Home News Ryan News Round Ryan October 12 2017

Round Ryan October 12 2017

Round Ryan October 12 2017
Ryan Main Street
We have been blessed with nearly 3 inches of rain this past week. It was much needed, and is pretty well been absorbed into the soil now.  I am watching my lawn and hoping not to have to get on the mower again this year, but I am seeing some blades of grass stick up more than what I like, so, maybe next weekend will be the last.
Brionna and I attended the wedding ceremony of Denver Bob and Hailey Overstreet.  They had a good crowd out there at the Beaver Creek Barn near Walters.  Brother Bob Waitman officiated over the ceremony.  He had a lot of kind words, scriptures, and advice for the couple.
The Ryan junior high football team will be playing Thackerville on October 9, starting at 6:30pm here in Ryan.  The high school team will be playing Fox here with the game starting at 7:30pm this Friday night.
We will be closing the Ryan Drug Store at 11:00am this Thursday to attend the funeral service of Brionna’s uncle and my brother-in-law, Brad Compton, in Lewisville, TX. We will open Friday as usual.
This coming Monday, October 9, is Columbus Day and this is a holiday for the banks, post office, and Ryan City Hall.  They will all be closed Monday.
Kim’s news for this week:
Thanks to Pat and Doyle again for giving Ruffy Tuffy a trim.
This week was great, Foxy had her birthday, she turned 8.
And isn’t God grand for the rain on this land.
The Cowboy Church roping was awesome, I scared Doyle with Foxy’s toy possum.
When I got stuck, there was no doubt that the cowboys would get me out.
Everyone have a blessed week and prayers for rain have been helping, but continue to pray for each other here and everywhere.


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