36.7 F
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Terral News and Happenings May 17 2018


QUOTE OF THE DAY – “A life not lived for others is not a life” – By: Mother Teresa

CONGRATULATIONS – To the Terral Kindergarten Class and Eighth Grade Graduating class.

I would also like to recognize the Ryan Senior Graduating Class, congratulations and the best of luck with your new adventures of your life.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH – Wednesday night Kids for Christ, GA’s and RA’s will not have services through the summer.  We will start again in August whenever school starts again.

Hope everyone has a great summer!

TERRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT – Will be selling T-shirt until May 31st. Cost is

$15 for regular sizes and $17.00 for 2XL to 4XL.  All proceeds go to the Volunteer Fire Department.  You may pick up an order form at City Hall and drop it back by the City Hall.

FBC GIRLS IN ACTIONS – The GA’s had their Appreciation and Awards Breakfast on

Saturday, May 12th,  Thank you parents for attending and GA’s we appreciate you so much.

A special “Thanks” goes out to Bro. Ayers of the Assembly of God Church for being our guest speaker we really appreciated your words about mission work.  We had a great year and a great group of girls. I am looking forward to a bigger and better year next year.  I will see you girls at the swim party next month.  Have a great summer!  Jesus loves you and so do we: Mrs. Shirley and Mrs. Kunkel.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Tony Rodriquez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day,

Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan,

Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in His loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


Quote Of The Day- “Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.” -Booker T. Washington

   CITY WIDE CLEAN UP- The Town of Terral will have a City Wide Clean Up on April 20-21st., Friday and Saturday. Roll offs will be placed on the corner of E. Apache & N. Fourth on Friday Morning April 20th. Anyone who pays a trash bill monthly is welcome to use the roll offs. Let’s take pride in our town and use this time to clean up. 

  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU- Clifford Duke partied on April 9th. “81” years. Rick Gambill will celebrate on the 11th.

 TERRAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Attention to all students: It is time to apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships. The following are eligible to apply: 1) Have graduated or will be graduating from Ryan High School. 2) Are attending or will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning full time, 12 hours per semester. 3) Reside in the Terral, Oklahoma district. Terral Alumni Association does not discriminate in its scholarship program on the basis of race. The committee will be making the final decision for the scholarships in April. The applicant receiving this scholarship must be enrolled and confirmed by the institution’s registrar before the check is mailed directly to the institution in the fall and in the spring. If you have not received a scholarship application in the mail and are interested in applying, please contact Karen Gunter, 580-437-2347.

   COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST- Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Flor

ita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Taner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


Quote Of The Day- “Those who are the happiest are those who do the most for others.” -Booker T. Washington

  TERRAL CEMETERY DINNER- The Terral Cemetery Association will have a fund raising dinner on Sunday April 15th at the Terral Community Center. Turkey, dressing with all the trimmings and dessert will be served. Cost for the dinner are as follows: Adults $8.00 and kids 10 and under 7 $6.00. Carry outs will be available by calling 580-467-7230. All proceeds go to support the Terral Cemetery Association for the upkeep.

  CITY WIDE CLEAN UP- The Town of Terral will have a City Wide Clean Up on April 20-21st., Friday and Saturday. Roll offs will be placed on the corner of E. Apache & N. Fourth on Friday Morning April 20th. Anyone who pays a trash bill monthly is welcome to use the roll offs. Let’s take pride in our town and use this time to clean up. 

  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU- Clifford Duke partied on April 9th. “81” years. Rick Gambill will celebrate on the 11th.

 TERRAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Attention to all students: It is time to apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships. The following are eligible to apply: 1) Have graduated or will be graduating from Ryan High School. 2) Are attending or will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning full time, 12 hours per semester. 3) Reside in the Terral, Oklahoma district. Terral Alumni Association does not discriminate in its scholarship program on the basis of race. The committee will be making the final decision for the scholarships in April. The applicant receiving this scholarship must be enrolled and confirmed by the institution’s registrar before the check is mailed directly to the institution in the fall and in the spring. If you have not received a scholarship application in the mail and are interested in applying, please contact Karen Gunter, 580-437-2347.

   COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST- Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Flor

ita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Taner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


Quote of the Day- “Be the chance you want to see in the world.” Ghandi

  TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT- We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday and I would like to send out a big “THANKS” to the Terral Fire Department for hiding the eggs, the First Baptist Church GA’s for stuffing the 1600 eggs and purchasing the candy, those who donated candy, those who donated their time to help in any way with our egg hunt. Please know how very much you are appreciated. Thank you Jan Campsey and Mary Alice Kunkel for taking my place while I was on vacation. I love and appreaciate you both.

TERRAL CEMETERY DINNER- The Terral Cemetery Association will have a fund raising dinner on Sunday April 15th at the Terral Community Center. Turkey, dressing with all the trimmings and dessert will be served. Cost for the dinner are as follows: Adults $8.00 and kids 10 and under 7 $6.00. Carry outs will be available by calling 580-467-7230. All proceeds go to support the Terral Cemetery Association for the upkeep.

  CITY WIDE CLEAN UP- The Town of Terral will have a City Wide Clean Up on April 20-21st., Friday and Saturday. Roll offs will be placed on the corner of E. Apache & N. Fourth on Friday Morning April 20th. Anyone who pays a trash bill monthly is welcome to use the roll offs. Let’s take pride in our town and use this time to clean up.

  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU- Aceyn James Williams and Ambree Jeanene Williams turned “8” on March 26th. Hope Morgan turned “10” on MArch 27th. Jowana Bussey Duff celebrated on April 1st.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY- Brandon and LaChasley Sandfur celebrated 8 years on May 30th.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST- Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Flor

ita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Taner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


QUOTE OF THE DAY – To serve oneself os pleasure, to serve OTHERS is joy,” -Sri Amma BHagavan. 

TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT – Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 31st at the Terral Indians Baseball Field at 12:00 p.m. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. There will be three groups: Walking to three, four to six and seven to nine years old. Make plans to come enjoy the fun. Prizes will be given to the most eggs in each category and eggs will be marked for prizes. The Terral Volunteer Fire Department will be hiding the eggs for us again this year. Hope to see you there!

CITY WIDE CLEAN-UP – The town of Terral will have a city wide Clean-up on April 20-21st., Friday and Saturday . Roll offs will be placed on the corner of E. Apache & N. Fourth on Friday Morning April 20th. Anyone who pays a trash bill monthly is welcome to use the rolls-offs. Let’s take pride in our town and use this time to clean up.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST- Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Bayslinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal , Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin,  Robert Harois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, MAnuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world.

Terral News and Happenings March 22 2018


QUOTE OF THE DAY – No one has ever become poor by giving.  Anne Frank

TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT – Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday,

March 31st at the Terral Indians Baseball Field at 12:00 p.m. noon.  Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m.  There will be three groups: Walking to three, four to six and seven to nine years old.  Make plans to come enjoy the fun.  Prizes will be given to the most eggs in each category and eggs will be marked for prizes.  The Terral Volunteer Fire Department will be hiding the eggs for us again this year.  Hope to see ya there!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU – Valton Gambill will celebrate on the 18th. Robert Reed will have cake on the 20th. Clinton Smith will blow out candles on the 22nd.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – Clayton and Addison will celebrate on the 25th.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day,

Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner,

Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God Keep you in His loving care.

Terral News and Happenings


QUOTE OF THE DAY – Never let your best friends get lonely…..Keep disturbing them.

VACCINATION CLINIC – On Saturday, March 10th, we will have a Vaccination Clinic for dogs and cats at the Terral City Hall. Dr. Clark from the Jefferson County Animal Hospital will be here from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. Prices are as follows: Dogs – Rabies $8.00, Destemper/ Parvo $15.00, Kennel Cough $10.00 and Lymes $30.00.  Cats – Destemper $12.00, Destemper/Lukemia $32.00. Make plans now to get your pets’ shots.

TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT – Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 31st at the Terral Indians Baseball Field at 12:00 p.m. noon. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. There will be three groups: Walking to three, four to six and seven to nine years

old.  Make plans to come enjoy the fun.  Prizes will be given to the most eggs in each category and eggs will be marked for prizes.  The Terral Volunteer Fire Department will be hiding the eggs

for us again this year.  Hope to see ya there!

FBC GIRLS IN ACTION GROUP – The GA’s will be having their cooking class on Saturday, March 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the church.  GA’s will be decorating an 8” round cake and the

Sunday morning congregation will be our judges on Sunday morning.  Best of luck to all of our GA’s.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Family and Friends of Fay Tanner in her passing.  Tony Rodriguez,

Brenda Bryant, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue and Avery Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther

Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed

and our military stationed around the world.  May God keep you in His loving care.

Terral News and Happenings February 22 2018

Quote of the Day: “I don’t know how much, but three things I do. There is God, His Word is true, stay close to Him, He’ll see ya through.”

VACCINATION CLINIC – On Saturday March the 10th, we will have a Vaccinaiton Clnic for dogs and cats at the Terral City Hall. Dr. Clark from the Jefferson County Animal Hospital will be here from 12:30 to 1:00 pm. Prices are as follows: Dogs – Rabies $8.00. Destemper/Parvo $15.00. Kennel cough $10.00 and Lymes $30.00. Cats – Destemper $12.00, Destermper/Lukemia $32.00. Make plans now to get your pet’s shots.

TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT – Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 31, at the Terral Indians Baseball Field at 12:00 noon. There will be three groups: Walking to three, four to six and seven to nine years old. Make plans to come enjoy the fun. Prizes will be given to the most eggs in each category and eggs will be marked for prizes. The Terral Volunteer Fire Department will be hiding the eggs for us again this year, Hope to see ya there!

FBC Girls in Action Group – The GA T-Shirts are in and if you ordered a T-Shirt from a GA they will be delivered this week. We are open for new orders if anyone would like to order a T-Shirt. Please call Shirley at 437-2337. We are still taking recipes for our Community Cookbook until Feb 14th. You may drop them by City Hall or to Shirley or Mary Alice Kunkel. Thanks!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Misty Williams celebrated on the 20th. Adan Morgan will party on the 22nd.

COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Family and Friends of Carrie Sheffield in her passing, The Duncan Families in the passing of Clovon Allen, Cindy Day, Tony Rodriquez, Benda Bryant, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue and Avery Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Faye Tanner, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marle Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, Carrie Sheffield, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in His loving care.

Terral News and Happenings February 15 2018

Sometimes I wake up before dawn, and I love sitting up in the middle of the bed with all the lights off, pitch black dark, and talking to the Father, with no interruptions and nothing that reminds me that there’s anything in life but me and him. -Charles R. Swindoll

Special Thanks- A big “Thank You’’ to everyone who donated desserts, cooked food, served, delivered or help with our Chili Dinner last Saturday. Your help was very much appreciated.

FBC Girls in Action Group- The GA T-shirts are in and if you ordered a T-shirt from a GA they will be delivered this week. We are open for new orders if anyone would like to order a T-shirt please call Shirley at 580-437-2337. We are still taking recipes for our Community Cookbook until Feb. 14th. You may drop them by City Hall or to Shirley or Mary Alice Kunkel. Thanks!

Happy Birthday – Michael Freeman celebrated on Feb. 6. Kathy Denton partied on the 13th.

Community Prayer List- The Duncan Families in the passing of Clovon Allen, Cindy Day, Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue and Avery Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Faye Tanner, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, Carrie Sheffield, T.K Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.


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