Home News Ryan News Round Ryan April 12 2018

Round Ryan April 12 2018

Round Ryan April 12 2018

What a week we have had around Ryan in regards to our weather.  We’ve had some really beautiful weather. We’ve had some great days to get outside and work on the yard, or whatever pleasurable things are to get us outside because it was so pleasant.  Well, after Friday afternoon was upon us, all of that changed.  The winds turned around and began blowing from the north, and they were really hard winds.  The kind of winds that, if you were sitting in your home, you could hear the shingles flapping around just a few feet above your head.  If the wind wasn’t enough, then, on Saturday morning, it was 30 degrees until around noon.  There was a bit of precipitation that turned to ice for a little while.  Sunday it was a bit warmer.  It made it up to around 60 degrees.  That was our heat wave for the weekend.  Today, the sun has been shining and it is very pleasant again.  I got on Facebook after I had received a message from a friend and the season we are in is being referred to is now Sprinter.  We don’t know if it is spring or winter, so, this catches whatever the condition is at the time.  We are still going to receive some pretty cool temperatures this coming weekend.  Our mesquite trees are even bearing leaves now, so, they think it is Spring. 

Our high school kids had their junior-senior prom this past weekend.  It was certainly cold that evening. 

We have a few folks in our community that needed to be lifted up in our prayers.  Joe Turner is still in Duncan Regional and is having some more surgery.  Please keep him and Fern in your prayers.  David Wingfield had surgery last week and prayers for him and his family that he will be restored to good health soon. Please remember Carlie Southard in our prayers.  Pat Bussey made it back home last week and she is going to Tulsa to the Cancer Center to get their opinion on what approach she needs to take in regards to the cancer she has.  Prayers for her and her family during this time. 

Terri and Chuck Sheffield will be making a trip to London, England this week.  Terri has been very successful in her insurance business and Farm Bureau is paying for their trip.  Prayers for them that they have safe travels there and back.  They will spend 9 hours on the plane before they get to their destination. 

Kim’s news for this week:

Before I got to the big flashing sign by the bridge, I look over my shoulder cause it sounded like I was getting pulled over. 

In Shelton’s parking lot I ran over my foot with a shopping cart..

Sunday afternoon, it was all I was hoping, me and Ruffy Tuffy turning back at the Cowboy Church roping.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Prayers for rain and for each other.


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