This time of the year,I think apples have a crisper sweeter taste. There are so many ways to enjoy a good fresh apple. How many ways can you name? I’ve come up with a few: An apple with a little salt, apples dipped in caramel sauce, apples dipped in peanut butter and honey, fried apples, apple sauce, apple dumplings, apple pie… Well you get the picture. I’m sure you have thought of some I didn’t. 

In keeping with holiday favorites, I’m sharing a recipe called Spiced Red Apples. The first time I had these was during the holiday season at Sam and Glenda Countiss’s home. Glenda shared this scrumptious recipe with me.

Spicy Red Apples 

8-10 Apples (Peeled and quartered)

1 Large Package Red Hots

3 Cups Sugar

4 Cups Water

2 TBS Red Food Coloring

Bring the last four ingredients to a boil. Then add the peeled & quartered apples in the liquid and bring to a boil. Remove from stove and let steam for 3-4 hours. Place in a bowl with small amount of juice. This can be served room temperature or chilled.