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‘Round Ryan News


What wonderful weather we are experiencing around Ryan the past 2 days.  We’ve had temperatures just above 90 Monday and not expecting to hit 100 this week.  The past week was miserable with temperatures climbing up to 114 and lows around 80.  It’s a blessing to get outside in the morning and feel a cool breeze around you and then to go home in the evening on my bicycle and still hardly break a sweat before I get home, even after riding out to the cemetery before going home.  Summers can be hard to tolerate some of the time. 

This Saturday morning is the day of the Ryan food bank.

This Saturday evening, Billy Roberson and his band will be playing at the old Methodist Church in Byers.  The admission fee is $10.00 if folks might be interested in going out for a good night of country & western entertainment.  I am not certain as to what time the music starts, but I will find out before Saturday if folks want to call the drug store for further information on this event.  Bill is a great musician and singer if you’ve never had an opportunity to hear him sing or play. 

Sunday, at the Ryan Senior Citizen Center, there will be a benefit dinner for Pat Bussey, starting at 11:00am.  Pat is undergoing cancer treatment in Tulsa, and has to make numerous trips to undergo these treatments.  Please get out and give to this event that can help Pat and her family have less of a financial burden. 

Sunday afternoon, the wedding shower for Macie Jo Wright is from 2:00-4:00 at the Ryan Church of Christ.  We still have a hostess box for them if folks call before too late this Friday afternoon.

This next week, on Friday, August 3rd, Ryan will be having our sidewalk sales again.  I’ll be praying for cooler weather for this day.  Maybe before then, we will have had some nice rains, too.

Kim’s news for this week:

Sunday, Ruffy Tuffy got a day off, because it was just too hot.

But, the rest of the week, early morning riding we seek. 

Foxy likes early better, especially in this hot weather.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Pray for rain and for each other.


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