Jefferson County OHCE (Oklahoma Home and Community Education)
After lunch at Waurika Sr. Citizens Center and our business meeting, our educational program and lesson for our September 17th meeting was on “Made in Oklahoma”. Melicia McFadden, president, showed several items such as candles, Waurika Depot magnets, laser-cut wood items, lotions, soaps, Cards, and other wood items Made in Oklahoma, several made and sold here in Waurika. She encouraged the group to shop Local for nice gifts. OHCE is open to anyone interested in meeting and receiving research-based educational information and enjoying fellowship!
Line dance is a type of exercise. We will meet Fridays from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Angie Nash and Nicole Overton lead our classes. If you are interested but cannot attend Fridays, please let us know the days and times you would be able to attend and we will try to meet the day and time most can attend! It’s important to your health to stay active and we have fun while exercising as a group!
Co-Parenting for Resilience is a class for divorcing or separating parents with minor children living in the home. It is mandatory by law in Oklahoma and is also valuable for Grandparents and other relatives of minor children going through divorce or separation. My next class is 1 p.m. Tuesday, October 8, 2019; pre-registration is required. Call Jefferson County OSU Extension Office at 580-228-2332 for registration information.
Jefferson County OSU Extension Services office is open 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday, excluding holidays recognized by our county offices. Leland McDaniel, AG/4-H Youth Development and CED, Tara Brown, Family & Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development and Linda Whitsett, Administrative Support Specialist are staff members ready to assist you at 580-228-2332.
Check out our Facebook pages for informative topics: www.facebook.com/JeffersonCounty Fourh and JeffersonCounty Osu Extension
Turnips – do turnips taste like potatoes?
The taste is a more subtle flavor compared to carrots. Medium aged turnips actually taste a lot like potato. As a matter of fact, turnips work great as a substitute to potatoes. Now, older turnips when eaten raw taste bitter unfortunately!
Can I substitute turnips for potatoes?
Instead of a potato, try a different root vegetable to lower total carbohydrate intake. A 1/2-cup serving of cooked turnips provides 17 calories, less than 4 grams of total carbohydrate and 1.6 grams of total fiber. You can substitute turnips for potatoes in soups, stews and really any way that you would use a potato. Nov 27, 2018
Ladder safety
With chillier temperatures ahead, plenty of homeowners will be kept busy with light home maintenance projects such as clearing leaves and debris from the gutters and hanging holiday decorations, all tasks which will more than likely require a ladder.
Ladders are generally relatively simple to operate, but that does not make them less dangerous to use, said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension housing and consumer specialist.
“If you’re careless in using a ladder, it could lead to serious injury or even death,” Peek said.
Since ladders come in a lot of different styles and sizes, it is important homeowners select the right one for the task.
“Knowing details such as how high you need to reach, the amount of weight on the ladder and whether you’ll be working inside or outside will help guide your choice of ladder for a particular task,” Peek said.
The base of the ladder should be placed on a solid, level surface. Never put a ladder on a box or other object to add more height.
When climbing, face the ladder, grip the rungs and not the sides, and do not climb on the top step or bucket shelf.
“Keep three points of contact on the ladder at all times, either both hands and one foot or two feet and one hand,” Peek said. “As an added precaution, have someone hold the bottom of the ladder steady and guard any nearby doors that could swing open and knock the ladder off balance while it’s occupied.”
Only one person should be on the ladder at one time.
Rather than lean or over reach, reposition the ladder as necessary.
“Keep an eye on the weather. If it turns bad, carefully climb off and wait for conditions to improve. Also, avoid using extension ladders when it’s windy,” Peek said.
For more information on safely using ladders, contact a county Extension office and visit the American Ladder Institute website at www.americanladderinstitute.org.
Mashed Potatoes and Turnips
1 pound turnips, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch cubes
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1-pound russet potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1. Bring a large pan of cold water to a boil over high heat. Add 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and cubed turnips. Cook 15 minutes.
2.While turnips cook peel potatoes, rinse and cut into 1-inch cubes.
3. When turnips have cooked 15 minutes add potatoes and cook an additional 10 to 15 minutes, until both vegetables are tender.
4. Drain well. Return to pan and place on hot burner briefly to dry further.
5. Add butter and mash. Add black pepper and additional salt if needed for flavor.
Serves 4.