63.7 F
Monday, February 24, 2025

Jefferson County Livestock Exhibitors Host Pancake Dinner at Jefferson County Fairgrounds

Photo by Kylie Waters

The Jefferson County Fairground was packed Thursday, Feb. 15th with people from all around the county to enjoy a great pancake dinner. This dinner, consisting of pancakes, sausage, and bacon, was a fundraiser for the Jeff Co. livestock exhibitors. All the proceeds will be used to supply the meal for the Waurika and Ryan Premium Banquet.

Emily Waid, Seth Waid, Lexie Streeter
Photo by Kylie Waters

The Waurika FFA would like to thank the members that attended and helped as well as the Waurika 4H and Ryan FFA and 4H members that got involved. There were also countless volunteers that helped prepare and serve the meal. The fundraiser would not have been what it was without these people helping.
The Waurika Local show will kick off this Thursday at the Jeff Co. Fairgrounds at 1:00 p.m. with the “teacher showmanship” competition. We hope to see you there in support of our local livestock exhibitors!

Riley Hobbs
Photo by Kylie Waters

Ryan Science Fair Winners










Lynnlee Tomberlin 4th Grade, with judges Chadd Howell and Bryce Bohot
Photo by Sheree Hanson
Carely Follis 8th Grade, With Judge Brian Morris
Photo by Sheree Hanson
Lilah Regehr 4th Grade
Photo by Sheree Hanson
Tommy Self 8th Grade, with Judge Brian Morris
Photo by Sheree Hanson

The WAEB Cohost Premium Fund Raiser with Waurika FFA and 4H

Kolt Morrison served at the auctioneer this year for the Waurika FFA fundraiser. Photo by Dalee Barrick

The Waurika Ag Education Boosters (WAEB) collaborated with the Waurika FFA and 4H and hosted a premium fundraiser on Thursday, February 18 at 6:30 p.m. This event was assembled in order to raise money for the Waurika 4H and FFA livestock exhibitors at the Jefferson County Premium Sale.

Lexie Streeter

The premium fundraiser was a great success. There was an overwhelming turnout from the community in support of our Waurika Ag youth. A great amount of money was raised, and not one homemade dessert, silent auction item, or handmade fire pit was left after the night was over.

On behalf of the Waurika FFA, Waurika 4H, and WAEB, we would like to thank all the people that participated in making this event as great as it was. We would like to especially thank all the great men that voluntarily prepared the delicious hamburgers. It was a wonderful evening.

Patrick Dudley Re-elected as School Board Member


Election Results

Patrick Dudley 207 votes

Tony Roberts 95 votes

The voters re-elected Patrick Dudley Tuesday.

The early voters last week voted for Dudley with 34 votes to Roberts 9 votes. In absentee voting Roberts garnered 5 votes while Dudley received only 2.

Here are the results precinct by precinct:

Precinct 1

(Waurika Methodist)

Patrick Dudley 71

Tony Roberts   28

Precinct 2 

(Jeffco Fair Bldg)

Patrick Dudley 55

Tony Roberts   40

Precinct 3 (Hastings)

Patrick Dudley 15

Tony Roberts     3

Precinct 4 (Addington)

Patrick Dudley 7

Tony Roberts   4

Precinct 5 (Wau. Sr. Ctr)

Patrick Dudley 10

Tony Roberts    4

Precinct 6 (Ryan)

Patrick Dudley 2

Tony Roberts   0

Precinct 8 (Fair Building)

Patrick Dudley 10

Tony Roberts    2

Precinct 9 (Ringling)

Patrick Dudley  1

Tony Roberts    0

Terral News and Happenings February 15 2018

Sometimes I wake up before dawn, and I love sitting up in the middle of the bed with all the lights off, pitch black dark, and talking to the Father, with no interruptions and nothing that reminds me that there’s anything in life but me and him. -Charles R. Swindoll

Special Thanks- A big “Thank You’’ to everyone who donated desserts, cooked food, served, delivered or help with our Chili Dinner last Saturday. Your help was very much appreciated.

FBC Girls in Action Group- The GA T-shirts are in and if you ordered a T-shirt from a GA they will be delivered this week. We are open for new orders if anyone would like to order a T-shirt please call Shirley at 580-437-2337. We are still taking recipes for our Community Cookbook until Feb. 14th. You may drop them by City Hall or to Shirley or Mary Alice Kunkel. Thanks!

Happy Birthday – Michael Freeman celebrated on Feb. 6. Kathy Denton partied on the 13th.

Community Prayer List- The Duncan Families in the passing of Clovon Allen, Cindy Day, Tony Rodriguez, Brenda Bryant, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue and Avery Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Faye Tanner, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Florita Villarreal, Glen Martin, Robert Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, Carrie Sheffield, T.K Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in his loving care.

Round Ryan February 15 2018


I made it to our city council meeting Tuesday evening and there weren’t very many Ryan residents that showed up besides myself. Tina and Larry Morrison had been placed on the agenda to ask the council if there might be any incentives offered on behalf of a new business. Larry asked the council why the business were charged $30.00 per month for the garbage service. Clifford replied that he thought the business canisters were larger than the residential canisters. This was discussed a little further to conclude that the canisters of the businesses are the same size as the residents, but, our businesses pay $30.00 per month and residents pay $19.50. In years past, our garbage collection was every week day for the businesses. You could justify the difference in the price of the business service in comparison to the residences. But, at least since we have had our garbage collection contracted out, the trash collection is one day each week regardless of whether business or residential. This item is to be discussed at the next council meeting. The first item on the agenda was to be some discussion from an individual from the Terral casino, but, due to the weather, they didn’t make it to the meeting.

I haven’t made it out west of town to see the progress of our Comanche Entertainment Casino and smoke shop. I have heard through the grapevine that they are planning on opening up February 28.  The River Star Casino in Terral is expecting to open on March 1. These casinos hopefully may add some revenue to our communities of Ryan and Terral. The only hope for that happening will be from tourists patronizing the local businesses.

We are still seeing more cases of folks with the flu. It is affecting children as well as adults.

We did get a rain Tuesday evening shortly after the council meeting was dismissed. The rain lasted about 5 minutes, which is better than none at all. Enjoy the day Thursday, because Friday it is supposed to be cold again.  The high for Friday is expected to be around 40 degrees. The high Saturday is expected to hit 50 and 60 on Sunday. This will give us something to look forward to. It was really cold this past weekend. I made it over to Amarillo Saturday morning, to see snowflakes falling in Amarillo. When I left Ryan at 4:30, it was misting and the temperature was 28 degrees and falling. I made it there and back safely. Randy and I had a good day together.

I don’t have any news from Kim this week. She has been sick this past week. I pray that she is feeling better.

Everyone have a blessed week. Pray for rain and each other.

Waurika Library News for February 15 2018


On Thursday, February 22nd, the Library will have a computer class at 4:30pm.  This class will be geared towards beginners and cover basic mouse operations, creating files and folder, and copying, moving and pasting text or files.  We will have computers available, but you can also bring your own device including phones or tablets if you have any questions about how to do something.

Next Monday, February 19, the Library will be closed in observance of President’s day.  We will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

On March 1st and 2nd, the Waurika Public Library will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday welcoming Terral grade school on the first, and Waurika and Temple Head Starts on the second.

The Story Of The Boot was a display of family stories in Jefferson County created to

compliment the Smithsonian Institute exhibition at the Rock Island Depot this summer.

These stories have been compiled into a hardback book.  Copies of ‘The Story of the Boot’ are $25 and take 2-3 weeks for delivery to the library.  If you would like the copy mailed to a location other than the library, please add an additional $5 for shipping and allow for an additional week for mailing.

‘Your Hometown’ is a DVD compilation of videos from the local community.  The DVD includes the opening of Veteran’s Park, Brickstreet Classic Car Show, Interviews with residents of Jefferson Co. and more!  Copies of the DVD are available at the library for $10 with proceeds going to the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.

Story Time has a new day!  Story Time is now on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.  Each week, we read stories to pre-k children.  After Story Time, we have games, puzzles, and children’s computer games available.  If you would like to see Story Time on a different day and time, just let us know.

Many events and programs at the library are supported and funded by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  The Friends have started their sponsorship drive for 2018.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information, to become a sponsor, or volunteer, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Bands Hosts Third Annual February Fiesta


The Waurika Bands will be hosting their 3rd annual February Fiesta this Sunday at Waurika High School.  A Mexican Dinner will be served from 11 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  At 1:30, the Waurika Bands will be featured in a concert.  It will be the first concert for the Waurika Beginning Band.  The High School band will play its OSSAA contest program, as well as some popular tunes, and a grand finale with America the Beautiful, featuring soloist Rylee Townsend.

The dinner will be $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for kids 10 and under.  It will consist of soft and hard tacos, nachos, and enchiladas.  Rice and beans, chips and salsa, drink, and dessert all come for one low price.

We encourage the community to come out and support our kids in this effort.

January OKC Thunder Reading Contest Winners


Waurika first grade students are participating in the Oklahoma City Thunder Reading Challenge. We are proud to announce Landon Brackett and Juan Garcia are the winners for the month of January!

Women’s Haven Event to Help Raise Awareness of Teen Dating Violence


February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.  Dating violence is a pattern of behavior involving the use or attempted use of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, economic, technological or other abusive behavior to harm, harass, intimidate, manipulate, control, isolate, restrain or  monitor another person with whom they have had a social relationship involving a physical, emotional, or sexual component in any form.  One in three teens, ages 12 to 18, in the U.S. today has experienced some form of dating violence, and studies have shown this behavior to carry through into adult relationships. The ultimate goal of prevention and intervention is to stop dating violence before it begins.

Studies investigating the effectiveness of programs to prevent dating violence are beginning to show positive results. Most programs focus on changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviors linked with dating violence while focusing on the skills needed to build healthy relationships. Women’s Haven offers presentations and a program to educate teens in these areas.  If you have any questions or would like more information about the educational and preventive services that we offer, please contact Women’s Haven 580-252-4357 (HELP) or toll free -1-877-970-4357.

Women’s Haven, a United Way agency, will be presenting an event to help raise awareness of teen dating violence in our community.  The event will be held on Wednesday, February 28th at 7:00pm at Connections Church (1302 US Hwy 81, Duncan).  Everyone is invited to attend the event to learn about the impact of teen dating violence in our community, how to recognize the warning signs and what we can do to help and support our youth.

During the preteen and teen years, young people are learning the skills they need to form positive, healthy relationships with others. This is an ideal time to promote healthy relationships and prevent patterns of relationship violence that can last into adulthood.

Dating violence does not come out of love, it arises from jealousy and insecurity and a need for control. We need to stop it now. By acknowledging and speaking out against teen dating violence, by teaching comprehensively about domestic violence, sexual violence and healthy youth relationships, by providing a safe space for help and for discussion, you could make the difference in the lives of young people.


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