35.8 F
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Waurika Elementary Spelling Bee Winners

3rd – 5th Spelling Bee Winners
Champion- Sadie Smith
Runner Up- Vanessa Foster
K-2 Spelling Bee Winners
Champion- Seth Turner and Runner Up-Chris Mayhew

Waurika Teachers Not Walking Out?


A special school board  meeting was held Monday evening in the Waurika Library at 6:30 pm.

The subject of the meeting was to discuss any possible board action with regard to proposed teacher walkout.

Roxie Terry, Waurika Superintendent started the session saying that the teachers have not had a raise in nine years.

He also stated that their had been a decrease in school funding.

He said the teachers across the state feel that their back is against the wall. He said something has to be done. “We are losing teachers across the state.”

Terry went on to say that it was the Oklahoma Education Association who called for the Walkout scheduled for April 2, 2018.

He said the decision to participate in the walkout was not up to the administration.

A week ago the teachers voted 19-14 to stay in school and not participate in the walkout.

Someone had suggested that the vote was not fair. Mr. Simmons said later in the meeting that the vote was fair and teachers had not been influenced in anyway. He said he believed the teachers deserve a raise.

There was another vote taken. The second time 17 teachers voted  to participate in the walkout and 14 teachers voted not to walkout. Two teachers didn’t participate in the second vote.

Terry went on to state that with 17 teachers being absent it wouldn’t be possible to have school.

He further stated that they needed to decide whether or not to support the teachers by passing a resolution stating such and allow them to leave without loss of pay and what to do about the extra-curricular activities left on the school calender.

Terry said that the OSSAA would probably not change the sports calender just because the teachers had participated in the walkout.

Nobody could say how long the walkout may last.

This became a concern the board wanted to discuss because of the need to fulfill the number of days required to complete the school year.

Terry informed the board the length of the teacher’s absence was up to the teachers.

The last time there was a walkout, Terry said that the teachers were only absent from school for about four days.

Currently, Waurika has five days that they can use between now and the end of school that can be missed without having to have any makeup days.

Anything over those five days would require another day be tacked on to the end of the year for each day missed.

Waurika has 24 working days that have to be fulfilled starting April 2, 2018.

The walkout would affect support people Terry said. It could even possibly hurt their pay. (The board voted to continue to pay support staff if there is a walkout).

According to Mr. Terry, Red River VoTech will still be conducting classes and the school will continue to run a bus to Red River.

The special education bus that takes students to Walters will continue to run each school day.

An immediate question that was asked was “Who will take the students to the extra-curricular activities?” The answer was that some teachers had volunteered to take students to the scheduled sport activities that are on the schedule. This would become a point of contention later in the meeting.

The concern the board expressed was in essence that not teaching in the classroom and yet still participating in athletics was setting a bad example for the students— as if to say that sports is more important than education.

The board wanted to know what was meant by “work stoppage” and Mr. Terry said that it meant that all classroom instruction would be suspended. The teachers would not be in the classrooms.

The next question that was asked was “when will the walkout end?”

There was no definite answer to that question.

The board did vote to support the teachers and not penalize them financially for participating in the walkout. Board members expressed their support for the teachers having a raise and that they appreciate all that they do for our students.

Board members expressed that if the teachers were walking out that it should encompass all activities and not just classroom activities. Otherwise it defeats the purpose. Therefore,  if the teachers walk out on April 2, there will be no further school activities until the teachers return to their contracted duties in the classrooms.

According to Mr. Terry, on Tuesday afternoon, the day after the emergency board meeting, 65% of the teachers decided to not participate in the walkout.

Mr. Terry felt confident that there should be enough teachers present to have school this coming Monday.

If the situation changes we will post it on our website at www.waurikanewsjournal.com.

FCCLA Attend District Leadership Meeting


On October 26, nineteen Members of Waurika FCCLA traveled to Duncan to attend the South 4 District Leadership Meeting.  This years meeting, held at the Simmons Center, was centered around a carnival theme.  Around 500 members from 20 schools enjoyed the keynote delivered by hypnotist Johnie Fredman.  For their service project, the group donated over 500  needed items to Oklahoma Kids Korral, a home for children battling cancer begun by Toby Keith’s Foundation.  Family, Career and Community Leaders is a student organization that focuses on leadership, service and personal development, and is a part of Family and Consumer Sciences education.

Waurika Student Receives Scholarship


Four Red River Technology Center Practical Nursing students were recently awarded the John Lillard Scholarship. The scholarships, worth $300.00, were presented to (l-r) Dana Luker, Chickasha; Madison McGlothin, Marlow; Chelsi Lawson, Duncan; and Brianna Porterfield, Waurika.

Five Students from Waurika Band Qualify for Contest


Five students from the Waurika Band recently qualified for the OSSAA State Solo and Ensemble contest.  These High School students, along with 3 other middle school students, all made Superior ratings on their solos or ensembles at the District contest held February 17th at Lawton MacArthur High School.

Riley Hobbs and Michael Bryant, WHS Seniors, both played solos from memory and got Superior ratings.  Hope Cummings, Regena Bradley, and Brooklyn Barnes, all freshmen, played a Clarinet ensemble and also made a I rating.  These will play at Stillwater in April at the State contest.

In addition, seventh grader Karlee Brinson made a Superior on a bells solo.  Mallory Adkins, on flute, and Chloe Adkins, on trumpet, also made Superior ratings.  Kaytlyn Williams, an 8th grade flutist, Mackenzie Horton, and Hannah Lamons, 7th grade trumpet players, made Excellent ratings.

Band Director Everett Hodges, in his 11th year at Waurika Schools, said, “Five making it to State is our biggest number in several years.  These students all put in extra work and it shows what that can bring as a result.”

Waurika Band Qualifies for State Again


The Waurika High School Band, under the direction of Everett Hodges, made a First Division Superior rating at the OSSAA District 8 Band Contest held last Wednesday, February 28th.  The contest was held at Duncan High School.  All three judges gave the band the highest rating possible.  The band qualifies for State Band contest to be held at East Central University in Ada on March 27th.

The 62-member group played 2 selections, Majestica and Pinnacle.  This marks the 2nd consecutive year and the 6th out of 7 years the band has qualified for state.  Hodges said, “I am really proud of this group. To start with, we lost 14 seniors last year.  Then we missed 4 days in the last month to flu and weather. They handled the adversity well and responded like we needed them to.”

The band also sight-read at that portion of the contest and made a 2 rating. Hodges continued, “There are 224 schools in Class 2A in Oklahoma.  Of those, some don’t have bands, but even at that, to be one of 10 or 12 schools that go to State on a regular basis makes me feel good about what we are doing.  It is fun to have success.”

Waurika School Board Launches Superintendent Search


Waurika Public Schools has selected the Oklahoma State School Boards Association to assist in its search for the next superintendent, and school board members is including the community in the search process.

“Waurika has a lot to offer and we are obligated to our kids and our community to maximize our recruitment efforts in order to find the best candidate,” school board President Kimberly Gholson said. “OSSBA provides an organized plan to accomplish a critical task of obtaining a top leader who will inspire and make a difference in our district.”

The board hosted a community forum on Tuesday. An online survey will be available through March 16 so parents, school employees and other community members can share what qualities they believe are important in the next superintendent. The survey is posted on the school district’s website.

Gholson said board members will use information gathered via the survey and employee forum to help guide its decision making. The board hopes to select a new superintendent in April or May 2018.

Jefferson County Junior Livestock Show 2018

Editor’s Note:

A special thank you goes out to the Ringling Eagle for their much appreciated help with compiling these results, also thanks to the OSU Extension Office of Jefferson County for getting these statistics to the newspapers in a very timely manner. Everyone’s help is appreciated. 

More pictures will be added this week!

Hollis Dickey Award Winners

Samantha Horner
Dalee Barrick
Randi Linton



Red Angus: Class 1: Laken Deboard, Ryan 4-H, Res Breed Champion; Class 2: Laken Deboard, Ryan 4-H, Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion

Hereford: Randi Linton, Ryan FFA, Breed Champion

Mini Hereford: Class 1: Lakin Howard, Ringling 4-H, Res Breed Champion; Class 2: Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, Breed Champion

Shorthorn: Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Maine: Dalee Barrick, Waurika FFA, Breed Champion

Commercial: Rance Howard, Ringling 4-H, Res Breed Champion; Michael Gore, Ryan FFA, Breed Champion


Angus: Lakin Howard, Ringling 4-H, Res Breed Champion; Cody Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, Breed Champion

Shorthorn: Kanyon McGahey, Ringling FFA, Breed Champion

Charolais: Cody Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Limousine: Class 1: Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA, Res Breed Champion; Class 2: Kylie Waters, Waurika FFA, Breed Champion

Maine Anjou: Rance Howard, Ringling 4-H, Breed Champion

Simmental: Kynlee Waters, Waurika, Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion Crossbred: Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, Res Breed Champion; Rance Howard, Ringling 4-H, Breed Champion Mini Hereford: Bean Walker, Waurika.

Showmanship: Jr.- Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H; Int.- Cody Ramsey, Waurika 4-H; Sr.- Kylie Waters, Waurika FFA; School Group- Waurika

Cody Ramsey – Grand Champion and Intermediate Showmanship
Kynlee Waters – Reserve Grand Champion
Braden Jackson – Grand Champion
Laken Deboard – Reserve Grand Champion
Caitlyn Ramsey – Junior Showmanship
Kylie Waters – Senior Showmanship



Southdown: Reese Reynolds, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion, Grand Champion

Speckled Face:  Teddy Brown, Ryan FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; Bosten Smith, Waurika FFA, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion

Crossbreed: Asia Smith, Waurika FFA, 1st, Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion; Sarah Tyus, Ryan 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion

Market Wether:

Dorper: Trey Bryant, Ryan FFA, 1st, Breed Champion

Hampshire: Houston Scott, Waurika FFA, 1st, Breed Champion, Grand Champion; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion

Shropshire: Teddy Brown, Ryan FFA, 1st, Breed Champion

Southdown: Kaci Reynolds, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion

Speckled Face:  Sam Brown, Ryan FFA, 1st, Breed Champion;  Sadie Smith, Waurika 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion

Crossbreed: Houston Scott, Waurika FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; 3rd Place Brock Smith, Ryan FFA, 3rd

Showmanship: Jr.- Reese Reynolds, Waurika 4-H; Int.- Houston Scott, Waurika FFA; Sr.- Sam Brown, Ryan FFA; School Group- Waurika

Houston Scott – Grand Champion, Intermediate Showmanship
Haylee Jo McGuire – Reserve Grand Champion
Caitlyn Ramsey – Reserve Grand Champion
Asia Smith – Reserve Grand Champion
Teddy Brown – Senior Showman, Breed Champion



Div.1: Class 1: Jaci Jo Gholson, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Div. Champion; Riley Ross, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Charley Sellers, Waurika 4-H; Class 2: Seth Waid, Waurika FFA, 1st, Res. Div. Champion; Emily Waid, Waurika FFA, 2nd; Kaylee Morris, Waurika FFA, 3rd; Div. 2: Class 3: Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA, 1st, Div. Champion; Abby Davis, Waurika 4-H, 2nd; Hannah Williams, Ryan 4-H, 3rd; Kaylee Morris, Waurika FFA, 4th; Class 4: Emily Waid, Waurika FFA, 1st, Res. Div. Champion; Isaac Gholson, Waurika FFA, 2nd; Div. 3: Class 5: Addison Jackson, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Div. Champion, Grand Champion; Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, 2nd, Res. Division Champion; Jaci Jo Gholson, Waurika 4-H, 3rd; Emily Waid, Waurika FFA, 4th; Class 6:  Isaac Gholson, Waurika FFA, 1st; Riley Ross, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Tucker Mashore, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Savannah Lashley, Ryan FFA, 4th: Div.4: Class 7: Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Res. Div. Champion; Addison Jackson, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA, 3rd; Class 8: Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA, 1st, Div. Champion, Res. Div. Champion; Savannah Lashley, Ryan FFA, 2nd;

Wether Goat:

Div. 1: Class 1: Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Div. Champion, Res. Grand Champion; Jaci Jo Gholson, Waurika 4-H, 2nd, Res. Div. Champion; Lexi Streeter, Waurika FFA, 3rd; Class 2: Riley Ross, Ryan 4-H, 1st; Isaac Gholson, Waurika FFA, 2nd; Lexi Streeter, Waurka FFA, 3rd; Gracie Walling, Waurika FFA, 4th; Div. 2; Class 3: Tucker Mashore, Ringling 4-H, 1st; Riley Ross, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Seth Waid, Waurika FFA, 3rd; Riley Ross, Ryan 4-H, 4th; Class 4: Isaac Gholson, Waurika FFA, 1st, Div. Champion, Grand Champion; Tucker Mashore, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Div. Champion; Seth Waid, Waurika FFA, 3rd; Showmanship: Jr.-Caitlyn Ramsey, Waurika 4-H; Int.- Isaac Gholson, Waurika FFA; Sr.- Braden Jackson, Ringling FFA; School Group- Ringling

Addison Jackson – Grand Champion
Braden Jackson – Reserve Grand Champion, Senior Showmanship
Isaac Gholson – Grand Champion, Intermediate Showmanship
Reese Reynolds – Reserve Grand Champion, Junior Showmanship.



Berkshire: Class 1: Eston Hardy, Ryan 4-H, 1st; Koble Lewis, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Class 2: Kanyon McGahey, Ringling FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; Jordan Longest, Ringling FFA, 2nd. Res. Breed Champion; Avery Combs, Ryan FFA, 3rd

Chesterwhite: Class 1: Hayden Brown, Waurika FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; Madisen Rhoades, Ryan FFA, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Carter Combs, Ryan 4-H, 3rd

Duroc: Class 1: Walker Rawlings, Jefferson Co. 4-H; Class 2: Coltin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Kendi Barron, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Maddy Ridenour, Ringling 4-H, 4th; Kalen Weldon, Ryan 4-H, 5th; Kanyon McGahey, Ringling FFA, 6th; Jasmine Villarreal, Ryan 4-H, 7th; Racen Williams, Ryan 4-H, 8th; Class 3: Samantha Horner, Waurika 4-H, 1st; Rhett Roberts, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Carter Combs, Ryan 4-H, 3rd; Class 4: Haley Poage, Ryan 4-H, 1st

Hampshire: Class 1: Koble Lewis Ryan 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Austin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Beane Combs, Ryan 4-H, 3rd; Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA, 4th

Poland: Class 1: Travis Wade, Ringling, 1st, Breed Champion; Karleigh Ficklin, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, res. Breed Champion; Cassidy Charmasson, Ryan FFA, 3rd; Zachary Shockley, Waurika 4-H, 4th

Spotted Poland: Class 1: Abbie Bolin, Ryan FFA, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Brooklyn Charmasson, Ryan FFA, 2nd; Coltin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion

Yorkshire: Class 1: Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; KaraganCox, Ringling FFA, 2nd; Jordan Longest, Ringling FFA, 3rd; Class 2: Tyson Graham, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Easten Rhoades, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Samantha Horner, Waurika 4-H, 3rd; Alayna Stallcup, Waurika FFA, 4th

Commercial Dark: Class 1: Kanyon McGahey, Ringling FFA, 1st; Class 2: Coltin Smith, Ringling 4-H,1st, Res. Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Jordan Longest, Ringling FFA, 4th; Rhett Roberts, Ringling 4-H, 5th;Class 3: Travis Wade, Ringling FFA, 1st; Abbie Bolin, Ryan FFA, 2nd; Hadon Wade, Ringling FFA, 3rd; Kaden Barron, Ringling 4-H, 4th; Beau Combs, Ryan 4-H, 5th; Haley Poage, Ryan 4-H, 6th; Kinzlee Pogue, Ringling 4-H, 7th; Class 4: Austin Smth, Ringling 4-H, 1st; Larin Wade, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Johnny Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Class 5: Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion, Grand Champion; Jordan Longest, Ringling FFA, 2nd; London Lewis, Ringling 4-H, 3rd

Commercial White: Class 1: Kaydence  McCauley, Waurika 4-H, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Tyson Graham, Waurika 4-H, 2nd; Racen Williams, Ryan 4-H, 3rd; Walker Rawlings, Jefferson Co. 4-H, 4th; Class 2: Larin Wade, Ringling FFA, 1st; Kaydence McCauley, Waurika 4-H, 2nd; Alayna Stallcup, 3rd; Abbie Bolin, Ryan FFA, 4th; Kylee Charmasson, Ryan 4-H, 5th; Class 3: Hadon Wade, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Heather Poage, Ryan 4-H, 3rd


Berkshire: Class 1: Class 1: Eli Britt, Ringling 4-H, 1st; Class 2: Austin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Eston Hardy, Ryan 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion

Chesterwhite: Class 1 Hadon Wade, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Johnny Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Abbie Bolin, Ryan FFA, 3rd

Duroc: Class 1: Samantha Horner, Waurika 4-H, 1st; Walker Rawlings, Jefferson Co. 4-H, 2nd; Walker Rawlings, Jefferson Co. 4-H, 3rd; Class 2: Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Samantha Horner, Waurika 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 3rd

Hampshire: Class 1: Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Coltin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Travis Wade, Ringling FFA, 3rd; Alayna Stallcup, Waurika FFA, 4th; Abbie Bolin, Ryan FFA, 5th; Class 2: Austin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion, Res. Grand Champion; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Johnny Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 3rd

Hereford: Class 1: Hadon Wade, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion

Poland: Class 1: Alexis Shockley, Waurika 4-H, 1st; Cassidy Charmasson, Ryan FFA, 2nd; Karleigh Ficklin, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Class 2: Coltin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Ch ampion; Gracie Walling, Waurika FFA, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion; Hayden Brown, Waurika FFA, 3rd; Travis Wade, Ringling FFA, 4th

Spotted Poland: Class 1: Johnny Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion; Lilly Britt, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Class 2: Kendi Barron, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Skyler Parkhill, Ryan FFA, 2nd

Yorkshire: Class 1: Class 1 : Larin Wade, Ringling FFA, 1st; Class 2: Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA, 1st, Breed Champion; Walker Rawlings, Jefferson Co. 4-H, 2nd, Res. Breed Champion

Crossbred: Class 1: Travis Wade, Ringling FFA , 1st; Haley Poage, Ryan 4-H, 2nd; Samantha Horner, Waurika 4-H, 3rd; Haley Poage, Ryan 4-H, 4th; Class 2: Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H, 1st, Breed Champion, Grand Champion; Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA, 2nd; Haylee Jo McGuire, Ringling 4-H, 3rd; Bear Combs, Ryan 4-H, 4th; Kennedi Rapier, Ringling FFA, 5th; Class 3: Larin Wade, Ringling FFA, 1st, Res. Breed Champion; Austin Smith, Ringling 4-H, 2nd; Heather Poage, Ryan 4-H, 3rd; Kaden Barron, Ringling 4-H, 4th; Class 4: Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA, 1st

Swine Showmanship: Jr.- Zoey Mercer, Ringling 4-H; Int.- Hadon Wade, Ringling 4-H; Sr.- Kage McGahey, Ringling FFA; School Group- Ringling.

Zoey Mercer – Grand Champion, Junior Showmanship
Austin Smith – Reserve Grand Champion
Haylee Jo McGuire – Grand Champion
Coltin Smith – Reserve Grand Champion
Ryan FFA
(l-r) Houston Scott, Sadie Smith, Kaci Reynolds, Addison Jackson, Caitlyn Ramsey
Ringling FFA
Ryan FFA (l-r) Raquel Welchel (Instructor), Trey Bryant, Tate Kimbro, Riley Ross, Hannah Williams, and Savannah Lashley.
Trey Bryant – Breed Champion
Sam Brown – Breed Champion
Kaci Reynolds – Breed Champion
Jaci Gholson – Reserve Breed Champion
Emily Waid – Reserve Breed Champion
Seth Waid – Reserve Breed Champion
Abby Davis
Charley Sellers
Hannah Williams
Kaylee Morris
Lexie Streeter
Riley Ross
Sadie Smith
Gracie Walling

Waurika Bands Perform at Fundraiser Sunday


Waurika’s High School and Middle School bands performed at the Fiesta Fundraiser this past Sunday at the Waurika High School.

More performances from the Waurika Band Concert. (l-r) Regena Bradley, Hope Cummings, and Brooklyn Barnes Photo by Curtis Plant

After the delicious Mexican meal, honor band members were introduced and various members performed solos.

The solo artist were accompanied by Starr Herron and band director Everett Hodges.

2017-2018 SCOBDA Honor Band members

Riley Hobbs – 1st chair HS Baritone

Michael Bryant- 6th chair HS trumpet

Sara Tolle- 4th chair HS French horn

Trenton Helloms- 6th chair HS French Horn

Kaytlyn Williams- 4th chair JH Flute

Mallory Adkins- 11th chair JH Flute

Chloe Adkins- 7th chair JH trumpet

Hannah Lamons- 10th chair JH trumpet

Hope Cummings- 3rd chair JH clarinet

Regena Bradley- 7th chair JH clarinet

Brooklyn Barnes -12th chair JH clarinet

Kaylee Morris- 4th chair alto sax.

Jefferson County Livestock Exhibitors Host Pancake Dinner at Jefferson County Fairgrounds

Photo by Kylie Waters

The Jefferson County Fairground was packed Thursday, Feb. 15th with people from all around the county to enjoy a great pancake dinner. This dinner, consisting of pancakes, sausage, and bacon, was a fundraiser for the Jeff Co. livestock exhibitors. All the proceeds will be used to supply the meal for the Waurika and Ryan Premium Banquet.

Emily Waid, Seth Waid, Lexie Streeter
Photo by Kylie Waters

The Waurika FFA would like to thank the members that attended and helped as well as the Waurika 4H and Ryan FFA and 4H members that got involved. There were also countless volunteers that helped prepare and serve the meal. The fundraiser would not have been what it was without these people helping.
The Waurika Local show will kick off this Thursday at the Jeff Co. Fairgrounds at 1:00 p.m. with the “teacher showmanship” competition. We hope to see you there in support of our local livestock exhibitors!

Riley Hobbs
Photo by Kylie Waters


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