Several years ago there was a restaurant in Wichita Falls that always reminded me of a Steak and Ale in Oklahoma City. I’m not sure my memory is correct but I think the name was The Oxford House. Like Steak and Ale this restaurant had a fabulous salad bar. One of my favorite salads on this salad bar was a creamy cucumber salad.  I searched numerous cookbooks until I finally found a recipe that tasted like theirs. I don’t remember what cookbook it came from because it has been many years since I found it. All my fellow cucumber lovers, this recipe is you for you!

Sour Cream Cucumbers 

1/2 Cup Sour Cream 

3 TBS White Vinegar 

1 TBS Sugar 

Peppers to Taste 

4 Medium Cucumbers, Thinly Sliced 

1 Small Sweet Onion, Thinly Sliced and Separated into rings.

In a serving bowl, combine the sour cream, vinegar, sugar and pepper. Stir in cucumbers and onion. Cover and refridgerate for at least four hours. Serve with a slotted spoon. 

Serves 4