STEMist Camps
Get excited! Oklahoma 4-H Virtual STEM camps start next week and run through the first week of August. STEM camps are a great way for 4-H members and youth age 8-12 to get involved with STEM and have some fun this summer! Camps include livestock science, bioenergy, photography, camping, wearable tech and more.
REGISTER and COMPLETE some or all of the camps ANY TIME, June 8th – August 14th, 2020!
STEM Camps are open to all youth regardless of 4-H membership. If you are not a 4-H member, consider joining or exploring to learn about the opportunities 4-H offers. To learn more about 4-H or find a 4-H Club in your community, contact Jefferson County OSU Extension at (580) 228-2332.
Participants that complete the projects, Microsoft form and/or FlipGrid will receive a special prize at the end of each camp.
This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OIA-1301789.
Gardening: July 6-10
Weather: July 6-10
Camping: July 13-17
Food Science: July 15-17
Chemistry: July 20-24
Farm to Fork: July 20-24
Science Fair Workshop (Available July 20th, Due July 31st)
COVID Camp: July 27-31 – If you or a loved one has been affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic; this is a camp for you. From sewing, problem solving or making your own hand sanitizer, campers will learn self-sufficiency skills
Wearable Tech: July 28-31
Wind Power: August 3-7
4-H Family Tailgating Contest

Just a quick reminder the 4-H Family Tailgating Contest is on the State 4-H Website. The link to the contest information page http://4h.okstate.edu/4-h-tailgate-contest
The registration link is at the bottom of the page. The deadline for the submission of the PowerPoint is July 15, 2020.
Co-Parenting for Resilience Class for Separating or Divorcing couples with Minor children living in the home is offered monthly. The next class offered in Jefferson County OSU Extension office will be Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Registration is required; contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.
Oklahoma Home and Community Education – OHCE is in a unique position to help individual members and their families and communities develop a higher level of living through education. No other organization is better poised to develop community leaders and informed citizens through research based educational programs.
** Membership is open to any person interested in joining us as we learn research-based information and how to apply it to our daily lives. Contact Tara Brown, Jefferson County OSU Extension Educator at 580-228-2332 for additional information.
July’s lesson, a handmade craft, was provided by Pat McGriff. It was recorded live and is available on Jefferson County OSU Extension’s Facebook page.