Home News Ryan News Round Ryan July 19 2018

Round Ryan July 19 2018

Round Ryan July 19 2018
Ryan Main Street

We were blessed here in Ryan last week on Tuesday and Thursday with nearly 2 inches of rain each day.  I will be getting on the mower this week, finally.  Temperatures over the next week are expected to be over 100 degrees, and no rain mentioned in the forecast.  We will get through it.

Last Tuesday, the Ryan City Council met. The first thing on the agenda was for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.  There were a couple of deputies there to discuss the concern of the Jefferson County dispatch service.  After discussion between both groups, Ryan Council told them they would meet with them after their next council meeting at the Jefferson County Commissioners meeting in August.  The concern was that they felt all communities should be asked to be a part of this service, and pay a fair share across the board.  Ryan Council felt it wasn’t fair for Ryan, Waurika, and Ringling to foot the bill for all the towns or communities within our county.  There were other items on the agenda, but, this was the most notable. 

The wedding shower for Macie Jo  Wright and Austin Masoner is planned for July 29th from 2-4pm at the Ryan Church of Christ.  There is a hostess box at Ryan Drug Store if folks would like to put in any money for the couple. 

This past Friday night, I missed an invitation to the Rockin H Land & Cattle Co. in Temple, Oklahoma, for the birthday celebration for Dana Major.  She celebrated her 70th birthday with a lot of friends and family at the restaurant.  I saw a video on Facebook of Dana blowing out her candles on her cake.  I don’t think they had 70 on the cake, but it still took her some pretty good breaths to get them all blown out.  She had a good time, and it looked like everyone else did, too.

Prayers to the family of Glen Martin during their loss of Glen this past week.

Kim’s news for this week:

Foxy was quite a sight wearing her straw hat at the Ranch-Round-Up Rodeo Saturday night.

I have to give God a cheer for no car damage when I hit a deer.

Everyone have a blessed week and please pray for rain and for each other.


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