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Jeffco COOP News

Jeffco COOP News

News relating to Family and Consumer Sciences:

Co-Parenting Classes:  This class, offered monthly, is informative for Parents, Grandparents and other relatives of minor children living with parents who are going through a separation or divorce. The next class is scheduled for 1 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at the Jefferson County OSU Extension Conference Room. Other dates may be scheduled as time allows. 

Oklahoma law mandates divorcing parents of minor children to take a Co-Parenting Class. To register for a class, contact Jefferson County OSU Extension office at 580-228-2332.  Pre-registration is required and there is a cost for this class. Contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.  

Jefferson County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) hosts monthly programs the 3rd Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.; these programs include research-based educational topics.  These programs are open to the public.  

January 17: “Planting the Path for Pollinators”

February 17: “Risk of Type 2 Diabetes” presented by Dr. Megan Monteith, West District South Area Specialist Health & Wellness 

March 21:  No meeting as we will attend West District South OHCE meeting at Quartz Mountain Lodge on March 21.

A class for Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance will be scheduled and is open to all ages.  If interested, or know someone who will be interested, let Tara Brown know so adequate supplies can be made available.

Jefferson County 4-H and Youth Development News:

West District 4-H Has Talent is scheduled for Saturday, January 28, 2023.  Entries are due to Jefferson County OSU Extension office by 3 p.m. Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

West District South Region Public Speaking (Speeches, Illustrated Presentations, and Demonstrations) contest will be Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the Pleasant View Mennonite Church in Hydro, Oklahoma.  The contest will begin at 9 am and end by noon.  There will also be a Volunteer Conference in the afternoon for those enrolled as a 4-H Volunteer.  Contact Tara Brown for the link to register for the contest.

Shooting Sports – Next practice will be scheduled. 

West District Duds to Dazzle is scheduled for Saturday, April 1, 2023, at Clinton, OK. More details will be coming.

West District South Culinary Days is scheduled for Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at Stephens Food Showdown.

To participate in 4-H Events and Contests, members must be actively enrolled.  If you need assistance, contact Linda Whitsett or Tara Brown at Jefferson County OSU Extension 580-228-2332.

Emails and information about upcoming 4-H events will be emailed to your email address you used when signing up on 4h.zsuite.org

Volunteers are important for our 4-H program.  We appreciate Emily Smith volunteering to be trained as a Certified Shooting Sports Coach for Air Rifle. She has taken time to meet with 4-H members to practice Shooting Sports safety and firing Air Rifles at targets.  She took a group to the West District Shooting Sports Contest to participate in the Air Rifle discipline in Fairview, OK, Saturday, December 10.  We look forward to a successful year with her guidance!  Thank you, Emily, for stepping up to assist with this program.

If you have an interest in a project and are willing to share your interest with our youth and become a 4-H volunteer, contact OSU Extension at 580-228-2332 for information.

Jefferson County Jr. Livestock Show is scheduled for Thursday, February 23-Saturday, February 25, 2023.  Entries are due by 4 p.m. Friday, December 16, 2022.

Master Gardener Classes (6 – Week program) will begin January 17, 2023, and jointly offered by Comanche, Cotton and Stephens Counties OSU Extension. If interested, registration is due January 10 to Kimbreley Davis, Cotton County OSU Extension at 580-875-3136.