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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Terral News and Happenings Nov 7 2019


Quote of the Day– We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. Maya Angelou

Public Notice– Due to Veteran’s Day falling on our regular scheduled meeting date, the Town of Terral Regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00pm. at the Terral City Hall. City Hall will be closed on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. Special thanks to all of our veterans “Thank you for your service.”

Terral First Baptist GA’s– We are now studying the New Testament books of the Bible. Results from our Halloween Costume Contest on Wednesday October 30, 2019 was most scary was Jasmarie Cruz. The costume for non-scary went to December Harper. Congratulations to you both, you looked great. Our upcoming events are a Craft show on December 7th from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. and bingo will start at 5:00 p.m. on the same day. Snack bar will be provided.

Craft Show– The Terral First Baptist Church Girls in Action Group will be having a Craft Show on Saturday, December 7th from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. To reserve your table call Shirley at 580-437-2337. Tables are $10.00 each. We will also have our annual bingo starting at 5:00p.m. Cost of bingo is $1.00 per game or a one-time pay of $25.00 for the night. Baked goods and a Snack Bar will be provided. All proceeds go to the Girls in Action for crafts and outings. Thanks in advance for your support.

FBS Girls in Action Mission Work– The GA’s will be decorating trees for the residents at the Westbrook Care Center in Waurika and will be delivering them on December the 6th. We will also do Christmas gifts for the Grace Center in Nocona, Texas before December the 18th.

Happy Birthday to you– Happy Belated Birthday to Santos Castilla celebrated “71” years on November the 3rd.

Happy Anniversary– Valton & Shirley will celebrate “46” years of wedded bliss on November 8th.

Community Prayer List– Teresa Sexton, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, SR., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world- Kurtis Morgan & Chris Cox. Our prayer is for God to Keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings October 31 2019


Quote of the Day– Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. -Og Mandino

Public Notice– Due to Veteran’s Day failing on our regularly meeting date, the Town of Terral City Hall. 

You are invited– Come have cake and coffee with us on November 3, 2019 to celebrate the 85th birthday of James Gordon Mckinley, held at the Terral Community Center from 2:00- 4:00 p.m. No gifts please just the gift of your company. Hope to see you all there!

Terral First Baptist GA’s– We have finished the “Armor of God” series and now we are learning the books of the Bible.  We are now studying the New Testament books of the Bible. We will have a Halloween Costume Contest on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Our upcoming events are a Craft Show on December 7th from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. and bingo will start at 5:00 p.m.

Craft Show– The Terral First Baptist Church Girls in Action Group will be having a Craft Show in Saturday, December 7th from 9:00 to 2:00pm. To reserve your table call Shirley at 580-437-2337. Tables are $10.00 each. We will also have our annual BINGO starting at 5:00pm. Cost of Bingo is $1.00 per game or a one-time pay of $25.00 for the night. Baked goods and a Snack Bar will be provided. All proceeds go to the Girls in Action for crafts and outings. Thanks in advance for your support.

Community Prayer List- Teresa Sexton, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world- Kurtis Morgan & Chris Cox. Our prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.

Terral Homecoming Pictures


Terral  Homecoming Court

King – Braden Sandfur, Queen – Hanna Spence

The Homecoming Court – Reagan White, Sophia Covington, Tristynn Lawson & Ashtynn Lawson

Crown Bearer – Zander Campbell
Flower Girl – Shevie Bingham

Terral News and Happenings October 10 2019


Quote of the Day– People who are crazy enough to think you can change the world, are the ones that do. Rob Slitanen. 

Terral City Wide Yard Sales- Our Annual City Wide Garage Sales is set for October 4 & 5, 2019. If you are interested in having a sale, contact Shirley’s Gifts for All Occasions and will be at local businesses on Friday. Hope we have a good showing. The FBC GA’s will be having a Bake Sale and Garage Sale as our first fundraiser on that day.

Terral School- On Saturday, Oct. 5th the Fall Carnival will be held in and around the School gym. Activities will begin at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. October 7, is our board meeting. Then on October 11, we will have our vision screening and a 1:00 pm game in Empire. October 14th we will have a 5:00 game at Bellevue. Then on October 17th will be our 50th Day of School and Parent/Teacher Conferences. Fall Bread is Scheduled for Oct. 18-21.

Terral First Baptist GA’s- We are still studying “Armor of God” series this week. We will be finishing our cat and dog pillows. Learning the lessons God has in store for us and sharing in making a project. We will have our first fundraiser on Saturday, October 5th with a garage sale and bake sale on the corner of Apache and Main. GOD IS GOOD!

Community Prayer List- Cedar Campsey, Mary Alice Kumkel, Katie Bussey, Kevin Younce and Family, Yolanda Castillo, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stations around the world- Kurtis Morgan & Chris Cox. Our Prayer is for god to keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings October 3 2019


Quote of the Day– People who are crazy enough to think you can change the world, are the ones that do. Rob Slitanen. 

Terral City Wide Yard Sales- Our Annual City Wide Garage Sales is set for October 4 & 5, 2019. If you are interested in having a sale, contact Shirley’s Gifts for All Occasions and will be at local businesses on Friday. Hope we have a good showing. The FBC GA’s will be having a Bake Sale and Garage Sale as our first fundraiser on that day.

Terral School- On Saturday, Oct. 5th the Fall Carnival will be held in and around the School gym. Activities will begin at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. October 7, is our board meeting. Then on October 11, we will have our vision screening and a 1:00 pm game in Empire. October 14th we will have a 5:00 game at Bellevue. Then on October 17th will be our 50th Day of School and Parent/Teacher Conferences. Fall Bread is Scheduled for Oct. 18-21.

Terral First Baptist GA’s- We are still studying “Armor of God” series this week. We will be finishing our cat and dog pillows. Learning the lessons God has in store for us and sharing in making a project. We will have our first fundraiser on Saturday, October 5th with a garage sale and bake sale on the corner of Apache and Main. GOD IS GOOD!

Community Prayer List- Cedar Campsey, Mary Alice Kumkel, Katie Bussey, Kevin Younce and Family, Yolanda Castillo, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stations around the world- Kurtis Morgan & Chris Cox. Our Prayer is for god to keep you in his loving care.

Terral News and Happenings September 26 2019


Quote of the Day- “The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby.”- Natalie Wood

Terral City Wide Yard Sales- Our annual City Wide Garage sales is set for October 4 & 5, 2019. If you are interested in having a sale, please contact Shirley and have your name and address put on the list. The list is sponsored by Shirley’s Gifts for all Occasions and will be at local businesses on Friday. Hope we have a good showing. The FBC GA’s will be having a Bake Sale and Garage Sale as our first fundraiser on that day.

Terral School- On Sept. 17th the 5th, thru 8th grades will be leaving at 8:30 a.m. and return approximately at 5:00 p.m. Autumn begins on September 23rd. Upcoming event is our Fall Carnival set for October 5, 2019. Be sure to mark your calendar. Watch out for those kids walking to school. Slow down in the School Zones. Terral First Baptist Church Kids for Christ- Our year will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2019 at 5:30p.m. Kindergarten, RA’s, GA’s, and Youth will all begin on this day. If you are interested in any of these classes you may contact Shirley at 580-437-2337. I am in hopes this will be a great year to praise the Lord. Hope to see ya there!

Terral First Baptist GA’s- We have started our “Armor of God” study series last week and learn how to put on the “Breastplate of Righteousness”. We are doing our first craft project of cat and dog pillows. Learning the lessons God has for us and sharing in making a project. We will have our first fundraiser on October 5th, with a Garage sale and Bake Sale on the corner of Apache and Main. GOD IS GOOD

Happy Birthday to you- Kenny Wilkerson will have “51” candles on his cake the 17th. 

Community Prayer List- Cedar Campsey, Hunter Wesberry, Mary Alice Kunkel, Katie Bussey, Kevin Younce and Family, Yolanda Castillo, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world- Kurtis Morgan & Chris Cox. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care. 

Blevins Produce in Terral Continue Tradition


 The Blevins Produce stand in Terral is winding down the season. 

For various reasons the crops didn’t produce as many canteloupe and watermelon as in previous seasons. 

That being said, the quality of the melons was as good as ever. 

“The demand was as good as it was last year,” Charles Blevins said. 

Customer’s are never disappointed with the selection at the familiar produce stand that is located just south of Terral on Highway 81. 

As in previous years Charles and Loretta as well as other family members provided fresh pickles, host sauces, and tomatoes. 

Doug Gunter made the wild plum jelly, squash relish and pepper sauce. The pepper sauce was not for sissies.

Charles and Jerry Blevins have been operating the stand for many years. 

During the time of this interview several stopped by to visit and many to buy fresh watermelon from the fields. 

Two of the hard workers this summer were Gun Gunter and Gabbie Gunter. They enjoy their time at the produce stand. Charles and Jerry said they couldn’t make it without them. 

Throughout Saturday morning as customers and friends stopped to visit, it was a reminder of a time when Terral was crowded with people during the annual Watermelon celebration that brought people from all over the country. 

Charles and Jerry said they remember the parades and the crowds like it was yesterday. 

It’s a part of Terral’s storied history. A memory cherished and not soon forgotten. 

Perhaps that is just one of the reasons the Blevins Produce Stand continues to operate year to year. 

Charles said it keeps them from being bored. 

However, after spending time with them it’s easy to see that it is a long held tradition that helps keep Terral connected to its past. 

It’s a tradition the community hopes they will keep for many years to come. 

Terral News and Happenings May 23 2019


Quote of the Day – “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Utnknown.

Terral City Hall- I wanted to update the citizens of Terral on your board of trustees. Those who will be on the board for two years is Meagan Duke and Santos Castillos. Those serving a four year term are Sue McKinley and Charlie Reynolds. Josie Garcia is finishing her four year term with two more years voted Mayor. Charlie Reynolds is our Vice-Mayor. Congratulations to you all. 

FBC Girls in Action- Our End of the Year Swim Party will be Thursday June 6, 2019. The bus will leave the church promptly at 6:15 pm. We will have the pool from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Then we will eat supper then return to terral. All who attend will be taken home. Make plans now to attend.

Happy Birthday to You- Bailey Wesberry  will celebrate “23” on the 24th.

Happy anniversary!- Stephanie and Boomer Wesberry will celebrate on the 28th.

Community Prayer List- Katie Bussey, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wane Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal,Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.

Terral Alumni Scholarship Awarded

Emilee Martin and Johnny Reynolds, Terral Alumni Association President.

 Due to generous donations the Terral Alumni Association awarded three $3,000 scholarships this year.  The scholarship recipients are:

 Randi Linton

 Emily Morales

Terral News and Happenings May 9 2019


CONGRATULATIONS- I would like to send our congratulations to the Terral graduatimg Kindergarten Class, Eight Graders and to all the Ryan Graduating Class. Best of Luck in whatever you pursue.

Quote of the day- “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1-3

Terral School – May 7th is our Graduations. May 8th is Field Day for 5th through 8th grades. May 9th we will not have school- Professional Day. May 10th is our Awards Assembly at 9:00am. and the last day of school.

FBC Girls in Action Group – School is almost out and we will be out for the Summer also. Last day for our kids or Christ is May 8th. We are gearing up for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast on May 11th. End-of-the-Year Pool Party will be announced as soon as scheduled. Special Thanks to everyone who supported us this year.

Terral Alumni Association – Attention All Students: It is time to apply for Terral Alumni Scholarships. The deadline is May 3, 2019, and the application must be postmarked on or before that date to be considered. The following are eligible to apply: 1)Have graduated or will be graduating from Ryan High School. 2) Are attending or will be attending an accredited institution of higher learning full-time, 12 hours per semester. 3) Reside in the Terral, Oklahoma school district. Terral Alumni does not discriminate in its scholarship program on the basis of race. The committee will be making the final decision for the scholarship in May. The applicant receiving this scholarship must be enrolled and confirmed by the institution’s registrar before the check is mailed directly to the institution in the Fall and in the Spring. If you have not received a scholarship application in the mail and are interested in applying, please contact Karen Gunter, 580-437-2347, Thanks- Johnny Reynolds, President. 

Happy Birthday To You – Tooter Alsup celebrated her “84” on Sunday May 5th.

Community Prayer List – Katie Bussey, Gary Bussey, A.R and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson, and our military stationed around the world. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.


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