The 7.5% increase in water may not be popular, but according the City Commissioners it’s necessary to keep the books balanced.
In other business the commissioners opened the floor for discussion about the budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year.
There had been some questions about the way the categories were identified within the budget. The explanation was that all city councils across the nation must layout their budget in six categories using Governmental Accounting Standards.
The six categories are Personal Services, Materials and Supplies, Other Services and Charges (utilities, insurance, etc), Capital Outlay, Debt Service and Transfers.
Oklahoma is the only state that does not allow cities to levy ad valorem taxes without a vote of the people.
Therefore cities are limited on how they can raise money.
The budget is a conservative one. The city is anticipating lower revenues.
For instance the budget for the upcoming year projects that revenue will only be around $665,000. Last year the city brought in around $686,000. In the 2016-17 budget the city brought in $711,972.
As far as expenses are concerned, it is anticipated that the city may incur $92,000 more in expenses than last year.
RS Meacham (the accounting firm Waurika uses) explained that none of the municipalities that they work with comparable to the size of Waurika are able to support themselves from their sales and use taxes alone and must make up the balance through their water revenue. Thus the increase in water rates.
In other business, the city renewed their agreement with RS Meacham and Associates for monthly accounting, payroll and bookkeeping services.
The council also renewed the lease agreement with A&A WindPros Inc. for the former Elliott’s building for one year at $500 per month/$6000 annually.
Purchase Orders and Claims for the General Fund in the amount of $19,315.30 were approved.
Purchase Orders and Claims for the WPWA in the amount of $46,545.83 were approved.