The Waurika Cemetery Board had their meeting recently at Waurika City Hall.
Jim Gibson presided over the meeting.
America Dudley read the minutes from the previous meeting.
Jim began the meeting by announcing that there were two new members added to the board.
The new members are Mary Abernathy and Loretta Richardson.
Next, Jim said that they had recieved two bids for mowing the Waurika Cemetery but that it still needs to run one more week in the newspaper.
America said the Treasurer report was the same as it was at the previous meeting.
Mary Abernathy said she wants the cemetery to continuously look good. She said that was very important to her.
The possibility of donations was discussed.
Another question asked was how much it cost to operate the cemetery on a yearly basis.
Someone asked if an itemized statement of income and expenses could be presented at least once year to those who attend the yearly meeting.
The board voted to do this in the future.
The estimated yearly expense discussed was somewhere around $26,000.00.
The question arose again about transparency and that led to what was spent in 2017. The board responded that the only real major expense that year was the building of the fence. Someone else asked it if would ever be finished and painted.
The board said they would like to have gates at the cemetery where it can be locked.
Another question asked was how to assist those who come in from out of town looking for the graves of their loved ones, especially on holidays.
The Board said that at the moment, the Insurance Commissioner had all those records.
It was also noted that maps of the cemetery were located at the Dudley Funeral Home in Waurika. However, it was also stated that it was not very readable.
Someone suggested that volunteers could get together to map the cemetery and produce a new map that could be available to visitors to the cemetery.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.