Quote of the Day- “Never get tired of little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest parts of their hearts.”
Terral School– Menu for the week- Tuesday Breakfast- Biscuit, gravy, fruit, milk & juice. Wednesday Breakfast- Poptart, Yogurt, Fruit, Milk & Juice. Lunch- Fish Sticks, Potato wedges, salad, fruit & milk. Thursday Breakfast- Egg, ham, biscuit, fruit, milk & juice. Lunch- Chicken Strips, okra, fries, fruit, bread & milk. No School Friday.
FBC Girls in Action – School is almost out and we will be out for summer also. We are gearing up for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast on May 11th. We will be finishing up our study of Super Hero’s soon. We made enough money from the Bake Sale on Saturday for our End-Of-The-Year Pool Party to be announced as soon as scheduled. Special thanks to everyone who supported us at the bake sale.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt– We had a good turn out for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Terral Baseball Field. I would like to send out “Special Thanks” to everyone who donated candy, prizes, and helped by working a table to stuffing the eggs. It is not possible without the help of others. Just know you are very much appreciated! The winners by category Walking to Three years old- Girl with most eggs- Lillahna Landis, Boy with most eggs- Harlen Orten, and winner of the rocking horse(donated by Barry Alsup) Gauge Koetter. Four to Six years old- Girl with Most Eggs- Piper Kirkpatrick, Boy with the most eggs- Gunner Nunley and winner of the bicycle with training wheels was Damien Pruitt(Donated by the Terral Volunteer Fire Department)ven to nine year olds- Girl with most eggs- Jasmarie Cruz, Boy with the most eggs- Braden Sandfur and winner of the Bicycle was Oat Wyler(Donated by the Terral Volunteer Fire Department) Ten to Twelve year olds- Girl with the most eggs- Skye Lyons, Boy with the most eggs- Kolton Rodriguez and winner of the Kick Scooter (donated by the FBC GA’s) Angelina Hyde. Thanks to the persons who manned the tables- You are so appreciated!
Happy Birthday To You– Codi Bauer & Devin Behm Celebrated on the 16th. Andrew Villarreal will party on the 20th. Jordan Garcia will turn “9” on the 23rd. Kasen Rodriguez will celebrate on the 23rd also. Carrie Villarreal will Praise the Lord on the 27th. Rachel Sain will have cake on the 29th. Congrats and May God Bless you with many more.
Community Prayer List – Jan Campsey, Gary Bussey, A.R. and Martha Jane Goates, Wayne Wyler, Pat Bussey, Tony Rodriguez, Scotty Day, Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Martin, Adam White, Mary Loo Duke, Esther Grimes, Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shawna Reed, Hardy Johnson and our military stationed around the world. Our Prayer is for God to keep you in his loving care.