51.1 F
Friday, January 31, 2025

Round Ryan April 19 2018

Ryan Main Street

Well, we have had a blessed week, weather wise this past week.  We have again seen extreme temperatures from the 90s one day to the 50s the next.  Winds that would nearly blow you away. We nearly had some rain Friday morning.  I woke up and it was lightning, but, when I turned the light on outside, the concrete was dry.  Maybe this week we will have better chances of precipitation coming possibly Friday and Saturday.  I am hoping that we won’t see anymore freezing temperatures until next fall.  I got out yesterday and mowed my weeds.  I didn’t see any grass among what I was mowing.  The plant with the little purple flowers was abundant, but, it looked like it was turning brown.  

I went to Amarillo Saturday morning and the winds were blowing at more than 30 mph.  I made it over to see Randy and made it back home again safely Saturday evening.  

There are 2 wedding showers scheduled this month.  Morgan Good’s shower is Sunday, April 29, from 2-4 pm at the Ryan Church of Christ.  They are registered at Dillard’s, Target, and Walmart.  Also, on April 22, at 2:00 pm at the Ryan First Baptist Church, Larimey Curtis and his fiancee. There is a hostess box for each of the 2 couples at the Ryan Drug Store if folks would like to just put in some money for either of the couples.

The Ryan food bank will be distributing food on April 28th.  

We received news from our Methodist District Superintendent last week, that our pastor, Sandy Shepherd is going to be assigned  up around the Tulsa area to two new churches for her.  She expressed a need to be relocated if possible, to be closer to her mother, that has had some concerning health issues.  We are sad to lose her, but we are certainly glad that she will be in a location that will get her closer to her mom.  Mark, her husband, has been quite an asset in our church, too.  He has sung some solos on several occasions, and is certainly blessed with a beautiful voice.  Our church doesn’t know at this time what pastor will be assigned to our church.  We will be in prayer for  receiving our pastor, whomever they assign us.

Kim’s news for this week:

Foxy is a cowdog chick.  Riding Ruffy Tuffy is her best trick.

Cowboys don’t cry, Ride Foxy ride.

Her favorite pastime of all is playing with her silly-ball.  She can raise her paw and praise God!

Everyone have a blessed week. Please pray for rain and for each other.

Round Ryan April 12 2018


What a week we have had around Ryan in regards to our weather.  We’ve had some really beautiful weather. We’ve had some great days to get outside and work on the yard, or whatever pleasurable things are to get us outside because it was so pleasant.  Well, after Friday afternoon was upon us, all of that changed.  The winds turned around and began blowing from the north, and they were really hard winds.  The kind of winds that, if you were sitting in your home, you could hear the shingles flapping around just a few feet above your head.  If the wind wasn’t enough, then, on Saturday morning, it was 30 degrees until around noon.  There was a bit of precipitation that turned to ice for a little while.  Sunday it was a bit warmer.  It made it up to around 60 degrees.  That was our heat wave for the weekend.  Today, the sun has been shining and it is very pleasant again.  I got on Facebook after I had received a message from a friend and the season we are in is being referred to is now Sprinter.  We don’t know if it is spring or winter, so, this catches whatever the condition is at the time.  We are still going to receive some pretty cool temperatures this coming weekend.  Our mesquite trees are even bearing leaves now, so, they think it is Spring. 

Our high school kids had their junior-senior prom this past weekend.  It was certainly cold that evening. 

We have a few folks in our community that needed to be lifted up in our prayers.  Joe Turner is still in Duncan Regional and is having some more surgery.  Please keep him and Fern in your prayers.  David Wingfield had surgery last week and prayers for him and his family that he will be restored to good health soon. Please remember Carlie Southard in our prayers.  Pat Bussey made it back home last week and she is going to Tulsa to the Cancer Center to get their opinion on what approach she needs to take in regards to the cancer she has.  Prayers for her and her family during this time. 

Terri and Chuck Sheffield will be making a trip to London, England this week.  Terri has been very successful in her insurance business and Farm Bureau is paying for their trip.  Prayers for them that they have safe travels there and back.  They will spend 9 hours on the plane before they get to their destination. 

Kim’s news for this week:

Before I got to the big flashing sign by the bridge, I look over my shoulder cause it sounded like I was getting pulled over. 

In Shelton’s parking lot I ran over my foot with a shopping cart..

Sunday afternoon, it was all I was hoping, me and Ruffy Tuffy turning back at the Cowboy Church roping.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Prayers for rain and for each other.

Waurika and Ryan Students Enjoy the Prom

This past weekend Waurika and Ryan enjoyed their annual proms. Below are the pictures.

Waurika Senior Class.
Photo by Curtis Plant
Ryan Senior Class.
Photo by Sheree Hanson
Waurika Junior Class
Photo by Curtis Plant
Ryan Junior Class
Photo by Sheree Hanson
Ryan’s King and Queen
Joseph Martin & Abbie Bolin
Photo by Sheree Hanson

Round Ryan

Ryan Main Street

This past Saturday was a great day for hunting Easter eggs around Ryan. Walker and Linda Ryan had a hot dog feed along with an Easter egg hunt just after dark, out at their house, east of Ryan.  There was a good crowd there and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

Brionna and I went over to Wichita Falls Saturday and went to the Whispers of Hope Horse Farm and visited Mary Elizabeth, that runs it.  We went to see the movie “I Can Only Imagine”. That was a really good movie.

Easter Sunday wasn’t quite as warm as we had seen on Saturday, but, we maybe saw a bit of precipitation for the day in the form of mist.  This morning, it was down-right cold again.  It is supposed to be in the 60s Tuesday and freezing Wednesday morning for this first week in April.  It’s amazing what changes we can have with our weather. 

I took Brionna over to visit her grandparents in Denison on Sunday afternoon.  We enjoyed lunch with them at the Cracker Barrel in Sherman.  Then we went over to their house to visit some more.  I stopped in for a visit with Mom that evening.  I played some hymns for them and they enjoyed singing with the familiar tunes.  We all had a good time.  Then I made it back to Ryan, safely before it was too late.  I watched Jesus Christ Superstar late Sunday evening.  I have heard mixed emotions about this production.  We got into a conversation about it during our Sunday school class and I just thought I would watch it for myself and form my own opinion.  I won’t publish my opinion about it.  The music was pretty good, though.

We had a good turnout for Brenda Johnson’s luncheon Friday afternoon. Three of her four kids were able to make it to have lunch with her.  There were some brother and sister-in-laws from Chickasha that came to celebrate with her.  She had all of her co-workers from the clinic with her, too.  There were friends and some of her patients from the clinic that came over to be with her, too.  I believe she enjoyed the lunch that we prepared for her.  We all had a good time eating and visiting together.  She actually got off work about an hour early Friday.  We will miss seeing Brenda in that clinic, but Cyndi Cosme has been working with Brenda and   Marc for a couple of weeks now.  Cyndi is the new LPN in our Ryan Family Medical Clinic. 

A number of Oklahoma teachers are taking a stand up at the State Capitol, asking for higher wages.  I saw a news clip on Channel 3 at 6:00 last week, where they interviewed a couple of students, as well as Mr. Chapman. They were discussing this issue on the news.

Joe Turner is still in the hospital in Duncan,  Ramona Johnson had her surgery in Dallas, and is expected to be discharged today. 

Kim’s news for this week:

Brionna lost her phone this week, but, Foxy had it in the back seat.

So, Gary Lee ran over his knee, working on his car alone. He almost hit his neighbor’s home.

Mollye, thanks a bunch for Brenda’s retirement lunch.

Dustan had a lot of snakes in a box. 

Resurrection Day, I can’t complain, I had a wonderful lunch at Blaine’s.

Everyone have a blessed week. Pray for each other and for rain.

Round Ryan March 29 2018


Well, we’ve certainly been well blessed with moisture and it is still coming down.  These rains might take us up to a level that bring us out of the drought level.  We can certainly be thankful for these rains.  Brionna and I had to make a quick trip to Waurika this morning, but, when we got to the first bridge that was under construction on hwy 81, the road was blocked.  There had been too much water that had washed out the bypass road in a small section. We had to make a U turn on the highway and proceed back to Ryan to go across the upper road and down Noble Ray Road.  We made it there and back and met quite a bit of traffic to and fro. We narrowly missed a bad storm Sunday evening as we were traveling back from Denison.  There were Channel 6 storm watchers along 82 just west of Nocona.  The sky was black and we did drive through a bit of hail, but, we made it home.  Life is sometimes quite the journey, good and bad.

Prayers and sympathy to the families of Louie (Sonny) Dabbs and John D. Johnson during their losses.

There is an Easter egg hunt planned for Saturday, starting at 10:00am at the Ryan Sports Complex. Registration for prizes will begin at 9:30am. Prizes will be drawn at 10:45am.Child must be present to win prizes! They will have games, food, and fun! This event is being sponsored by Ryan First Baptist Church.

There is a wedding shower planned on Sunday, April 29, from 2:00-4:00pm at the Ryan Church of Christ for Morgan Good and her fiance.  The couple is registered at Dillards, Target, and Walmart.  There is also a hostess box for the couple at the Ryan Drug Store.

This Sunday is Easter and the doors of our churches are open to any and all folks.  Easter Sunday services just seem to be better attended than most other Sundays.

Please remember Joe Turner in prayer as he has been taken back to Duncan Regional Hospital for more surgery this past Sunday.  Fern and the rest of their family need our prayers during Joe’s illness, too.  Their daughter, Becky came down from Wyoming for a visit last week and stayed with Fern that whole week.  Their son David, has been with Fern part of this time.

Our kids are back in school week after having Spring break last week.  Not much of the school year is left for our kids.

Also, next Tuesday is the evening for Ryan City Council meeting at 6:00pm.

This Friday will be Brenda Johnson’s last day to work in the Ryan Family Clinic and I would like to honor her by giving her a luncheon at 12:00 noon.  We will be having chicken salad sandwiches, chips, water,  and cookies for dessert.  This will take place from 12:00 to 1:00pm at the Ryan Drug Store.  All are welcome to attend this celebration.

Kim’s news for this week:

Penny is an awesome dog, she can even kill a hog.

Dustan is great at catching snakes.

As Ruffy Tuffy grown older, he eats treats off my shoulder, and, he can shake hands.

Everyone have a blessed week and a Happy Easter.  Prayers for safe travels if you are venturing away from home for that weekend.

Round Ryan March 22 2018

Ryan Main Street

Spring is officially here, and, plants and trees are really beginning to show their awesome beauty around here.  I went over to my peach tree (I think) and wanted to smell the blooms to see if there was an odor to their blooms.  There is.  There was also a honey bee headed into one of the blooms that I was about to stick close to my nose.  I let him have it. We also still have those bugs that look like lady bugs, around town in great numbers.  I’ve seen them in peoples homes as well as outside.  They are some sort of a Japanese beetle, from what I’ve heard.  I do believe they will bite a person, if you are so inclined to pick them up to hold them.

We were blessed with a little bit of rain after church service was over Sunday afternoon.  It began a very fine mist as I was going to church at about 9:15am and wound up raining before the sun came out and displayed its’ beauty Sunday afternoon.  We welcome any and all precipitation around here.  We are still in great need of precipitation.  We are in a burn ban, so, be very careful if you strike a match outside your home or in pastures or fields around Jefferson county.

I went to Duncan Saturday afternoon and while I was there, it began to get really cloudy late in the afternoon.  It began raining there as I was leaving out around 5:00 in the early evening. We weren’t as fortunate to have been blessed by that same rain system.

This Saturday is the food bank distribution at 10:00am.  Also at 1:00 in the park there will be the Easter egg hunt.

Joe Turner is in the Jefferson County Hospital for a little while. Prayers for him as he is in the healing process and for Fern as she travels daily to be with him.  Wayne Harrison, Linda’s husband, is in need of our prayers as he recuperates from having had surgery to repair an aneurism.  They were unable to make the repair as he sustained a heart attack during his surgical procedure.  Linda says that he is doing much better now, though.  That is good to hear.

I haven’t spoken about the casino in Terral, since they opened.  Brionna, Jim, and I went up there to check it out on the night they opened on March 1.  None of us got back what we put into the machines.  That seemed to be what was happening with everyone we spoke to that went that day.  There has been one lucky individual that got quite a jackpot of nearly $1 million.

The Ryan Family Clinic hosted a party for Brenda Johnson last Friday, as she is nearing her retirement this month.  I am not sure if Brenda is looking forward to this occasion or dreading it since all she has ever done in her life is work.  Bless her as she begins a new chapter in her life. Her kids and grandkids and siblings will keep her busy, I’ll bet.

Kim’s news for this week:

I enjoy talking to Ron and Traci, I do.  Especially about their pet rooster, LaRae.

What a blessed week, I can’t complain.  Praise God for the rain.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Keep praying for rain and for each other and have a Happy Palm Sunday this coming weekend.

Brenda Johnson Retires from Ryan Clinic

Brenda Johnson

She has been practicing medicine for thirty-four years. Twenty-seven of those years were spent at the Ryan Health Clinic now known as Ryan Family Care clinic.

Friends and family gathered at the Ryan Family Care clinic Friday afternoon to wish her a happy retirement.

Jefferson County Hospital Administrator presented her with a framed picture of Duncan Regional Hospital that also featured service medals for her many years of dedication.

Brenda reminisced about the early days when Dr. Stout would come by the hospital where she and her sister were working just to give them instructions in how to stitch up a patient.

She will be sorely missed.

Round Ryan March 8 2018


We’ve got another week behind us and were again blessed with a bit of rain.  May not have been too much, but every little bit helps around here.  We’ve still seen some days of lows down into the 30s and will continue to do so for just a few more weeks.  The buds on our fruit trees are getting close to exploding out into blooms.

It is always risky at this point, because, we can still see temperatures get at or below the freezing point.  There was a lot of fruit on our trees last year, but, time will tell how we will come out this year over the next 2 or 3 weeks.  Our weather has been so up and down all throughout this winter season.  We do have a few flowers blooming up around our grass, that hasn’t quite started to come out of its dormancy.  Our time of having to get out and mow is fast approaching, though.

I’ve had Brionna with me all week and took her back down to Bowie Sunday, after a visit with all of her grandparents that day.

Don’t forget to set your clocks up 1 hour this Sunday morning.  Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday morning at 2:00am. I will not shout for joy for this one.

Our town council meeting is tonight and they are going to address the commercial polycart rate possibly being lowered from $30 to $19.50.  They are also going to address having an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 24th, and there are a few other items on the agenda.

Kim’s news for this week:

At the cowboy college, thanks to Rex, I passed my SOS test. Lost my keys, oh shoot, found them in my boot.  Mollye, thanks for helping me unload oats and shavings.  Dustan, thanks again for giving Ruffy Tuffy a trim..  Caleb rode with me, I rode Navaho and he rode Ruffy Tuffy.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Pray for rain and for each other.

Ryan Council Meeting – Easter Egg Hunt March 24 2018


All members of the Council were present along with Ryan’s attorney as the council undertook the business in the interest of the town of Ryan.

Deborah Reynolds read the treasurer’s report for the month ending on February 28, 2018. The report was approved unanimously. 

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

The purchase orders and claims were approved for the month of November.

Next, the council discussed a request of the Ryan Public Schools to possibly place a wireless antenna on the town water tower. The city attorney, Kenzie Wheeler, suggested that the school sign a liability waiver. The antenna will be used to broadcast an internet signal from the school to the football field.

Ryan voted to sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt in the park on Saturday, March 24, 2018.

The council voted to pass Resolution 2018-01 reducing the commercial polecat rate from $30.00 to $19.50 per month.

Ryan will publish a request for bids for the cemetery mowing contract for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019.

Under new business, the council said the Ryan water will be turned off this coming Saturday in order to facilitate repairs. It is believed that the water could be turned back on by noon or soon thereafter.

The Utility Authority Meeting began immediately after the conclusion of the regular town meeting.

The minutes for the previous meeting were approved.

Next, the council approved paying the bills and claims for the month of February.

The council voted to purchase 2 (15 KVA Reclosures from T&R Electric for a total cost of $13,700. The current ones haven’t been replaced in at least 60 years. The new ones will be more efficient and dependable. The reclosures act like a circuit breaker. One services the north side of town and the other the south side of town.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Round Ryan


It was a blessing to have made it through last week with all of the dilemmas we were faced with after Tuesday morning. We started out with 73 degree temperatures on Tuesday morning, but, by that evening it was 33 degrees. The wind was really blowing, and after I got home that evening, the electricity went out just after 10:00 pm. Thankfully, our power was restored at around 8:15 am Wednesday. I had the cat and dog in the house with me overnight. The cat never presents any problems being kept inside the house, but, the dog is not nearly as good as the cat. We made it through the night all in one piece. Our dog has a heat lamp in his dog house, so, he is accustomed to being outside. We were blessed with rain and sleet more than one day last week. Our little town just didn’t have many people out in this terribly cold weather. The clinic next door to me was closed on Wednesday and Thursday. I was surprised that Marc could make it to his clinic on both of those days. We were blessed with close to 6 inches of precipitation from the time it all started Tuesday through Saturday morning. It was another blessing to see the sun come out Saturday morning. Our kids were out of school Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, because of the icy conditions of our roads. I didn’t even receive my drug order from my wholesale company on Thursday. My delivery man called and was very concerned about coming down from Duncan, and I told him that I wasn’t in desperate need and could wait until Friday to get my order. I had several leaks in my store from the ice on top of the roof. After it began to get above freezing, the ice melted that was in contact with the roof, while a sheet of ice stayed above the ice that had thawed. This trapped the water above the roof and it found several holes to get into and I was trying to find buckets and trash cans to capture all the leaks that had sprung into action. This was certainly a challenge, but, not too much damage was done from the leaks. This just means more repair has become necessary.

This coming Tuesday should be the day for the Ryan City Council meeting at 6:00 pm.

Toby Brown passed away last Thursday morning. Toby is the son of V.C. And Vickie Brown. His best friend, Ben Arneson, came into the store Thursday morning and told me he had just passed away. Prayers to the Brown family and to Ben during this difficult time.

Kim’s news for this week: All the sleet and ice was not nice. Walking to the barn, I almost fell. Driving, I spun and fish tailed. Saturday, I gave a praise shout when the sun came out.

Foxy and I went to the livestock show, but, at 2:30 we had to go.

Everybody have a blessed week. Pray for rain and for each other.


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