On Tuesday, October 8th, the WHS Band sponsored a high school powder puff football game at Cy Sloan Stadium. The teams were made up of sophomores/seniors and freshmen/juniors. (Due to a lack of participation, some juniors had to switch teams). The coaches of the sophomore/senior team were senior football players Turner Mora and Edwin Garcia. The freshmen/junior team coaches were Payton Fletcher and Hunter Wesberry.
Senior coach Edwin Garcia said, “It was pretty fun, but different due to not being on the field.” When asked if this experience made him think about coaching in the future, he simply laughed and said “No…”. The sophomore/senior team won with a score of 19-12.
Money raised from the gate, concessions, and shirt sales will help pay for the band trip to Disney in May. “I think it was very successful, and everyone had a good time,” band director Everett Hodges said. “It’ll most likely become an annual thing.”