Dalee Barrick is one of the Valedictorians of this year’s senior class of Waurika.
Barrick has a deep love for agriculture.
She will be attending Oklahoma State University and majoring in agricultural communications.
Her time serving in her church and spending time with her friends from her youth group at the Waurika Church of Christ is really important to her.
Barrick loves to sing and has participated at the state talent competition for both Beta Club and FFA.
She recently received the Outstanding Freshman English composition Award from Cameron University.
When asked about her favorite memories from high school she replied, “I suppose my favorite memories from high school weren’t necessarily at the school itself. Through these last four years, I have developed deep friendships with the people in my Church of Christ youth group. We have spent many nights doing anything from studying the Bible to playing cards and roasting marshmallows in my back yard. I have never been a student with gobs of friends. However, the friends I have are true ones. You can’t beat that.”
She has been a member of the academic team, Oklahoma honor society, FFA, Student council, national honor society, cross-country, power-lifting, and track. She also has participated in the drama club play.
Barrick has served as a student council representative, class officer, Waurika FFA Jr. Officer, National Honor Society president, Beta Club vice-president, FFA president, and editor of both the Eagle Yearbook and the Eagle Talk Newspaper. As our readers know, she is also a frequent contributor to the Waurika News Journal & The Ryan Leader.
Besides that she has also served as a member of the speech team and co-captain of the academic team.
Her academic awards include English 1, physical science, and algebra 1, and third place in creed speaking.
Her accomplishments in the livestock show arena include Grand Champion heifer at the Waurika Livestock show, Breed Champion heifer at the Jefferson County Livestock show, second in class Maintener Heifer State Fair, first place OYE Futurity Show and second place in the opening and closing ceremonies for FFA.
Barrick has completed classes at Cameron University while finishing her Senior Year at Waurika.
When asked about her favorite genre of music she states, “I can listen to just about anything. When it comes down to it, I think I’d have to say it’s a pretty even tie between 80’s – 90’s country and anything Frank Sinatra ever sang. Two completely different sounds, but I love them!”
She doesn’t necessarily have a favorite color. She says, “When I was younger, I thought my favorite color was purple, but now that I’m older I can’t say I have a favorite color necessarily. They all have a purpose, so I guess I love them all!”
To the younger students says, “I pray that the students of Waurika below me find their place just as I did. Join a school club, do your best in class, and let God be in your life. I can assure you if I hadn’t had done these things, I don’t know where I’d be.”
Dalee Barrick will enjoy a fruitful and successful collegiate experience.
Her desire to serve God and her fellowman will be assets that will carry her far in life.