The 2019 Summer Reading Program continues with reading, learning, activities, and lunch Monday through Friday.
Monday, July 8th kicked off Week 6 of the Summer Reading Program as Ramona Johnson took over coordinating activities.

After Drop Everything And Read, the kids learned about eclipses. For crafts, they made their own eclipses and stars.
Thanks to Vicki Etheridge and Starr Heron for making and serving quesadillas for lunch.

On Tuesday, after reading, local children’s author Katy Thomas (writing as Katy Jean) visited to teach the children about homesteading.
Katy brought a goat and chicken for the kids to pet. Katy’s daughter Allie helped handle the animals while Katy spoke to the children. She also brought some local spring and fall honey for the kids to try.
After Katy read from her book ‘The Adventures of Allie and Luna the Itty Bitty Chicken’, it was time for lunch.

Thanks to Dee Goss and her team at the Circle D Cafe for proving corn dogs, french fries, and drinks for lunch. Thanks to Katy Thomas for coming to speak to the kids and her daughter Allie Thomas for helping out.
Thanks to Richard McGriff for serving along with Gracie Hood and the other older kids that helped out serving lunch.
On Wednesday, the kids continued learning more about space. They recapped some of the things they had learned about the planets in our solar system.
Next, the kids painted foam balls to represent the planets and put stars on black paper for the background.
After reading and crafts it was time for lunch. Thanks to Kristie Gaines and her team at the Waurika Quick Mart for providing pizza. Thanks to the Waurika Lions Club for serving.
On Thursday, after Drop Everything And Read, the kids continued learning about the solar system.
Next, they finished up their craft from the day before, gluing the planets they had painted onto the starry backgrounds they had made.

Thanks to Manya Reid and the Hastings Baptist Church for providing and serving hot dogs, fruit, chips and drinks for lunch.
Friday wrapped up Week 6 of the Summer Reading Program. While Ramona read to some of the kids, the ones that missed the day before finished up their solar system craft.
Next, Tim Trow (Thank you, Tim!) came to talk to the kids about space and telescopes. Tim also brought pictures of astronomical objects like Haley’s Comet.
Thanks to Nitschke Natural Beef ( for providing their 100% organic beef for the burgers. Thanks to the Waurika Fire Department for grilling them. Thanks to Lauren Nitschke for serving.

Thanks to Ramona Johnson for setting up activities for Week 6. Ramona will return for Week 8 as Sheila Hays returned on Monday, July 15th for Week 7.
Thanks to Karlee Berthiaume for her assistance. Thanks to Brittney Helterbran for all of her help. Thanks to Presley Parker, Alex Gomex, Jazmine Simon, Lexi Feldman, Kayleigh Merritt, Landry Forsyth, and all of our older kids that volunteer to help with reading and activities.
The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we’ve raised funds to offer daily educational programs and lunches to help keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

All children attending the program must be registered. The program runs each weekday through Friday, July 26 – with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will start at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent, guardian or designee by noon each day.
The Summer Reading Program is free to attend for children entering first grade through fifth grade in the fall. Age limits have been established and must be enforced to ensure one teacher can plan and successfully deliver a program for all. Older school-aged children are welcome to participate as helpers – as space allows, and all school-aged children are welcome to join us for lunch.
For more information or registration forms, please visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.