Sometimes I wake up before dawn, and I love sitting up in the middle of the bed with all the lights off, pitch black dark, and talking to the Father, with no interruptions and nothing that reminds me that there’s anything in life but me and him. -Charles R. Swindoll
Special Thanks- A big “Thank You’’ to everyone who donated desserts, cooked food, served, delivered or help with our Chili Dinner last Saturday. Your help was very much appreciated.
FBC Girls in Action Group- The GA T-shirts are in and if you ordered a T-shirt from a GA they will be delivered this week. We are open for new orders if anyone would like to order a T-shirt please call Shirley at 580-437-2337. We are still taking recipes for our Community Cookbook until Feb. 14th. You may drop them by City Hall or to Shirley or Mary Alice Kunkel. Thanks!
Happy Birthday – Michael Freeman celebrated on Feb. 6. Kathy Denton partied on the 13th.
Community Prayer List- The Duncan Families in the passing of Clovon Allen, Cindy Day, Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue and Avery Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Faye Tanner, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, Carrie Sheffield, T.K Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.