Home Minister's Moments Manger Thought

Manger Thought

Manger Thought

Most of us have no trouble loving the thought of a helpless baby born in the humblest of circumstances. The quiet peace found in that stable should give us pause to calm our busy lives. It is easy for us to imagine being in the presence of that little baby. 

But that helpless baby was not always helpless, in fact he is the Creator of all things (John 1) and has existed forever. Before there was even such a thing as time, there was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There is only one reason He gave up the glory and splendor of heaven to come to earth as a helpless child. That purpose was to live a perfectly sinless life and die on a cross to take the penalty for our sins. There is no other way we could be saved. So when you think of the baby in a manger, think also of His return. He will not look the same. Revelation 2 describes Him as having eyes like a flame of fire, and whowe feet are like burnished bronze. His word are as sharp as a sharp two edged sword. Are you ready to stand in His presence?