News relating to Family and Consumer Sciences:
Co-Parenting Classes: Oklahoma law mandates divorcing parents of minor children to take a Co-Parenting Class. To register for one of these classes, contact Jefferson County OSU Extension office at 580-228-2332. Pre-registration is required and there is a cost for this class. This class is also informative for Grandparents and other relatives and is offered monthly. The next class is scheduled for 1 pm Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at the Jefferson County OSU Extension Conference Room. Other dates may be scheduled as time allows. Contact Tara Brown at 580-228-2332 for additional information.
Jefferson County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) hosts monthly programs the 3rd Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m.; these programs include research-based educational topics. These programs are open to the public.
November 15: “Gnome-body Knows You Like I Gnome You!” will be presented by Carol Hart, Comanche County Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences, CED
If there are programs you would like to see, please let us know! Upcoming programs will include “Back to the Basics” and cover cooking, sewing, and Financial Budgeting, etc. Also upcoming is a class for Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance. If interested, or know someone who will be interested, call and let Tara Brown know so adequate supplies can be made available.
Our October 18 program was “Hydroponic Gardening – Growing a Living Pantry” presented by Tara Brown, Jefferson County OSU Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development/CED. Information is available as handouts.
OHCE CREED, We believe the family should come first in the life of the individual, the community, and the nation. We will build our homes on love and mutual respect. We shall endeavor to discover the potential in our children and our neighbor’s children and to help them develop their personalities in such a manner that they make a worthwhile contribution to life. We shall maintain high standards in our homes through research and education to promote better use of our environment and better living conditions for all. We shall encourage a faith in a God of love who is forever revealed through natural laws and human personalities. We shall have faith that strong leaders shall go forth from our homes and communities, carrying with them throughout the universe the ideals which we have proclaimed.
Jefferson County 4-H and Youth Development News:
Enrollment for 2022-2023 began August 1st through 4h.zsuite.org. To enroll, students must be 8 years of age and in the 3rd grade (or older). To participate in 4-H Events and Contest, members must be actively enrolled. If you need assistance, contact Linda Whitsett or Tara Brown at Jefferson County OSU Extension 580-228-2332.
Emails and information about upcoming 4-H events will be emailed to your email address you used when signing up on 4h.zsuite.org
Many students may be planning to show an animal at the Jr. Livestock Show and/or at Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE). OYE Nominations are due by November 10 for many animal breeds – please get with your school’s Ag teacher for assistance – You must be actively enrolled in 4-H or FFA to participate.
West District South Region Public Speaking (Speeches, Illustrated Presentations, and Demonstrations) contest will be Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the Pleasant View Mennonite Church in Hydro, Oklahoma. The contest will begin at 9 am and end by noon. There will also be a Volunteer Conference in the afternoon for those enrolled as a 4-H Volunteer. Contact Tara Brown for the link to register for the contest.
Shooting Sports – a training for those interested in becoming a Shooting Sports coach will be held Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4 at Chisholm Trail Technology Center between Kingfisher and Watonga. Due Date to Registered is November 18. There is a registration fee, contact Tara Brown for information. To be a Shooting Sports coach (which includes Archery, Air Rifle/Pistol, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Hunting Skills, Western Heritage, County Coordinator), you must be enrolled as a volunteer in 4h.zsuite.org