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Waurika City Hall News

New Officials Serving Waurika

Jacob Eck was elected mayor at Monday evening’s Waurika City Commissioner’s Meeting.

Kristi Winton is the new Office Clerk.

Waurika City Codes now online


At the most recent Waurika City Commissioner meeting, it was disclosed that the Waurika’s City Codes have recently been “Codified” and the city commissioners adopted Ordinance #10142019-04 which ads the most recent codes. The city uses Sterling to keep the ordinances codified. Now that the most recent ones have been adopted they will now be online and available to anyone interested. 

The website for Waurika City codes is:


In other business the minutes from the September 9, 2019 meeting were approved as well as the October 1, 2019 special meeting. 

Joyce Greshem was re-appointed to the Waurika Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. 

Rex Armstrong was appointed as the new member of the Waurika Housing Authority Board of Commissioners replacing Lupe Edwards. 

The commissioners paid $17,000.00, which was the remaining balance of the 2016 Water Tower Maintenance Fee Loan. 

Justin Winslett is now the Emergency Management Director for the city of Waurika. His assistant will be Stephen Dyer. 

City Clerk, Michael Bryant reported that he has been working extensively with AT&T on updating the City’s communications, such as telephones and internet—which will be providing better services with newer technology. All departments will be tied together with newer equipment. Some locations will now have communications where they have never had it before. That being said the billing now should half of where it has been at around $3000.00.

Bryant also reported he filed several Certified Statements of Cost to be placed on the Ad Valorem Tax Rolls. 

He also filed new “Work Orders”.

He also assisted the Police Department with the documentation and issuance of five citations for “Failure to Mow/Maintain” lawn. 

City claims in the amount of $49,948.81 were approved. 

The Financial Report provided by RS Meacham was accepted. 

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned. 

The Waurika Public Works Authority (WPWA) Meeting began following the City Commissioner’s Meeting. 

The minutes from the September 9, 2019 meeting were approved as was the minutes from the October 1, 2019 Special Meeting. 

Glen Roberts reported from the Water Department.

The crew of the department repaired 13 leaks. They also serviced the lift stations. 

They read meters and performed cut offs and turn ons on various meters. 

They are still operating the six inch pump on the sewer system from 5:30 am until 10:00 at  night. The sewer should be fixed soon. 

The Bid Specifications prepared by David Wyatt, for Automatic Meter Reading/Infrastructure and publishing after the approval from the Oklahoma Water Resource Board Engineers were approved. 

The decision to use USDA funds were used to pay the AMR loan closing costs in the amount of $20,000.00 at closing were approved. 

The Waurika Golf Course is now closing. 

Claims for the WPWA in the amount of $79,019.71 were approved.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 

Waurika City Commissioner’s July Meeting

 The July 8th regular meeting of the Waurika City Commissioners was lightly attended. 

One of the first things decided on was the use of the future REAP Grant funds to be used to chip and seal the road that circles the Elementary School. 

According to those present, it has been awhile since the road was resurfaced. 

Next, the commissioners adopted their Five Year Plan. The plan is required in order to apply for a REAP Grant. 

The interlocal agreement with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department for Dispatch Services in the amount of $3,027.20 per month was approved. This agreement must be approved annually. 

The contract with A&A Wind Pro to lease property with Waurika was approved. 

Bids were opened for the 1983 Chevy Truck belonging to the Waurika Fire Department, which had been declared as surplus. The highest bid of $1,100.00 was accepted. 

Bids were opened for a surplus declared 2008 John Deer Mower. The bid for $300.00 was accepted. 

Bids for the unused rolls of insulation that had previously been declared as surplus by the City of Waurika were opened. The highest bid was in the amount of $750.00. It was accepted. 

The commissioners approved a new digital camera system for the new police patrol vehicle in the amount of $3,280.00. 

Claims in the amount of $32,701.79 for the City of Waurika were approved. 

It was reported that 25 loads of leftover millings from the road work on Hwy 70 east of Waurika was donated to the City of Waurika. 

Acting City Manager reported that work continues on the Presbyterian Church. 

Code enforcement continues, according to  City Clerk, Michael Bryant. Currently there are 19 properties in the process of being cleaned up. There are 25 more that will be brought into the process in the near future. 

It is a slow tedious process but it will pay off in the future says Bryant.

The City of Waurika now hired a new police officer. His name is Matt Peck. There will be an article in an upcoming issue about him and his experience. 

One of the main concerns the police department faces is the break ins and thefts that have been occurring on the north side of town.

 In other business, Commissioner Henry Lara suggested that the police officers write down the street lights they  notice out at night so PSO can be contacted about repairing them the next day. 

The Go Bonds, funds which have already been approved, the revenue of which comes in from the bond, in the amount of $40,255.31 were approved. 

The financial report by RS Meacham was accepted and approved. 

Overall it has been a good year for the city financially. One of the reasons is the revenue generated by the pipeline company temporarily operating in Waurika. 

Commissioner Bill Everett complimented acting manager Brad Scott for his management. He said he could remember the shape the city was in before Brad took back over. 

There being no new business, the Waurika City Commissioner  meeting was adjourned. 

After a short break, the commissioners reconvened to conduct the business of the Waurika Public Works Authority (WPWA).

The minutes from the previous meetings were approved. 

Bids on the John Deer D140 Mower were opened. The Mower only has 60 hours on it.  No bids were accepted.  

The city purchased a new $800.00 air compressor for the water department. 

Claims in the amount of $55,353.85 for the WPWA were approved. 

Next, the finincial report from RS Meacham was approved. 

There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned. 

Waurika City Commission Emergency Meeting

 The Waurika Depot is in need of new coils in the air conditioning unites that service the large meeting area. The coils were installed in 2009 and have outlived their warranties.  

The Waurika City Commissioners held an emergency meeting Tuesday evening at 5:00 pm to discuss and  take action on having the coils replaced. 

Climate Control of Duncan and Jamison Heating and air had both submitted proposals. 

The commissioners voted to accept the proposal from Climate Control of Duncan, Oklahoma in the amount of $4,166.00. They currently service the air conditioners for the city and provide the needed service for them.  

Although Jamison Heating and Air had submitted a proposal of $3,621.20, the commissioners accepted the proposal from Climate Control because of their experience and continued service on the city’s air conditioners. 

The money will come from the Depot account and will not affect the city budget. 

Meet the Candidates for Waurika City Commission

This is your chance to get to know the candidates for seats on the Waurika City Commission.

We listed them in alphabetical order according to last names. However, we listed Mayor Carole Eakin first because she is the incumbent.

Each candidate was asked the same general questions. We asked them to tell us a little about themselves, why they wanted to serve (or continue to serve) on the city commission, and then lastly we let them say whatever they wanted that would help voters know them better.

Editor’s Note: Every candidate was given a chance to appear on video. However, some of them chose not to do so. We respect that. All the candidate’s profiles and interviews will appear in the upcoming week’s paper.

Note: Each candidate was allowed to say whatever he or she wanted and the length of each video was determined by the length of their answers.

Carole Eakin

Mayor Carole Eakin talks a little about where she grew up and her education at Oxford in England. She then talks about her time on the city commission and the things that have been accomplished during her twelve years serving the community. Mayor Eakin addresses the water rates and the state of the finances of the city. Lastly, she talks about what she would like to see accomplished for the city in the future.

Adam Brinson

Adam is the pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Waurika.

He was asked the same questions posed to the other candidates. He talks about his education and how he came to live in Waurika. During the interview, he talks about his views and what inspired him to become a candidate for the city commission. He simply wants to serve the needs of the people and do what is best for the city of Waurika.

Amber Delaney

Although Amber’s interview is the least lengthy of all the interviews, she is specific and to the point. Amber talks about her work at the Terral School. She discusses the importance of family, and her desires to see the city continue to prosper.

Gary “Lebo” Duncan

Gary is a native of Waurika. His family roots run deep here. In this interview, he speaks in depth about his experiences in business, his family history, and talks about things he would like to see accomplished in the city. Gary says he wants to see the city grow and he has various ideas of how that can happen. He wants to bring his business experience and leadership skills to the city commission.

As stated earlier, there will be more about the candidates in this next week’s paper.

Candidates who did not wish to participate in the video interview include:

Bobby Taylor

James Terry

Mark Lehew

Waurika City Commission Holds Monthly Meeting


 The Waurika City Council held it’s September meeting on Monday the 10th at 6:00 pm at Waurika City Hall. 

The minutes from the August 13, 2018 Meeting were approved. 

Members of the City Commission  approved the Capital Improvement Plant (CIP) for the Fiscal Year 2018-19. The plan simply states what some of the cities future needs may be. 

Waurika will be applying for a REAP Grant for up to $45,000.00 to enable them to work on the former DOC project building and to advertise for bids to install wiring and HVAC (Phase II), with the right to accept bids for all or partial work. 

Susan Howard has been appointed by the Governor to head up a study about children. 

The “Estimate of Needs” for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 was approved. 

Ordinance No. 09102018-02 was approved. It amends Chapter 2, Alcoholic Beverages, in its entirety to conform with updated state laws; providing for effective date of October 1, 2018; declaring repealer; providing for sever ability thereof; and declaring an emergency. 

Waurika’s City Commissioners also approved the adoption of Ordinance No. 09102018-03, amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Waurika by adding a new Chapter 21, pertaining to Medical Marijuana; providing for legislative intent and purpose; adopting definitions; adopting regulations of the Oklahoma State Department of Health Title 310, Chapter 681 pertaining to medical Marijuana; requiring commercial marijuana permits; establishing regulations pertaining to operations, locations, facilities and permittee restrictions; establishing  regulations for marijuana cultivation; regulating advertisements; providing procedures for revocation of permits; providing for prohibited acts; providing for penalties; declaring repealer; providing for savings; providing for sever ability thereof; and declaring an emergency. 

Departmental Reports:

Brad Scott, acting city manager, reported that Waurika Police Chief Gary Whittington had submitted his resignation. He also announced that Justin Winslett is the new Police Chief. 

Michael Bryant reported that he had posted on four different properties and then four more two weeks later for Code Enforcement reasons. One of the properties has been improved (corner of 8th and D Street). He also reported that citizens are beginning to clean up their own properties. Slowly but surely properties are coming into compliance with the city codes. 

It was suggested that a community meeting be held to remind citizens of the city ordinances when it comes to maintaining property within the city limits. 

Financial claims in the amount of $21,045.88 were approved. 

The financial report from RS Meacham was approved. 

According to the report there was an increase in cash of about $9,400.00 over last month. Unrestricted Cash, however, was a little down. Sales and Use tax was up by about 5 percent. For instance, the August report for this fiscal year was $38,606.00. The sales and use tax receipts for August from the previous year was only $34,515.00. 

Waurika Approves New Budget

The 7.5% increase in water may not be popular, but according the City Commissioners it’s necessary to keep the books balanced. 

In other business the commissioners opened the floor for discussion about the budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year. 

There had been some questions about the way the categories were identified within the budget. The explanation was that all city councils across the nation must layout their budget in six categories using Governmental Accounting Standards. 

The six categories are Personal Services, Materials and Supplies, Other Services and Charges (utilities, insurance, etc), Capital Outlay, Debt Service and Transfers.

Oklahoma is the only state that does not allow cities to levy ad valorem taxes without a vote of the people. 

Therefore cities are limited on how they can raise money.

The budget is a conservative one. The city is anticipating lower revenues. 

For instance the budget for the upcoming year projects that revenue will only be around $665,000. Last year the city brought in around $686,000. In the 2016-17 budget the city brought in $711,972.

As far as expenses are concerned, it is anticipated that the city may incur $92,000 more in expenses than last year. 

RS Meacham (the accounting firm Waurika uses) explained that none of the municipalities that they work with comparable to the size of Waurika are able to support themselves from their sales and use taxes alone and must make up the balance through their water revenue. Thus the increase in water rates. 

In other business, the city renewed their agreement with RS Meacham and Associates for monthly accounting, payroll and bookkeeping services. 

The council also renewed the lease agreement with A&A WindPros Inc. for the former Elliott’s building for one year at $500 per month/$6000 annually. 

Purchase Orders and Claims for the General Fund in the amount of $19,315.30 were approved.

Purchase Orders and Claims for the WPWA in the amount of $46,545.83 were approved.

Michael Bryant Hired as New City Clerk and More Waurika City News

There were two big stories to come out of the May City Commissioner meeting for the city of Waurika.

The first was the hiring of former Jefferson County Sheriff Michael Bryant. He will bring administrative and law enforcement experience to the position which will be a plus as one of his duties will be city code enforcement.

Bryant is the longest serving sheriff in Jefferson County’s history. When he first took office as sheriff the department had just enough money to last 30 days and yet there were 90 days left in the fiscal year. When he left the department there was over $500,000.00 in the accounts.

He will begin his duties as city clerk on June 1st.

The other story of interest from Monday’s meeting was the recognition by the Oklahoma Water Resource Board for the city’s loan consolidation.

Charles de Coune, Leading Manager of the Financial Assistance Division of OWRB, presented the City Commissioners with a commemorative check symbolizing the $975,000.00 loan consolidation.

The loan will save the city 10 years of payments and over $240,000.00.

Other business included the hiring of Jeffrey Overton in the city’s Water Department. Scott spoke highly of him and said he is a willing and dedicated worker who will be an asset to the department. He is also willing to work in other departments when needed.

The city also began the process of closing an alley next to the Waurika Fire Department.

Purchase orders and claims for the City of Waurika was paid in the amount of $21,726.81.

The city will begin advising property owners near Lot 1 Block 26 of the Sycamore Addition in Waurika that Bobby Taylor is wanting to move a mobile home on the the premises.

The procedure will also be followed to notify property owners near 407 E. Iowa, Lots 15-18 of the Harper Addition in Waurika that Mary Harvey and Tyler Bowen want to move a manufactured home on the premises of 407 E. Iowa.

After the business for the city of Waurika was completed the commissioners entered the Waurika Public Works Authority meeting.

The council opened the 1 bid for the Waurika Golf Course from Michael Delaney. The commissioners voted to keep the bidding open for another 30 days. Delaney understood and said he just wants to keep the golf course open.

The commissioners approved the purchase of 12 new membranes for the Water Treatment Facility in the amount of $10,800.00. That’s around $300 less per membrane than they spent on a previous purchase.

Last but not least, the commissioners approved $39,456.54 in purchase orders and claims.


Candidates File for Local Offices

 The deadline for filing for office in this year’s elections was this past Friday afternoon at 5pm. 

Four filed for seats on the Waurika City Commission. 

Two of those candidates Jacob Eck and Henry Lara are seeking re-election. Eck and Lara both drew opponents.

Also filing for a seat on the Waurika City Commission are James Terry and Rickey Porterfield.

In the race for county commissioner Rickey Martin drew two opponents. Rickey will be running for re-election against Kenneth Blevins and Macey Lovett. 

Bryce Bohot did not draw an opponent in his bid for re-election as a commissioner in District 1. 

Nobody filed to run against Sandra Watkins for the office of County Assessor. 

Emily Follis will also run unopposed for her re-election bid for the office of County Treasurer. 

Jefferson County’s Associate District Judge, Dennis Gay, did not draw an opponent. 

District Attorney, Jason Hicks, is also unopposed. 

State Rep. Marcus McEntire will return to his seat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Dist. 50, without having to face a challenger. 

Waurika City Wide Cleanup April 21 2018

We need groups to volunteer their time cleaning up residential areas including limb and debris removal tree trimming, mowing, etc. Any equipment such as trailers, mowers, weed eaters, etc would be a tremendous help. We will supply work gloves, trash bags, bottled water and work vests.

Earth Day is a perfect chance to get out and put a little love into your town!

During this time residents will be able to dump limbs behind the street barn and tires in front of the street barn located in the 800 block of Meridian. 


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