Home State Government April Recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month by OK Legislature

April Recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month by OK Legislature

April Recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month by OK Legislature

OKLAHOMA CITY – The month of April was proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month by the Oklahoma Legislature with the passage today of a House Concurrent Resolution authored by State Rep. Mark Vancuren, R-Owasso, and Sen. Paul Scott, R-Duncan.

House Concurrent Resolution 1002 passed unanimously in the House. It now moves to the state Senate.

“Our children are our most precious resource,” said Vancuren, a former high school teacher and coach. “And yet so many of them are abused or neglected. All Oklahomans must work together to find solutions to remedy this problem. Our children deserve the brightest future we can give them.”

The resolution proclaims that 15,951 Oklahoma children were confirmed to be victims of child abuse and neglect in state fiscal year 2018, and that child abuse and neglect affects every segment of society. It calls for input and action from all Oklahomans to combat the long-term psychological, emotional and physical effects experienced by the victims.

The resolution goes on to say that protective factors are conditions that reduce or eliminate risk and promote the social, emotional and developmental well-being of children. Effective child abuse prevention activities succeed because of the partnerships created between child welfare, education, health, community-based and faith-based organizations, businesses and law enforcement agencies. Communities must make every effort to promote programs and activities that create strong and thriving children and families.

The resolution calls for all to work together as a community to increase awareness about child abuse and promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families in a safe, stable, nurturing environment. It maintains that prevention remains the best defense for Oklahoma children and families.

The resolution urges all citizens to recognize this month by dedicating ourselves to the task of improving the quality of life for all children and families.

Concurrent resolutions bypass the governor and are sent directly to the Secretary of State upon approval.