38.4 F
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Municipal Candidate Filings Set to Begin Monday, February 3


Candidates for municipal office in 1 Jefferson County municipalities may file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, February 3.

Tammy Richardson, Secretary of the County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 5th.  There will be a filing fee of $300 for each candidate that files for office.  The filing fee has to be in the form of cashier’s check and made out to the Jefferson County Election Board.  Filing packets can be picked up at the Election Board Office located at 200 N. Main Street, Rm #203,Waurika, OK.

Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board office for the indicated offices for each of the following municipalities:

City of Waurika—Seat #5

 The municipal offices at stake in the City of Waurika will be filled in the Nonpartisan election scheduled April 7,2020.

Terral News and Happenings January 30, 2020


Quote of the Day– Security mostly is a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller

Terral First Baptist GA’s- We will have our Valentine’s day party on Friday, Feb. 14 in the church basement at 7:00 p.m. dinner will be served promptly at 7:00 p.m. Fun and games will follow dinner. Once you arrive  you cannot leave the building unless accompanied by an adult or parent. All kids will ve taken home after the event is over. 

Happy Birthday to You- Charlie Barrett III will celebrate on the 31st.

Happy Anniversary to You- Martin Carrie Villarreal will celebrate on the 27th.

Community Prayer List- Tom Smith, Tooter Alsup, Joni Collins, Mark Hoffman, Lonnie Wells, Teresea Sexton, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussry, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr.., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.k. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world- Kurtis Morgan, Scott Mclver & Chris Cox.

Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care. 

Round Ryan January 30, 2020


 I have written several times about going to the local hangout and drinking coffee.  Some of the more narrow minded people call this gossiping but I see it as being almost tribal, a throw back to the days of being around a camp fire or the hearth in a cave.  In the old days when communications were word of mouth, we sat around the fire and told stories.  Stories about the best place to find game for hunting.  Stories that told of lessons learned the hard way, how we know not  to do something because it will in fact leave a scar.  Stories that passed the wisdom from generation to generation.  Just this morning we had a discussion about Gregor Mendels law of dominance, of how parent organisms passed dominant traits on to their offspring.  All things considered Marsha is lucky that we don’t sing and dance around something that we have set on fire.  I’m sure her insurance premiums would go up.

 It would be hard to find anything wrong with the weather that we have been having lately.  We have had the rain that we need and also a lot of sunshine.  The other night it was cold enough to make you use your electric blankets and like an idiot I was standing out in the yard listening to owls hooting.  It seemed like they were all over town, talking about whatever it is that owls talk about.  In Greek mythology the owl sat on the shoulder of Athena giving her the ability to see on her blind side, enabling her to see the whole truth.  In the Bible the owl was seen as being a sign of wisdom.  It was viewed in many cultures as being good luck but in others it was bad, even to the point of being a harbinger of death.  All  I know was that standing there on that cold clear night hearing all those birds hooting back and forth, it was a beautiful sound.

 My eldest brother, Scott who could accurately be described as being old school, was telling me Sunday that in his toolbox at the shop, there is a laptop computer.  This machine is not even part of the diagnostic equipment that is part of being a modern auto mechanic.  This particular computer is for ordering parts that he needs.  The companies don’t send out the old fashioned books made of paper the way they used to do.

 In the last twenty years, every job that I have had, involved using a computer.  From the warehouse to selling hunting and fishing permits.  Even paying my sales tax on  the plant business includes those infernal machines, as my good friend Jon Harris calls them.

 I remember when I was in high school, my counselor suggested that I go to college and get into computers, that was the coming thing.  I told him that  was the silliest thing that I had ever heard.  According to the seventeen year old Dennis, no one is going to want to sit at a computer all day. 

Waurika Library News December 19 2019


The Waurika Public Library will be closed December 24th and 25th to celebrate Christmas.  We will reopen on Thursday, December 26th at 9:00 a.m.  We wish everyone has a Merry Christmas!

If you’re using Amazon for some of your Christmas shopping, be sure to use AmazonSmile.  AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.  Just go to ‘smile.amazon.com’ and select Friends of the Waurika Public Library.

In the instant #1 New York Times bestseller, ‘The Guardians’ by John Grisham delivers a classic legal thriller—with a twist.

In the small Florida town of Seabrook, a young lawyer named Keith Russo was shot dead at his desk as he worked late one night. The killer left no clues. There were no witnesses, no one with a motive. But the police soon came to suspect Quincy Miller, a young black man who was once a client of Russo’s. 

Quincy was tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life. For twenty-two years he languished in prison, maintaining his innocence.  But no one was listening.  He had no lawyer, no advocate on the outside. In desperation, he writes a letter to Guardian Ministries, a small nonprofit run by Cullen Post, a lawyer who is also an Episcopal minister.

Guardian accepts only a few innocence cases at a time.  Cullen Post travels the country fighting wrongful convictions and taking on clients forgotten by the system. With Quincy Miller, though, he gets far more than he bargained for. Powerful, ruthless people murdered Keith Russo, and they do not want Quincy Miller exonerated.

They killed one lawyer twenty-two years ago, and they will kill another without a second thought

Check out ‘The Guardians’ by John Grisham at your Waurika Public Library.

Many events and programs at the library are supported by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information or to become a sponsor, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

Story Time is every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for children and toddlers.  Each week we read stories, and have games and puzzles for the children to play with after reading.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Terral News and Happenings December 29 2019


Quote of the dayBehold, I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.

Terral First Baptist GA’s– Special Thanks goes out to everyone who came by our Bake Sale and Craft Show Saturday Morning. Those who came out after 5:00 to play bingo we would like to let you know how much we ap- preciate you. Again “Thank You’’ for your support.

FBC Girls In Action Mission Work– The GA’s decorated 18” Christmas trees and delivered them to the residents at the Westbrook Care Center in Waurika on Thursday, De- cember 5th. Special Thanks to Mrs. Patti for escorting me and the GA’s to deliver the trees and cards. We had a great time and the residents were so sweet and apprecia- tive. We wish you all a very “Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year” and may God bless each of you.

Happy Birthday to You– Hunter Wes- berry will celebrate “18” on the 10th. Jan Campsey will party on the 16th. Racen Williams will eat cake on the 19th. Hardy Johnson will celebrate ‘’82’’ years on the 22nd. Mr. Joe Martin will party on the 23rd. Samuel Chavez will have ice cream on the 26th.

Community Prayer List– Tom Smith, Tooter Alsup, Joni Collins, Mark Hoffman, Lonnie Wells, Teresa Sexton, A.R. and Martha Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Vir- ginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stationed around the world- Kurtis Morgan, Scott Mclver & Chris Cox. Our prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.

Round Ryan December 19 2019


Sitting here looking out the window on a cool, overcast and dreary Sunday after- noon. Johnny Cash singing about the ring fire and I’m thinking that I need to stop looking out the win- dow and get down to business. The poor woman is telling the world that she is falling to pieces and now she is crazy. Take a drink of scalding hot coffee and yelp like the proverbial scalded dog and now I start writing.

This morning at JW’s Travel Stop and Christian Science reading room here in Ryan, we were sitting around drinking coffee and talking about this and that when cheese became the center of conversation. Someone mentioned commod- ity cheese and then we talked about all the other stuff that they gave out each month. If you ever got commodities, then you know what I am talk- ing about, there was peanut butter, a canned meat product that to me was unidentifiable, powdered eggs and powdered milk, various beans and peas. the cheese, peanut butter, beans and peas were all good but I never developed a love for the milk and eggs of the powdered variety. The former County Com- missioner in the group told of having a refrig- erated trailer to send to pickup a load of gro- ceries and one time the cheese was so rank that they called in the health official and it was promptly condemned and was taken out to the old Ryan dump to be buried because it was so high smelling that no one could stand to be around the stuff.

Here is a good one, Jim Reeves singing “He’ll have to go”, had to stop and listen. That son of a gun could re- ally sing.

Congratulations go out to the Ryan High School Cowgirls bas- ketball team for their runner up finish in the Wilson Eagle Classic tournament and also to Samantha Good for being named to the all- tournament team. Well done ladies.

The Ryan Ag Boosters had their first annual jack pot show this last weekend. By all accounts it was a huge success. Young people from all over Oklahoma and north Texas came to Jefferson County with their pigs, lambs, goats and cattle. David Sorrell judged the goats and sheep Friday night and Blaine Red took over with the pigs and cattle on Saturday. The Ryan Ag Booster Jack Pot Show may well be- come a new tradition.

Ran into an old friend at lunch Sunday. He informed me that he reads the paper every week and he enjoys seeing me in the paper because #1, it’s not in the sheriffs report and #2, he said that he likes a little BS as much as the next man. Shout out to Kenneth Blevins. On the subject of people reading my column, last Saturday

I had to answer ques- tions about something that I had written with regards to her grand- daughter. I explained to her that what was said was a joke, turns out she doesn’t think that I am funny.

Westbrook Nursing Home News December 19 2019


 We are enjoying this holiday season so much. Enjoyed opening our Christmas cards from Mrs. Forsyth’s Kindergarten Class, our residents loved how all the children signed them. Thank you Mrs. Forsyth and your kindergarten class so much. Also enjoyed the beautiful cards from the Waurika/Ryan 4H and Cloverbuds. Thank you all so much. We enjoyed shopping last week. We loaded up at Eck Drug and the Dollar Stores. Of course we had to get a drink at Eck Drug too. Some of us had to have a burger from Sonic. 

This week is our monthly birthday party. We will celebrate Jesus’ birthday along with Cathy and Hardy. Our big Penny Pitch winner last week was Tooter and our Black Out Bingo winner was Ruby. 

We really appreciate our door painted up for Christmas. A special thanks to Loretta Luna and her family for doing this. A Special thank to Amber Smith and her children for bringing delicious homemade cookies. A Special thanks to all of our volunteers and visitors. May God Richly Bless you all. Merry Christmas from all of us at Westbrook.

State Senator Chris Kidd Announces Re-election Campaign


Waurika, OK- Current State Senator and former public school teacher, Chris Kidd, is proud to announce his re-election campaign for Senate District 31.  

“We’ve had a great four years and I can’t tell you how proud I am to have served the hard-working and generous people of this community,” says Kidd.  “I took every opportunity to stand up for our values, find real solutions to everyday problems, and I’m ready to keep fighting.”

Chris grew up on his family farm, where he is still involved in the day to day operations, and understands that agriculture is the backbone of our rural communities.  “As your State Senator, I believe we must stand up for our rural communities for them to thrive. This includes increased support for our farms, public school systems, and rural healthcare needs.” 

Senator Kidd has also been an outspoken advocate for law enforcement and first responders, authoring legislation to provide them with the needed resources to keep our communities safe. 

While in the State Senate, Chris served on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Education as the Vice-Chair, in addition to the Education Committee, Agriculture and Wildlife, Veterans and Military Affairs, and Committee Membership.  He has proven he is dedicated to finding ways to move our state forward. 

“I’m looking forward to earning the vote of my constituents once again.  It has been an honor to serve each of you and I look forward to the work we can continue to do on behalf of Senate District 31 and Southwest Oklahoma.” 

Chris Kidd married his wife Linsdey in 2019 and is grateful to his family for their continued support as he launches his re-election campaign. 

Landry Forsyth Selected for Council


 Waurika’s Landry Forsyth has been given the distinct honor of being one of 74 students across the state to serve on the 2019 Student Advisory Council instituted by State School Superintendent Joy Hofmeister.

 The Advisory Council will have their first meeting in 2020 on January 29th at the State Capitol. 

At the meeting the council will discuss issues related to the youth in the State of Oklahoma. 

Hofmeister chose these students because of their perspective and willingness to serve. “These are among Oklahoma’s best and brightest high school leaders, and we look forward to learning more about the student perspective on matters of school policy,” Hofmeister said in a prepared statement. “Working with these outstanding young people is a highlight of every spring and their input on topics as diverse as bullying, career readiness and school funding has been instrumental to our state-level decision-making. 

The first Advisory Council convened in 2016. 

FCCLA Honored by OHCE & Friends of Waurika Library


 Members of the FCCLA were invited to a Tea provided by the Oklahoma Home and Community Educators along with the Friends of the Waurika Library in appreciation for the time and energy the FCCLA has donated to the community. 

A donation from the OHCE was also given to the FCCLA. 

Members of OHCE & Friends of the Library include Pat McGriff, Carolyn Watkins, Star Herron, Deb Ferrar, June Griffin, Orbie Smith, Vicki Etheridge, Melicia McFadden, Darren Biby, Tara Brown, Frances Hall. 

The 2019-2020 FCCLA Members include:

Mallory Adkins

Bobby Aldape – local

Trent Arellano

Brooklyn Barnes

Trinity Barnes

Regena Bradley

James Breitigan

Karlee Brinson

Nicole Burton

Hope Cummings

Shealynn Dees

Falyn Durbin

Landry Forsyth

Angel Garcia – local

Skylar Garrett

Alex Gomez

Brittney Helterbran

Faith Hill

Grace Hill

Hannah Hobbs

Riley Howell – local

Trish Julian

Derek Karban

Hannah Lammons

Karlie Landes

Alana Lewis

Tallin Mora

Hannah Owens

Madison Porterfield

Faith Roberson

Cheyenne Quick

Liberti Simmons – local

Mackenzie Taylor

Treyton Torrez – local

Haleigh Wade 

Gracie Walling

Adrian Wesberry

Kaytlyn Williams

Members of the Oklahoma Home and Community Educators presenting a donation check for $100 to the officers of Waurika Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.


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