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Monday, January 27, 2025

Library News March 8 2018


“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You,” – Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss.

Children enjoy celebrating Dr. Seuss

March 2nd was Dr. Seuss’ Birthday.  Born in 1904, he would have been 114 this year.  Last Thursday, March 1st, the Library welcomed Terral Public Schools grades K-4 to celebrate Dr. Suess’ birthday.  I read ‘Ten Apples Up on Top’ before the kids participated in games and activities.  The following day, Friday, March 2nd, the Waurika and Temple Head Starts visited.  Thanks to the Waurika FCCLA for helping on Thursday and to Vickie Etheridge and Starr Heron for helping on Friday.  Thanks to all of the teachers, parents, and children that attended.

FCCLA Volunteers (l-r) Olivia Ralls, Hope Cummings, Landry Forsyth, Kameron Zaicek, Brooklyn Barnes, and Madison Christian

The Story Of The Boot was a display of family stories in Jefferson County created to compliment the Smithsonian Institute exhibition at the Rock Island Depot this summer.

These stories have been compiled into a hardback book.  Copies of ‘The Story of the Boot’ are $25 and take 2-3 weeks for delivery to the library.  If you would like the copy mailed to a location other than the library, please add an additional $5 for shipping and allow for an additional week for mailing.

‘Your Hometown’ is a DVD compilation of videos from the local community.  The DVD includes the opening of Veteran’s Park, Brickstreet Classic Car Show, Interviews with residents of Jefferson Co. and more!  Copies of the DVD are available at the library for $10 with proceeds going to the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.

Story Time has a new day!  Story Time is now on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.  Each week, we read stories to pre-k children.  After Story Time, we have games, puzzles, and children’s computer games available.  If you would like to see Story Time on a different day and time, just let us know.

Many events and programs at the library are supported and funded by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  The Friends have started their sponsorship drive for 2018.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information, to become a sponsor, or volunteer, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Library News for February 15 2018


On Thursday, February 22nd, the Library will have a computer class at 4:30pm.  This class will be geared towards beginners and cover basic mouse operations, creating files and folder, and copying, moving and pasting text or files.  We will have computers available, but you can also bring your own device including phones or tablets if you have any questions about how to do something.

Next Monday, February 19, the Library will be closed in observance of President’s day.  We will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

On March 1st and 2nd, the Waurika Public Library will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday welcoming Terral grade school on the first, and Waurika and Temple Head Starts on the second.

The Story Of The Boot was a display of family stories in Jefferson County created to

compliment the Smithsonian Institute exhibition at the Rock Island Depot this summer.

These stories have been compiled into a hardback book.  Copies of ‘The Story of the Boot’ are $25 and take 2-3 weeks for delivery to the library.  If you would like the copy mailed to a location other than the library, please add an additional $5 for shipping and allow for an additional week for mailing.

‘Your Hometown’ is a DVD compilation of videos from the local community.  The DVD includes the opening of Veteran’s Park, Brickstreet Classic Car Show, Interviews with residents of Jefferson Co. and more!  Copies of the DVD are available at the library for $10 with proceeds going to the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.

Story Time has a new day!  Story Time is now on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.  Each week, we read stories to pre-k children.  After Story Time, we have games, puzzles, and children’s computer games available.  If you would like to see Story Time on a different day and time, just let us know.

Many events and programs at the library are supported and funded by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  The Friends have started their sponsorship drive for 2018.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information, to become a sponsor, or volunteer, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Library News for January 25 2018


Tonight, the FRIENDS of the Waurika Public Library will have their quarterly meeting at 4:30 pm at the library.  Many of the programs at the library are sponsored by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  The Friends have started their 2018 sponsorship drive.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information or to become a sponsor, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

On January 11th, the First Baptist Church of Waurika Pre-school class visited the Library. After reading ‘Hide and Snake’, the children did activities including ‘ice-fishing’ and a ring-toss.  Next, we toured the Depot museum. The kids had a lot of fun pressing keys on the typewriters. Thanks to Sharon Morgan and Jan Farris for visiting us. We always enjoy field trips!

The Story Of The Boot was a display of family stories in Jefferson County created to

compliment the Smithsonian Institute exhibition at the Rock Island Depot this summer.

These stories have been compiled into a hardback book.  Copies of ‘The Story of the Boot’ are $25 and take 2-3 weeks for delivery to the library.  If you would like the copy mailed to a location other than the library, please add an additional $5 for shipping and allow for an additional week for mailing.

‘Your Hometown’ is a DVD compilation of videos from the local community.  The DVD includes the opening of Veteran’s Park, Brickstreet Classic Car Show, Interviews with residents of Jefferson Co. and more!  Copies of the DVD are available at the library for $10 with proceeds going to the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.

Story Time has a new day!  Story Time is now on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.  Each week, we read stories to pre-k children.  After Story Time, we have games, puzzles, and children’s computer games available.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Library News


Story Time Returns! Each Wednesday morning at 10:00 am, we read stories to pre-k children. After Story Time, we have Legos, puzzles, games and computers for the children to play with. We hope to see you here!

The theme for this year’s Let’s Talk About It Oklahoma book discussions is ‘Working to Survive: Surviving to Work’.   On November 7th, at 5:30pm, Dr. John Morris visits to discuss our next book ‘Bartleby the Scrivener’ by Herman Melville.

A scrivener was a person who could read and write and wrote letters to courts and legal documents. Scriveners were people that made their living by writing or copying written material. This usually included secretarial and administrative duties such as dictation and keeping business, judicial, and history records for kings, nobles, temples, and cities. Scriveners later developed into public servants, accountants, lawyers and petition writers.

Bartleby is a scrivener, “who obstinately refuses to go on doing the sort of writing demanded of him.” During the spring of 1851, Melville felt similarly about his work on Moby Dick. Thus, Bartleby can be seen to represent Melville’s frustration with his own situation as a writer, and the story itself is “about a writer who forsakes conventional modes because of an irresistible preoccupation with the most baffling philosophical questions.” Bartleby can also be seen to represent Melville’s relation to his commercial, democratic society.

Discussions for Let’s Talk About It begin at 5:30 p.m.

November 7th

Bartleby the Scrivener:  A Story of Wall Street

by: Herman Melville

John Morris

December 5th

The Cliff Walk: A Job Lost and  a Life Found

by: Don J. Snyder

Bruce Treadaway

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/


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