Home News Waurika City Codes now online

Waurika City Codes now online

Waurika City Codes now online

At the most recent Waurika City Commissioner meeting, it was disclosed that the Waurika’s City Codes have recently been “Codified” and the city commissioners adopted Ordinance #10142019-04 which ads the most recent codes. The city uses Sterling to keep the ordinances codified. Now that the most recent ones have been adopted they will now be online and available to anyone interested. 

The website for Waurika City codes is:


In other business the minutes from the September 9, 2019 meeting were approved as well as the October 1, 2019 special meeting. 

Joyce Greshem was re-appointed to the Waurika Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. 

Rex Armstrong was appointed as the new member of the Waurika Housing Authority Board of Commissioners replacing Lupe Edwards. 

The commissioners paid $17,000.00, which was the remaining balance of the 2016 Water Tower Maintenance Fee Loan. 

Justin Winslett is now the Emergency Management Director for the city of Waurika. His assistant will be Stephen Dyer. 

City Clerk, Michael Bryant reported that he has been working extensively with AT&T on updating the City’s communications, such as telephones and internet—which will be providing better services with newer technology. All departments will be tied together with newer equipment. Some locations will now have communications where they have never had it before. That being said the billing now should half of where it has been at around $3000.00.

Bryant also reported he filed several Certified Statements of Cost to be placed on the Ad Valorem Tax Rolls. 

He also filed new “Work Orders”.

He also assisted the Police Department with the documentation and issuance of five citations for “Failure to Mow/Maintain” lawn. 

City claims in the amount of $49,948.81 were approved. 

The Financial Report provided by RS Meacham was accepted. 

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned. 

The Waurika Public Works Authority (WPWA) Meeting began following the City Commissioner’s Meeting. 

The minutes from the September 9, 2019 meeting were approved as was the minutes from the October 1, 2019 Special Meeting. 

Glen Roberts reported from the Water Department.

The crew of the department repaired 13 leaks. They also serviced the lift stations. 

They read meters and performed cut offs and turn ons on various meters. 

They are still operating the six inch pump on the sewer system from 5:30 am until 10:00 at  night. The sewer should be fixed soon. 

The Bid Specifications prepared by David Wyatt, for Automatic Meter Reading/Infrastructure and publishing after the approval from the Oklahoma Water Resource Board Engineers were approved. 

The decision to use USDA funds were used to pay the AMR loan closing costs in the amount of $20,000.00 at closing were approved. 

The Waurika Golf Course is now closing. 

Claims for the WPWA in the amount of $79,019.71 were approved.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.