We’ve got another week behind us and were again blessed with a bit of rain. May not have been too much, but every little bit helps around here. We’ve still seen some days of lows down into the 30s and will continue to do so for just a few more weeks. The buds on our fruit trees are getting close to exploding out into blooms.
It is always risky at this point, because, we can still see temperatures get at or below the freezing point. There was a lot of fruit on our trees last year, but, time will tell how we will come out this year over the next 2 or 3 weeks. Our weather has been so up and down all throughout this winter season. We do have a few flowers blooming up around our grass, that hasn’t quite started to come out of its dormancy. Our time of having to get out and mow is fast approaching, though.
I’ve had Brionna with me all week and took her back down to Bowie Sunday, after a visit with all of her grandparents that day.
Don’t forget to set your clocks up 1 hour this Sunday morning. Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday morning at 2:00am. I will not shout for joy for this one.
Our town council meeting is tonight and they are going to address the commercial polycart rate possibly being lowered from $30 to $19.50. They are also going to address having an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 24th, and there are a few other items on the agenda.
Kim’s news for this week:
At the cowboy college, thanks to Rex, I passed my SOS test. Lost my keys, oh shoot, found them in my boot. Mollye, thanks for helping me unload oats and shavings. Dustan, thanks again for giving Ruffy Tuffy a trim.. Caleb rode with me, I rode Navaho and he rode Ruffy Tuffy.
Everyone have a blessed week. Pray for rain and for each other.