Home Jeffco COOP News Jeffco 4H News July 25, 2019

Jeffco 4H News July 25, 2019

Jeffco 4H News July 25, 2019


Youth Canning Workshop – make plum jelly on Thursday, August 1 from 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon.  at the Jefferson County OSU Extension office.  Class is limited to 8 – call to reserve your spot by 3 p.m. Tuesday, July 30.

Jefferson County Free Fair is scheduled for September 4-7 (Wednesday – Saturday), 2019. Indoor entries are due by 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 4.  Our county fair is open to all ages! Fun activities include – Ice Cream Contest, Jefferson County Best Pie Maker contest, Jefferson County OHCE Quilt Turning, Pet Show and Bill Baker Band and other activities are in planning stages.  Open classes offer opportunities to your variety of projects, hobbies, crafts and more.  It is ‘Time’ to get your entries completed and ready to enter into the fair!

All eligible 4-H entries will be given the opportunity to be entered and taken to the Oklahoma State Fair, Oklahoma City on Wednesday, September 11, 2019.  Jefferson County will follow the state fair information for 4-H classes. For 4-H entry projects ideas, go to 4h.okstate.edu/events-and –activities/state-events.   Contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.

What is State 4-H Roundup?  Roundup provides lots of opportunities to improve youth’s leadership skills by meeting other 4-H members from across Oklahoma and participating in outstanding workshops and spirited contests!  Attendees must have completed the 7th grade.  Roundup takes place on OSU Campus in Stillwater with main meetings taking place in Gallagher –Iba Arena; workshops are provided in many of the campus classrooms.  Roundup up gives the attendees an opportunity to see OSU Campus where Roundup attendees are housed in The Commons units.  This year theme “Passport to the Past, Ticket to Tomorrow” promises great fun while learning!  Pictures and an article on 2019 State 4-H Roundup will be in next week’s newspaper edition.  Tara Brown, Extension Educator – Family & Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development will chaperone Jefferson County’s delegation Tuesday, July 23 -26. 

State Fair Cupcake Wars and Fruit and Vegetable Sculpting Contest Information this year the information has be posted to the Oklahoma 4-H Website.  http://4h.okstate.edu/events-and-activities/state-events-activities/oklahoma-state-fairs/oklahoma-state-fair  Registration is based on first come first serve.  Registration opens August 1st and will need to be sent to the State 4-H Office this year.