Penny Edwards, Jefferson County Assessor’s Office data collector, will begin the revaluation cycle in the Terral School District this week. She will be doing the country first starting in the south part and then will finish in town. She is driving a 2015 burnt orange Chevrolet Silverado 4 door pickup with the tag number FBF-793. There are signs on her vehicle and she is carrying business cards.
Every school district in Jefferson County goes through the revaluation process once every four years. This announcement is to make taxpayers aware that Edwards will be going from house to house in the employ of the assessor’s office.
Edwards is checking to see if there are any new improvements or improvements that have been torn down or blown away by storms on properties that haven’t been reported by the taxpayer. She will measure the improvements and take pictures, and this data will be entered into the assessor’s office computer. The rate used for appraisals is set by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. These changes will not affect 2018 taxes. But will change for the 2019 taxes.
For information call 580-228-2377 or email jeffersonassr@sbcglobal.net