Praise the Lord! We received some measurable rain Sunday afternoon. The pavement is still wet and conditions are cloudy. I haven’t mowed in 3 weeks now. There is nothing to mow. Our grass is laying dormant on the ground. Plants have had to be watered from the water hoses. God’s blessings of rain far surpass any garden hoses. He just hasn’t seen fit to send much our way yet. Our temperature was 94 degrees around 3:00 pm yesterday and when the front blew in, it was 74 degrees. The temperature stayed there all night. I got out and watered the plants this morning, anyway. We desperately need rain around Ryan. The grasshoppers have really begun to move into town again.
I went over to see Mom Saturday afternoon after going to Wichita Falls. I spent some time with her and was on my way back to Ryan on Highway 81 just north of Ringgold and I could see an animal beginning to cross the highway. It’s body was slim and low to the ground, and I assumed it was a coyote. I was getting closer to the animal and it was slowing down and so was I when we met, face to face, on the highway. It was a tiny baby deer, and I saw no sign of its’ mother. It just stood there looking at me. My car was dead still, and I honked at the baby deer, it didn’t even move at first, then I honked again, and it began running back from the direction it had originally started crossing. Its’ little feet were slipping on the pavement of the highway as it was trying to move quickly to get away from this foreign object that it was facing. I know there are an abundance of deer around our area, but, my heart went out for this little guy or gal. I hope it found a safe place and still has its’ mother to care for it somewhere out there.
Kim’s news for this week:
Yes, it is true Ruffy Tuffy got a straw hat, too.
Every morning I go ride with Foxy by my side.
Then Foxy and I go to the ball park, where she can play ball and bark.
Everyone have a blessed week, a safe 4th of July and please remember to keep praying for rain and for each other.