The meeting days and times are:  Addington, Monday, August 8, 6 p.m., Addington Community Center; Hastings, Monday, August 8, 7:30 p.m. Hastings Senior Citizens Center; Terral/Grady, Tuesday, August 9, 6 p.m., Terral Community Center; Ryan/Sugden, Friday, August 12, 6 p.m. Ryan Senior Citizens Center; Ringling, Monday, August 15, 6 p.m. Ringling Community Center; Claypool, Monday, August 15, 7:30 p.m. Claypool Community Center; and Waurika/Sugden, Tuesday, August 16, 6 p.m. Waurika Presbyterian Church, 124 W. Broadway, Waurika. 


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