Presley Reid, Loco, Oklahoma was selected to receive the Jefferson County’s E.C. Joachim Scholarship award. This scholarship is made available by the family of E.C. Joachim a true Extension supporter in Love, Jefferson and Cotton Counties. The family chose to continue his love and support for 4-H particularly in these counties where he served in Extension for many years, by providing scholarships to graduating Seniors who have been active in their county 4-H. Tara Brown, Jefferson County OSU Extension Educator, FCS/4-H Youth Development presents Presley with the award.

receive the Jefferson County’s E.C. Joachim
Scholarship award.
Presley stated “My whole life has been spent farming and ranching with family and friends. I love to play sports. I have always been active in softball, basketball and rodeo. As I have grown into my high school years, my teammates and I have been very successful on the field and the court. We own horses that we use on the farm, ranch and rodeo…. I have to give credit to our 4H program for all this success. Whether I really knew it or not, 4H has always been a huge part of my life and has made a big impact on me…. 4H has helped me gain knowledge and leadership skills that I will need in the future… I personally believe every kid needs to be involved in 4H, not just the show kids.”
Jefferson County OHCE (Oklahoma Home and Community Education) meet the 3rd Tuesdays in the Waurika Sr. Citizens Center unless otherwise noted. Dr. Lynn Null, Extension Educator, FCS/4-H Youth Development, CED Comanche County presented “10 Minutes to the Table” to OHCE members at the Jefferson County OSU Fairgrounds; she prepared a delicious dish of Chicken Enchiladas Verde. Membership to OHCE is open to any individual. Call 580-228-2332 for additional information.

Upcoming lessons: Tuesday, June 19: “Home Invasion/Self Defense”
Upcoming events: July 8-10: 83rd Annual OHCE meeting
Co-Parenting for Resilience: Divorce or separation is not an easy or favorable decision, especially when minor children are in the home. A class for divorcing or separating parents with minor children living in the home is available monthly. Our next class is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, 2018. Pre-registration is required. Call Jefferson County OSU Extension Office at 580-228-2332 for registration information. This class is mandatory by law in Oklahoma and is also valuable for Grandparents and other relatives of minor children going through a divorce or separation.
Information is available on our website and on our Facebook pages JeffersonCounty Fourh and JeffersonCounty Osu Extension.