QUOTE OF THE DAY – To serve oneself os pleasure, to serve OTHERS is joy,” -Sri Amma BHagavan.
TERRAL ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT – Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 31st at the Terral Indians Baseball Field at 12:00 p.m. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. There will be three groups: Walking to three, four to six and seven to nine years old. Make plans to come enjoy the fun. Prizes will be given to the most eggs in each category and eggs will be marked for prizes. The Terral Volunteer Fire Department will be hiding the eggs for us again this year. Hope to see you there!
CITY WIDE CLEAN-UP – The town of Terral will have a city wide Clean-up on April 20-21st., Friday and Saturday . Roll offs will be placed on the corner of E. Apache & N. Fourth on Friday Morning April 20th. Anyone who pays a trash bill monthly is welcome to use the rolls-offs. Let’s take pride in our town and use this time to clean up.
COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST- Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day, Tom Bayslinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal , Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, MAnuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world.