The Jefferson County 4-H has been on the road again showing at the Oklahoma Junior Cattlemen’s Association Preview show in Stillwater, OK.
Here are the results:
Kylie Waters: 3rd in class with her Simmental steer.
Kynlee Waters: 3rd in class with her Maine-Anjou steer.
Rance Howard: Reserve Breed with his Simmental steer, 1st in class with his Charolais steer, and 2nd in class with his Limousin steer.
Cody Ramsey: Reserve Breed Hereford Steer and 3rd in class with his Commercial Heifer.
Caitlyn Ramsey: Breed Champion Saler steer, 2nd in class with her Shorthorn steer, and Champion Junior Showman.
In addition to showing, they competed in several competitions including the Quiz Bowl, Cow Camp, and the Livestock Judging. Kynlee Waters, Cody Ramsey, Stanton Hooper, and Caitlyn Ramsey placed first in the junior Quiz Bowl. Also, Kynlee Waters placed high Junior Individual in the Judging Contest.

and Caitlyn Ramsey Submitted photo.