4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.
Jefferson County Culinary (Cooking Club)
This month’s lesson was “How to decorate a cupcake”. A small group of members came to learn from Pat McGriff how to make an Icing bag and got to see a variety of decorating tips. After watching Mrs. McGriff’s demonstration on icing and decorating, each participant got to create their own decorated cupcake. I say we have some talented young people among our midst! Our next meeting will be 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 at the Jefferson County OSU Extension office. We will make Pretzels.
2018 Southwest District Horse Show: May 31 to June 2, 2018 (Thursday – Saturday) at the
Stephens County Fairgrounds – 2002 S. 13th Street, Duncan, OK
Entries due Thursday, April 26, 2018 to County Extension Office
Contact Tara Brown for additional information and entry forms. Tara also has information for the District Cupcake Wars, Table setting and Food Show Down contests which are scheduled for the end of May. Registration will be due early April.

Submitted photo.
Tri County 4-H Summer Camp will be June 6-8, 2018 at Salt Creek Retreat, north of Ringling, OK. Camp Counselors will meet June 5 for training. Registration is due in our office by 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 17. Registration forms are available in our office located at Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Our office is open 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday; we close for lunch 12 – 1 p.m. Must be currently enrolled in 4-H to attend the Tri County 4-H Summer Camp.

Submitted photo.
Summer workshops will begin Monday, June 11. Watch for more details!
Jefferson County 4-H and Extension information is available on our webpage: oces.okstate.edu/Jefferson
Facebook: JeffersonCounty Fourh and JeffersonCounty Osu Extension
Oklahoma 4-H Webpage: http://4h.okstate.edu