68.7 F
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Round Ryan August 1, 2019


 If you have been paying attention, you will have noticed a young lady perched atop the scaffolding by the mural on Highway 81.  Her name is Maris Blanchard, she is the daughter of the late Bobbie Blanchard and the granddaughter of Teresa Blanchard.  We have all become accustomed to its faded appearance but I believe that if you look at it now or wait until she is finished, I think you will agree that it looks much better.  Ms. Blanchard is doing a wonderful job and she told me that it means a lot to her to be able to do this for her fathers home town and also that she has fond memories of coming to Ryan to visit when she was younger.  Thank you Maris.

 Ryan Fire Chief Randal Garcia tells me that they had a good turn out for the first annual Stop, Drop and Run 5K fun run and walk.  It is great to see so many people participating.  They had hamburgers for lunch after the run but I was unable to attend as I had a family reunion to attend at the same time but I bet the food was good.

 The reunion mentioned in the above paragraph was a lot of fun.  Mostly we sat around talking and eating.  Some of our relations from the east side of the county as well as some nice folks from Texas came to visit.  Bob Cates started off life in Ryan but his family left after a fire destroyed the family business.  Bob told me his brother, Utah Cates (is that a cool name or what), worked for the railroad.  I am hoping that some of my elders around town can enlighten me in regard to the Cates family.

 Wednesday was the last day for the children’s reading group here in Ryan because school will be starting in a couple of weeks.  T J Dewbre tells me that there are already plans in the works for a possibly expanded reading group next year.  As you can imagine this is a cause that is near and dear to my heart.  I believe that the earlier that you expose children to reading and books the better.  I am taking this opportunity to thank a few folks, Michelle for getting the ball rolling, TJ, Heidi Townsend, Emily Smith, Amanda Reagan, Cheryl Carter and the town council (I know that I am missing a bunch of people but you know who you are), thank you for picking the ball up and running with it.

 It is easy to let personal feelings color our thinking, but all of these stories, the mural, the fire department and the children’s reading group are examples of people working together for the common good.  Call me Pollyanna if you like but I think things are looking up in Ryan.

 The book I am reading is called “Dancing At the Harvest Moon” by K.C. McKinnon.  The harvest moon of the title is a dance hall and eating establishment open seasonally on a lake in Canada.  This is a tale of love and loss, re-birth and starting over when life kicks you in the teeth as happens from time to time.  I am not sure from whom I acquired this book but so far it has been good reading.  The art work alone makes it worth looking through.  I frequently get books given to me.  Sometimes it is a case of someone cleaning out a cupboard and sometimes it is hey I just read this and you need to read it as well.  In ether case the gifts are greatly appreciated, I can’t think of a better gift than a book.

 I am thinking about a time when my younger sister came home from college to visit and when she walked through the door, I’m stretched out in the living room floor listening to “Freebird” and reading a volume of Walt Whitman that she had given me.  This comes to mind because as I sit here writing this I have music playing, it is hard to type and rock out as well. (I have my earplugs in so to anyone watching, I must appear spastic). Other than the first song, none of the music was selected by me, so I have run down the list of several great songs, from “Sweet Home Alabama” to “Can’t You See” to “With a Little Help from My Friends” and now it’s “Freebird”.  I’m not sure why books and music go together for me, maybe it’s the story telling inherit in both.  I’ll see if my sister remembers.   

Round Ryan April 18 2019

Ryan Main Street

I spent the afternoon watching the Ryan High Cowboys play baseball against the Waurika Eagles.  Other than the bull gnats and the skimpy rations of chili and cheese on the Frito pie it was an enjoyable evening.

  The Annual Ryan Town Easter Egg Hunt was a rousing success.  Lots of children and prizes were on hand for the festivities.  The Baptist Church is having an Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday at the Bob Givens Sports Complex.  Registration is at 9:45, the hunt starts at 10:00 and the drawing for the bicycle will begin at 10:45.  Come join in the fun.   It seems odd to me, a giant rabbit hiding chicken eggs to celebrate a Christian holiday, but that is just me.

  The American Legion of Ryan  is going to start having “Family Night “, this will be a dance with a live band and concessions will be on hand.  It is planned for Saturday, May 18th.  I will bring you more information as it is available.

  If you read last weeks column you will remember that I mentioned the survey about what books that are your personal favorites.  In the category of novels, I would have to say that my all time favorite is “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.  Besides the nostalgia of growing up in a small town where everyone is familiar with everyone, there is the character of Atticus Finch.  A man very much of his time but willing to stand against bigotry and injustice that was unfortunately still a part of everyday life in a lot of places.  If you have never read this fine book, give it a try.  In the category of non-fiction, my favorite is the biography called “Captain Sir Richard Burton” by Edward Rice.  Captain Burton was an Irish national serving as an officer in the British Army, in itself a feat.  He was highly intelligent and skilled in many languages and dialects.  This enabled him to serve as an officer, spy and interpreter.  He was the first westerner to enter Medina and Mecca, doing so in the disguise of a native dervish.  Well worth the read.  They also made a movie about Captain Burton and his partner John Hanning Speke.  Between the two of them they discovered the source of the Nile.  The movie, “Mountains of the Moon” is a fictionalized account but still a good movie.  I could go on and on and often do, so until next week. 

Round Ryan October 12 2017

Ryan Main Street
We have been blessed with nearly 3 inches of rain this past week. It was much needed, and is pretty well been absorbed into the soil now.  I am watching my lawn and hoping not to have to get on the mower again this year, but I am seeing some blades of grass stick up more than what I like, so, maybe next weekend will be the last.
Brionna and I attended the wedding ceremony of Denver Bob and Hailey Overstreet.  They had a good crowd out there at the Beaver Creek Barn near Walters.  Brother Bob Waitman officiated over the ceremony.  He had a lot of kind words, scriptures, and advice for the couple.
The Ryan junior high football team will be playing Thackerville on October 9, starting at 6:30pm here in Ryan.  The high school team will be playing Fox here with the game starting at 7:30pm this Friday night.
We will be closing the Ryan Drug Store at 11:00am this Thursday to attend the funeral service of Brionna’s uncle and my brother-in-law, Brad Compton, in Lewisville, TX. We will open Friday as usual.
This coming Monday, October 9, is Columbus Day and this is a holiday for the banks, post office, and Ryan City Hall.  They will all be closed Monday.
Kim’s news for this week:
Thanks to Pat and Doyle again for giving Ruffy Tuffy a trim.
This week was great, Foxy had her birthday, she turned 8.
And isn’t God grand for the rain on this land.
The Cowboy Church roping was awesome, I scared Doyle with Foxy’s toy possum.
When I got stuck, there was no doubt that the cowboys would get me out.
Everyone have a blessed week and prayers for rain have been helping, but continue to pray for each other here and everywhere.

Round Ryan January 25 2018

We’ve made it through yet another week of drastically low temperatures, but on the brighter side, was the weekend. It got up into the 70s on Saturday and Sunday. Now, we are not as cold, but a bit cooler than what we saw this weekend.
This Saturday is our Ryan food distribution from the food bank starting at 10:00am.
Brionna and her group from TKRanch made their trip to Dallas and had a really good time.  They made it over to Plano and saw Karen, and to their surprise, Karen’s sister was able to take Karen so she could go to the movies with her dorm mates.  She and the other women from Dorm #3 had even a better time since Karen was able to be a part with them again.   They went to 2 or 3 different places each day, but, one day they went up into Reunion Tower.  I don’t know that I would have cared for that too much myself.   They got back to the ranch on Thursday afternoon.  Then, on Saturday morning, their dorm mother wound up with the flu.  I called to talk to Brionna Sunday evening and Dianna answered the phone.  I knew from her voice she was sick.  She was trying to keep a distance from the women in the dorm.  I hope she if feeling better now.
When I woke up Saturday morning and turned the television on, the first thing I heard was that we were in a government shutdown.  They announced this morning that our government leaders have come to an agreement and we are okay now until February 8th.
When I woke up this morning, I learned that there was an earthquake just out from Alaska that registered 7.9. This was over 100 miles out from land that the earthquake occurred. In the northeastern part of our country, they are expecting massive floods.  But, thankfully, all is quite in Ryan.
This Saturday is Brionna’s birthday.  She is going to be 28 years old.  Happy Birthday, Brionna!  We are planning to go to Wichita Falls with her grandparents and dorm mates and eat at the Red Robin restaurant.
The flu is beginning to work its’ way back around here.  I have seen many in town that are ill.
Kim’s news for this week:
Praise God for the weather and Joe Toddy is better.
I’ve been riding in the pasture again, in the sunshine and the wind.  Ruffy Tuffy can shake which is nice, I think Foxy has been giving him advice.
Everyone have a blessed week.  Prayers to good health and for rain.

Celebrate Christmas on the Trail in Ryan


Make plans now to be a part of Christmas on the Trail in Ryan on December 1st.

There will be multiple FREE drawings throughout the day. However,  you must be present to win.

School kids will bring their decorated ornaments to place on the Downtown Christmas Tree between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm.

There will be pony rides, wagon rides, hot chocolate, face painting, vendors, a cake walk.

As a special bonus, the 2 Cajons food truck will be there as well.

We will see you there!

Ryan Softball Seniors Honored at Home Game

The Ryan Senior girls were honored recently at recent home game. The community expressed their gratitude for their commitment and hard work….

The following is a picture of the seniors and their parents.

(l-r) Darwin Deboard, Laken Deboard, Regina Reimer, Kory Reimer, Candice Keith, Justyce Keith, C.J. Keith, Sebastian Guzman, Sadie Guzman, Susan Torress, Josie Martin, Emilee Martin, and Jason Martin. These Seniors along with their parents were honored at the last home softball game of the season.Photo by Sheree Hanson

Ryan Council Meeting – Easter Egg Hunt March 24 2018


All members of the Council were present along with Ryan’s attorney as the council undertook the business in the interest of the town of Ryan.

Deborah Reynolds read the treasurer’s report for the month ending on February 28, 2018. The report was approved unanimously. 

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

The purchase orders and claims were approved for the month of November.

Next, the council discussed a request of the Ryan Public Schools to possibly place a wireless antenna on the town water tower. The city attorney, Kenzie Wheeler, suggested that the school sign a liability waiver. The antenna will be used to broadcast an internet signal from the school to the football field.

Ryan voted to sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt in the park on Saturday, March 24, 2018.

The council voted to pass Resolution 2018-01 reducing the commercial polecat rate from $30.00 to $19.50 per month.

Ryan will publish a request for bids for the cemetery mowing contract for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019.

Under new business, the council said the Ryan water will be turned off this coming Saturday in order to facilitate repairs. It is believed that the water could be turned back on by noon or soon thereafter.

The Utility Authority Meeting began immediately after the conclusion of the regular town meeting.

The minutes for the previous meeting were approved.

Next, the council approved paying the bills and claims for the month of February.

The council voted to purchase 2 (15 KVA Reclosures from T&R Electric for a total cost of $13,700. The current ones haven’t been replaced in at least 60 years. The new ones will be more efficient and dependable. The reclosures act like a circuit breaker. One services the north side of town and the other the south side of town.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Round Ryan March 22 2018

Ryan Main Street

Spring is officially here, and, plants and trees are really beginning to show their awesome beauty around here.  I went over to my peach tree (I think) and wanted to smell the blooms to see if there was an odor to their blooms.  There is.  There was also a honey bee headed into one of the blooms that I was about to stick close to my nose.  I let him have it. We also still have those bugs that look like lady bugs, around town in great numbers.  I’ve seen them in peoples homes as well as outside.  They are some sort of a Japanese beetle, from what I’ve heard.  I do believe they will bite a person, if you are so inclined to pick them up to hold them.

We were blessed with a little bit of rain after church service was over Sunday afternoon.  It began a very fine mist as I was going to church at about 9:15am and wound up raining before the sun came out and displayed its’ beauty Sunday afternoon.  We welcome any and all precipitation around here.  We are still in great need of precipitation.  We are in a burn ban, so, be very careful if you strike a match outside your home or in pastures or fields around Jefferson county.

I went to Duncan Saturday afternoon and while I was there, it began to get really cloudy late in the afternoon.  It began raining there as I was leaving out around 5:00 in the early evening. We weren’t as fortunate to have been blessed by that same rain system.

This Saturday is the food bank distribution at 10:00am.  Also at 1:00 in the park there will be the Easter egg hunt.

Joe Turner is in the Jefferson County Hospital for a little while. Prayers for him as he is in the healing process and for Fern as she travels daily to be with him.  Wayne Harrison, Linda’s husband, is in need of our prayers as he recuperates from having had surgery to repair an aneurism.  They were unable to make the repair as he sustained a heart attack during his surgical procedure.  Linda says that he is doing much better now, though.  That is good to hear.

I haven’t spoken about the casino in Terral, since they opened.  Brionna, Jim, and I went up there to check it out on the night they opened on March 1.  None of us got back what we put into the machines.  That seemed to be what was happening with everyone we spoke to that went that day.  There has been one lucky individual that got quite a jackpot of nearly $1 million.

The Ryan Family Clinic hosted a party for Brenda Johnson last Friday, as she is nearing her retirement this month.  I am not sure if Brenda is looking forward to this occasion or dreading it since all she has ever done in her life is work.  Bless her as she begins a new chapter in her life. Her kids and grandkids and siblings will keep her busy, I’ll bet.

Kim’s news for this week:

I enjoy talking to Ron and Traci, I do.  Especially about their pet rooster, LaRae.

What a blessed week, I can’t complain.  Praise God for the rain.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Keep praying for rain and for each other and have a Happy Palm Sunday this coming weekend.

Round Ryan May 17 2018

Ryan Main Street

It’s been a great week, but, this is the first week that we’ve not been blessed with a bit of rain.  Maybe this week, we will have a better opportunity for some, if the Lord is willing.  The days are now nearly constant for highs in the 90s.  I try to get any outdoor work that needs to be taken care of done early in the mornings.  It doesn’t take long for our seasons to pass, anymore.

This past week has been a busy week for most folks around Ryan.  Brionna and I went up to Waurika to Doc’s Place to eat dinner Thursday evening.  Brionna had fried shrimp and I had a grilled pork chop with peach chutney.  It was a very good meal. 

Saturday evening, we attended the Ryan graduation ceremony/  I was surprised that they didn’t have a guest speaker, but, they don’t always have 2 Valedictorians and 2 Salutatorians either.  Take Kimbro and McKenzie Lewis shared the spots for the Valedictorian of the class, and Dawson Tomberlin and Cara Williams, shared the spots for the Salutatorian. Each one of them gave a speech.  Cara Williams, along with her speech, played her guitar and sang a song.  She is very talented young lady.  Congratulations to all of the Ryan graduates.  Good luck to all of you and God be with you all.

Sunday was Mother’s Day and Brionna and I made it to church.  Edna had commented in Sunday School, that she hoped someone from her family would be there at church with her.  She did indeed have both Natalie and Leslie with her husband, David. After church, I decided not to go home to cook for use, but, instead, headed to eat out at Bill’s.  It seemed like we had to park about a half mile away from the restaurant, but, they were packed.  We stood outside for a while, then went inside the entryway and stood for another while.  I saw Ramona Bryant and got to talk to her for a little while.  She is living in Duncan at an independent living facility that is only about a year old.  She really does like it where she is.   We also ran into Joyce and Lynn Plant while we were standing outside.  They had their kids and some of their families there, too.  We finally got to sit on the benches and visit for a little bit.  I told Joyce that you have to be really hungry for Bill’s fish to have to wait for as long as we did.  Our final wait was about an hour and a half.  It was all worth it, though.  The fish and hush puppies and the cole slaw, were all delicious.  Then, to top off our meal, they brought all the mothers out a chocolate covered strawberry for dessert. I imagine most restaurants were pretty crowded with families, trying to get Moms out of the kitchens.

We didn’t get over to see Mom as I had originally planned.  I had a cold and didn’t want to get around Mom or the other residents in the home.  I called her and wished her a Happy Mother’s Day, though.  My brother, Mel, took her out to eat there in Nocona at Del Rios.  He said she really enjoyed her outing.

Our kids will be having their last day of school this Friday.  Ya’ll have a great summer!

Kim’s news for this week:

This week I was not alone, my friend, Brionna, was home.  She went with Foxy and me to see Ruffy Tuffy. That wasn’t all–me, Foxy, and her played ball.

Ruffy Tuffy got hurt in his stall, but, he’ll be okay after all.

Everyone have a blessed week.  Pray for rain and for each other.



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