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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Terral News and Happenings May 2 2019


Quote of the day- “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Buddha

Terral School – May 1st will be the end of the year field trip for grades 5th- 8th they will be traveling to OKC for the Dodgers Game. May 2nd will be the end of year field trip for 3 years old through 4th grade going to the Nocona Park in Nocona Texas. May 3rd they will not have school. May 6th will be our board meeting at 4:00 p.m. May 7th is our graduation. May 8th is our field day for 5th through 8th grades. May 9th we will not have school- Professional Day. May 10th is our awards ceremony at 9:00 a.m. and the last day of school.

FBC Girls in Action Group – School is almost out and we will be out for the Summer also. Last day for our kids or Christ is May 8th. We are gearing up for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast on May 11th. We will be finishing up our study of Super-Heroes soon. End of the Year Pool Party will be announced as soon as scheduled. Special Thanks to everyone who supported us this year. 

Terral Alumni Association – Attention All Students: It is time to apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships. The deadline is May 3, 2019, and the application must be postmarked on or before that date to be considered. The following are eligible to apply: 1)Have graduated or will be graduating from Ryan High School. 2) Are attending or will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning full-time, 12 hours per semester. 3) Reside in the Terral, Oklahoma school district. Terral Alumni does not discriminate in its scholarship program on the basis of race. The committee will be making the final decision for the scholarship in May. The applicant receiving this scholarship must be enrolled and confirmed by the institution’s registrar before the check is mailed directly to the institution in the Fall and in the Spring. If you have not received a scholarship application in the mail and are interested in applying, please contact Karen Gunter, 580-437-2347, Thanks- Johnny Reynolds, President. 

Happy Birthday To You – Wylie Vanover celebrated his “50” on April 24th.

Community Prayer List – Jan Campsey, Gary Bussey, A.R and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stationed around the world. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.

Attention Students: Time to Apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships!


 It is time to apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships.

The Deadline is May 3, 2019, and the application must be postmarked on or before that date to be considered.

The Following are eligible to apply: Have graduated from Ryan High School, Are attending or will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning full time, 12 hours per semester, Reside in the Terral, Oklahoma School District.

Terral Alumni Association does not discriminate in its scholarship program on the basis of race.  

The Committee will be making the final decision for the scholarships in May. The Applicant receiving this scholarship must be enrolled and confirmed by the institution’s registrar before the check is mailed directly to the institution in the fall and spring. If you have not received a scholarship application in the mail and are interested in applying, please contact Karen Gunter, 580-437-2347.

Terral News and Happenings


Quote of the Day- “Never get tired of little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest parts of their hearts.”

Terral School– Menu for the week- Tuesday Breakfast- Biscuit, gravy, fruit, milk & juice. Wednesday Breakfast- Poptart, Yogurt, Fruit, Milk & Juice. Lunch- Fish Sticks, Potato wedges, salad, fruit & milk. Thursday Breakfast- Egg, ham, biscuit, fruit, milk & juice. Lunch- Chicken Strips, okra, fries, fruit, bread & milk. No School Friday.

FBC Girls in Action – School is almost out and we will be out for summer also. We are gearing up for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast on May 11th. We will be finishing up our study of Super Hero’s soon. We made enough money from the Bake Sale on Saturday for our End-Of-The-Year Pool Party to be announced as soon as scheduled. Special thanks to everyone who supported us at the bake sale. 

Annual Easter Egg Hunt– We had a good turn out for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Terral Baseball Field. I would like to send out “Special Thanks” to everyone who donated candy, prizes, and helped by working a table to stuffing the eggs. It is not possible without the help of others. Just know you are very much appreciated! The winners by category Walking to Three years old- Girl with most eggs- Lillahna Landis, Boy with most eggs- Harlen Orten, and winner of the rocking horse(donated by Barry Alsup) Gauge Koetter. Four to Six years old- Girl with Most Eggs- Piper Kirkpatrick, Boy with the most eggs- Gunner Nunley and winner of the bicycle with training wheels was Damien Pruitt(Donated by the Terral Volunteer Fire Department)ven to nine year olds- Girl with most eggs- Jasmarie Cruz, Boy with the most eggs- Braden Sandfur and winner of the Bicycle was Oat Wyler(Donated by the Terral Volunteer Fire Department) Ten to Twelve year olds- Girl with the most eggs- Skye Lyons, Boy with the most eggs- Kolton Rodriguez and winner of the Kick Scooter (donated by the FBC GA’s) Angelina Hyde. Thanks to the persons who manned the tables- You are so appreciated!

Happy Birthday To You– Codi Bauer & Devin Behm Celebrated on the 16th. Andrew Villarreal will party on the 20th. Jordan Garcia will turn “9” on the 23rd. Kasen Rodriguez will celebrate on the 23rd also. Carrie Villarreal will Praise the Lord on the 27th. Rachel Sain will have cake on the 29th. Congrats and May God Bless you with many more.

Community Prayer List – Jan Campsey, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care. 

Terral News and Happenings April 18 2019


Quote of the Day- “One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.” – Lewis Carol 

Terral City Hall News- On Monday, April 8, 2019 four (4) Trustees were sworn into office. Megan Duke and Santos Castillos will be serving a two year term. Charlie Reynolds and returning trustee, Sue McKinley will be serving a four year term. Congratulations to each one of you!

Senior Easter egg Hunt- The FBC GA’s will be expanding our Egg Hunt to a “Seniors Only” egg hunt on April 13th, at 3:00 pm. Seniors 65 years older are invited to attend.

Terral Cemetery Clean Up- Due to the weather last week, the Terral Cemetery was postponed to this Friday, April 12th. We will start early that morning!

Terral Cemetery Dinner- The Annual Terral Cemetery Dinner will be on Sunday, April 14th from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at the Terral Community Center. Hosting this annual event is the Terral Cemetery Committee along with the Comanche Masonic Lodge 41. Turkey, Dressing, and all the trimmings will be served. Cost of the meal will be adults $10,00 and kids under 10 – $6.00. Take out orders may be called in at 840-636-4529 or 580-919-9770. All proceeds go to the upkeep of the Terral Cemetery.

Annual Easter egg Hunt – The FBC GA Group will be doing the Terral Annual Easter egg Hunt at the Terral Ball Diamond on April 20,2019. We are asking for the community’s help with wrapped candy for the eggs. NO CHOCOLATE PLEASE! The community has been such a great a supporter in the past and we would like you to know how much you are appreciated. You may drop off your candy donations at City Hall. This year we are adding another age bracket of 9-12 year olds. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. 

FBC Girls in Action Group- The GA’s will be stuffing eggs for the next two Wednesdays getting ready for the Annual Easter egg Hunt April 20th. The GA’s are continuing their studies of the super heroes of the Bible. We are gearing up to make cancer Cath pillows for the oncology center in Wichita Falls, Texas. May God Bless these busy hands.

Happy Birthday to you- Jowana Duff and Whitney Pollan partied on the 1st. Veronica Lopez celebrated on the 3rd. Tawny Vanover and Ricky Rushing had cake on the 4th. Tylr Gunter partied on the 6th. Bobbie Nell Weatherly celebrated on the 9th. Crystal Duke had ice cream on the 10th. Rick Gambill and Ryann White will celebrate on the 11th. Tony Rodriguez will celebrate on the 14th.

Happy Anniversary- Brandon and Rachel Sain will celebrate on the 12th.

Community Prayer List- Jan Campsey, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Vincente Villarreal, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virgina Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world. Our prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings November 29 2018


QUOTE OF THE DAY – “You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving,”-Robert Lewis Stevenson.

TERRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT – The Terral Volunteer Department – is having a Toy and Food Drive for Christmas. Donation boxes are located at the Terral City Hall. The Drive will begin on November 1st through December 15th.  All donations will be given to those in need in Terral at Christmastime.  For more information, you may call 437-2337.

CRAFT SHOW & BINGO – The FBC Girls in Action will be holding a Craft Show and Bingo on Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Terral Community Center.  The Craft Show will be from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. Come on out and select some unique gifts for Christmas.  Gift Wrapping will be available.  Bingo will start at 3:00 p.m. Tables will reserve for $10.00 each.  If you would like to reserve a table call Shirley at 437-2337 or 437-2545 after 5:00 p.m. All proceeds go to the FBC Girls in Action for activities, crafts, and outings for the group.  Hope to see ya there!

SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN- Santa will arrive in Terral, OK on Saturday, December 22 at the Terral Volunteer Fire Department around 3:00 pm. Immediately following will be singing around the Christmas Tree. Coffee, Hot Cocoa, and Cookies will be available at City Hall for those who participate. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend this annual event. Donation of cookies will be appreciated. For more info, you may contact City Hall at 580-437-2337

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Amy Alsup, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriquez, Carrie Villarreal,  Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T. K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world.

May God Keep you in His loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


QUOTE OF THE DAY – “The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso.

I would like to take the time to say “Thanks” for all the prayers, cards, and phone calls while I was home after back surgery.  “Thank You” to Sue McKinley for doing my office duties while I was out of the office.  A special “Thanks” to Mary Alice Kunkel for teaching my GA Class on Wednesday nights at the church.  GA’s your notes and drawings were so very uplifting and I really enjoyed them.  While I am not 100% as of yet, I am on the road to recovery.  I could not have done this without my best friend and partner in life, my husband, Valton Gambill.  I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me.  Thank you all – Shirley Gambill.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH GA’s -Thanks to all who came out on Saturday and supported our Bingo and fundraising efforts.

If you missed it, you will have a second chance on Dec. 1 to play Bingo again at 3:00 p.m. Come and join us!

TERRAL SCHOOL EVENTS – Thanksgiving Break will be Nov. 19-23.  School resumes on Nov. 26th. Nov. 26 we will have a game at Wichita Falls Christian at 4:00 p.m. there.

TERRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT – The Terral Volunteer Fire Department is having a Toy and Food Drive for Christmas.  Donation boxes are located at the Terral City Hall.  The Drive will begin on November 1st through Dec. 15th. 

All donations will be given to those in need in Terral at Christmastime.  For more information, you may call  580-437-2337.

CRAFT SHOW & BINGO – The FBC Girls in Action will be holding a Craft Show and Bingo on Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Terral Community Center.  The Craft Show will be from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. Come on out and select some unique gifts for Christmas.  Gift Wrapping will be available.  Bingo will start at 3:00 p.m. Tables will reserve for $10.00 each.  If you would like to reserve a table call Shirley at 437-2337 or 437i-2545 after 5:00 p.m. All proceeds go to the FBC Girls in Action for activities, crafts, and outings for the group.  Hope to see ya there!

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Amy Alsup, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Carried Villarreal, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Daly, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stationed around the world.  May God Keep you in His loving care.

Terral Students Visit Happy Days Ranch


Terral students visited the Happy Days Ranch Pumpkin Patch. As always, they had a great time!

Submitted Photo

Submitted Photo

Terral News and Happenings October 26 2018


QUOTE OF THE DAYSomething will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU! By Curiano.

TERRAL CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE – Our annual City Wide Garage Sale is scheduled for November 2 & 3.  If you would like to be put on the list please call Shirley at 437-2337 and have your address put on the map.  Maps will be at the local businesses and the post office on Thursday Evening.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH KIDS FOR CHRIST – On October 31st, we will not have our RA’s, GA’s and Kids for Christ. Kids will be busy spending time with family and Trick or Treating.  We will resume our regular schedule on November 7th.

PUBLIC NOTICE – The Town of Terral City Council meeting will be moved forward to November 13th due to November 12th being celebrated for Veterans’ Day.  Terral City Council Meeting will be at the City Hall on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:00 p.m.

BINGO NIGHT – The First Baptist Church Girls in Action will be having their Annual Bingo Night on Saturday, November 10th, 2018 at the Terral Community Center.  Admission will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Bingo will begin at 6:00 p.m. A Snack bar will be provided and a bake sale.  All proceeds go to the activities, crafts, and outings for the GA Group.  Come out have a good time and support our kids.  Each game is $1.00 or a cover of $25.00 for the night for 30 Games.  All prizes are valued at $30.00.  It is a great way to start your Christmas shopping.

CRAFT SHOW & BINGO – The FBC Girls in Action will be holding a Craft Show and Bingo on Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Terral Community Center.  The Craft Show will be from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m.  Come on out and select some unique gifts for Christmas.  Gift wrapping will be available.  Bingo will start at 3:00 p.m. Tables will reserve for $10.00 each. If you would like to reserve a table call Shirley at 437-2337 or 437-2545 after 5:00 p.m.  All proceeds go to the FBC Girls in Action for activities, crafts, and outings for the group. Hope to see ya there!

IT’S-A GIRL – Tatum Nicole Walker made her appearance on October 15, 2018, at 9:05 p.m. She weighed in at 9 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.  Proud parents are Courtney Cook and Jim Walker.  Proud Grandparents are Jason and Mary Esther Cook of Saint Jo, Texas. Proud Great Grandparents are Santos and Yolanda Castillo.  Congrats to the whole family.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Family and friends of Florita Villarrreal, Family and Friends of Elena Gomez of Ryan, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Amy Alsup, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriquez, Carrie Villarreal, Brenda 

Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world.  May God Keep you in His loving care.

Terral Celebrates All School Reunion


The Biennial Terral All School Reunion was held on October 6th.  There were over 140  in attendance.  Thank you to Karen Duke Linton for taking pictures.  Special thanks to the Ryan Ag Boosters for catering lunch again this year.  Thank you to Mr. Fouse and Mr White for allowing Alumni to tour Terral School.  Thank you the Terral Alumni Association committee members for all of their hard work.  Thanks & appreciation to everyone who worked on getting the community center ready for the reunion.  Thank you to the News Journal & The Ryan Leader for the great coverage.

Union Valley School students: Peggy Evan’s, Avery Linton,  Norma Hofman Land, Etta Mitchell Clark,  Billy Bryant,  Henry Evan’s

Class of 1945- Peggy Thomas

1947-Bobbie Nell Weatherly, Mary Lou Feneglio

1949-Virginia Peterson Tanner

1950- Phil Davis,  Oteka Gunter Russell

1952- Opal Reynolds, James McKinley, Charlene Echols, Freta Brown, Mary Crawford

1953- Wayne Jackson, Thomas Adams, Myrtle Alsup, James Duke

1954- Billy Bryant,  Pat Anderson Wright,  Shirley Mc Donald Shelton

1955- Clifford Duke 

1956- Ken Adams,  Peggy Duke Tomerlin, Charlie Wright 

1957- Frances Delaney Pohlpeter, Barbara Williams Ray, Shirley Stoneman Roberts 

1958- Leonard Langford,  Patricia Pollan Duke

1959- Jerry Smith,  Loma Duke Wells, Peggy Evans,  Junior Lorentz

1960- Donald Wayne Duncan,  Irene Lovelace Clingenpeel, Harold Bussey

1961- Sue Stout Kirkpatrick,  Judy Smith Cartwright

1962- Glenda Sue Bussey

1963- Sue Harrison McKinley, Fred Thomas, Angie Kirby Jackson,  Anna Lee Bryant 

1964- Bill Sloan, Gail Parker, Quandel Morgan

1965- Terry Wagner, Gerald Tallon, Etta Mitchell Clark,  Sue Langford Smith,  Junior Harrison,  Cecil Duke 

1966- Ronnie Ewing, Beverly Martin Blevins 

1967- Sandy Reynolds Scully, Mary Sloan Owen’s

1968- (back row) l-r, Johnny Sloan,  Greg Williams,  Geary Don Tallon, Johnny Bright, Glen Pruett (front row l-r) Karen Gunter, Linda Duncan Harrison 

1970- Glenna Martin Gore, Jeri Smart Langford,  Joy Duncan

1971- James Pollan, Linda Smith Turner,  Patsy Pruett Deweber, Joe Butler 

1973- Billy Smart,  Manya Harrison Reid, Johnny Reynolds,  Tommy Duke 

1974- Randy Anderson,  Donna Keeling Pickens, Kim Collins, Karen Bright 

1975- Cecilia Lovelace,  Jo Keeling Smart

1976- Clinton Ray Bussey, Charlie Reynolds,  Teresa Alsup Montgomery,  Rick Cabrera

1979- Jowana Bussey Duff, Randy Harris 

1980- Barbara Reynolds Foster, Debbie Tanner

1981- Becky Fulton, Rhonda Jackson Smoot

1982- Tony Fulton 

1986- Karen Duke Linton

Make Plans to Attend the Terral Reunion This Weekend


The biennial Terral All School Reunion will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2018, on the grounds of the Terral Community Center.  Registration will begin at 10:00 AM with lunch being served at 12:00 noon.  Note:  Class pictures will be taken at 11:00 AM again this year.  Be sure to tell everyone you see who is associated in any way with Terral School or Union Valley to come early and join us that day. 

Lunch will be catered again this year and you will need a reservation.  Reservations MUST be received no later than September 21, along with a check for $12.00 per meal.

Due to very generous donations the Terral Alumni Association was proud to award four $1,500 scholarships and one $529 scholarship in 2017, and four $2,500 scholarships in 2018.  The scholarships go to deserving persons who reside in the Terral school district, to assist them in continuing their education.  Selling brass nametags for the memorial plaques also assists in funding the scholarships.  The brass nametags are available for $20 and the plaques are permanently displayed in the Terral Community Center.

Please remember there is no membership fee charged to anyone.  The All School Reunion is funded every two years solely on the donations of people who love Terral School and want to enjoy the fellowship of visiting and remembering old times.

If you would like to contribute to the scholarship fund or assist with reunion expenses, you can include that on the registration form, even if you are unable to attend. 

We plan to tour Terral School again this year.  Raffle information is enclosed.      

We hope to see you on October 6th.

If you have questions or need additional information call or email:

Ronnie Ewing @ 940-928-2278 or ronnie.ewing@sbcglobal.net   

Karen Gunter @ 580-437-2347 or karengunter.1950@gmail.com 


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