On September 26, motivational speaker Nick Moore visited WMS and WHS to speak to the student body. Moore’s speech focused mainly on motivation and to never give up. Moore, 47, spoke passionately about reaching your goals and striving to be the very best you can be.
Moore, from Wichita Falls, Texas, visits 65-80 schools a year to spread his message and his story. Moore is not only a motivational speaker. He is a father, a youth fitness trainer, a referee, a personal fitness trainer, and an author. His book, Never Too Late, is a motivational book. He pulls from his own experiences in his book and in his talks in order to help children.
Moore originally wanted to be an NFL football player, but an injury in college and having a child led him down a different path. He was and still is very passionate about sports and in motivational speaking he found a way to combine his passions, sports and helping people.
During his speech he pulled volunteers from the audience. He had them try to shoot shots from the free throw line, 3 point line, and half court. While not all the students made all the shots they tried, which was the point of the demonstration. It may not always work out, but as long as you try that’s all that matters. When asked why he was so passionate about what he does he said his elementary school principal contributed to it a lot. Moore went to Sam Houston Elementary school in Wichita Falls, Texas. “You know, being in elementary, my grandparents didn’t go to college so I was thinking I was just gonna work straight out of high school. College wasn’t even an option until he introduced it to me,” Moore is quoted saying. Moore attended college in Arizona and has his Associate’s degree in sociology and is currently working on his Bachelor’s and Masters.
When asked to provide advice for students in high school he said, “Just believe in yourself, push yourself, have some goals in front of you, short-term and long-term goals. Figure out what you want to do and kind of figure out a path. Google anything you need to know online on whatever it takes to be successful in this career. Just go figure out what school you can apply for and get in. Apply for that school. If you get in , accept the scholarship, accept the financial aid, get in that school and just push. That’s the big thing, just push yourself and try not to start something and don’t finish. Thats a big thing, try to finish whatever you can.”
You can find Nick Moore on social media. His Facebook is Nickie Moore, his Instagram is mtovatornick, and his twitter is NickMoo8888.