Home Editorial Pick Your Battles

Pick Your Battles

Pick Your Battles

 December 7, 1941 is a day that will live in infamy.

That was the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and officially brought the United States into WWII. Because of the unwarranted and unprovoked attack, the US really didn’t have much of a choice but to respond. Especially, since Europe was already ablaze with war. 

Unlike Roosevelt, you and I actually get to pick our battles. 

I’m not talking about going to actual war. 

I mean, if someone cuts us off in traffic we have a choice on how we are going to respond. 

Someone says something not so nice about us or our family. We have a choice on how we are going to respond. 

On any given day, we are given multiple opportunities to go to battle with individuals, groups or both. 

There is just no way we can be at constant war with the world around us and maintain our peace. 

That’s why we need to learn to pick our battles. 

I once heard a marriage counselor say those words. “Pick your battles.” 

In other words, don’t fight with your spouse over every little thing. 

“He squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle,” you might say. Is that worth disrupting your peace and ruining your day as well as his?

“She loads the toilet paper into the dispenser wrong,” he may say.

Is that worth the aggravation and hurt feelings your complaint may cause?

Pick your battles. 

We are faced with that option several times per day. 

It’s a great strategy. 

When we are constantly combative and nitpicking all we do is cause anger in strife for those around us. 

It also disrupts our own sense of wellbeing. 

So, the next time you have the opportunity to wage war with someone, ask yourself if it is really worth the aggravation. Is the offense really that bad?

By doing so you will save yourself from going through unnecessary stress. 

We don’t always have to “one-up” each other in this life. 

Sometimes you win. Sometimes they win. Sometimes neither win. 

That’s just life. 

The benefit of picking your battles let’s you develop a reputation as someone who is always opting for peace.

Then, when you do have to confront someone, the person will take you more seriously, because they realize it must be important or otherwise you wouldn’t be bringing it up.

If you are the type who goes to war with everyone over every little thing, nobody will take you seriously, and worse than that, nobody will want to be around you. 

“Isn’t that right…..” ooops, I started to actually  say their name. 

You get my point. 

Enjoy more peace of mind with yourself and with those around you. 

Learn to pick your battles. 

Life will go easier and you be more at ease. 

Merry Christmas.